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Tension defuses between the US and Pakistan


Apr 23, 2011
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WASHINGTON: The United States (US) believes Pakistan’s cooperation remains vital to American national security even as it has issues at times with the country, the White House said amid reports of improved counter-terror collaboration between the two sides.
“The cooperation we have with Pakistan is extremely important in terms of our national security objectives, in terms of protecting Americans, in terms of taking the fight to al Qaeda, and that’s why we continue to work with the Pakistanis and try to build on that cooperation,” Jay Carney, President Obama’s spokesman said.
(Read: Islamabad, Washington rebuilding ties: Clapper)
The White House press secretary was responding to a question at the daily briefing in the backdrop of the latest strains in US-Pakistan ties, appearing after Washington’s assertions that Pakistani security organisations backed militant Haqqani group’s activities in Afghanistan.
Islamabad has strongly rejected any such assertions.
At the briefing, Carney noted the United States – which has relied on Pakistan for enforcing security along the porous Afghan border as well as for transporting NATO and US supplies to landlocked Afghanistan in the decade-old conflict – has an “important” relationship with Pakistan.
“We have had enormous successes through our cooperation with Pakistan,” the spokesman said, echoing President Obama’s remarks at a press conference on Thursday that the US could not have succeeded in crushing al Qaeda in Pakistan-Afghanistan border region without Islamabad’s cooperation.
(Read: 10 years on: Karzai admits security failure, Obama touts progress)
However, Carney’s comments also acknowledged disagreements existing on some issues between the two countries. “We have also made clear that we have issues with Pakistan at times, and that it is a complicated relationship. And I think the President addressed that very clearly and fully yesterday in his press conference.”
On Friday, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in an interview that the intelligence and security organisations of the two countries are rebuilding their ties and revealed that Islamabad has captured five al Qaeda suspects.

Cooperation with Pakistan is extremely important: US – The Express Tribune
Pakistan Arrests Al Qaeda Suspects, Stops Asking for End to CIA Drone Strikes.
Published October 08, 2011

Oct. 8: Pakistani explosive experts defuse ammunition and suicide vests they recovered from a house in Islamabad, Pakistan.

WASHINGTON – In what could mark a turning point in U.S.-Pakistani relations, Pakistani forces have arrested a handful of Al Qaeda suspects at the CIA's request and allowed the U.S. access to the detainees, U.S. and Pakistani officials said.

Pakistan has also stopped demanding the CIA suspend the covert drone strikes that have damaged Al Qaeda's militant ranks in Pakistan's tribal areas, officials on both sides say -- though the Pakistanis say they have simply put this on the back burner for now. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive strategic matters.

Only one of the Al Qaeda figures who was arrested is considered senior, but U.S. and Pakistani officials called the combined moves a trend in the right direction.

"They are doing things to cooperate and be helpful," Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Friday in an interview with The Associated Press.

Clapper would not comment on the details shared by other U.S. and two Pakistani officials, but confirmed there has been some progress restoring the joint intelligence cooperation that used to be routine, prior to the covert U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden inside Pakistan in May. The raid inflamed anti-American sentiment in Pakistan and embarrassed its intelligence services, who were already angry over an incident in January, when a CIA security contractor shot dead two Pakistanis he said were trying to rob him.

For a time, Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency refused to carry out any joint operations with American intelligence officers, nor would they allow the Americans access to question militant detainees. Visas as well were hard to come by for U.S. officials of any stripe. The breakdown in relations took on a tit-for-tat quality, with Pakistan expelling most of the U.S. military trainers in the country, and the U.S. cutting off several hundred million dollars in military aid.

There are still bumps, including over recent high-level U.S. criticism of Pakistan's ties to militant groups.

Pakistan considered halting some of the increased cooperation after Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Adm. Mike Mullen accused Pakistan's spy shop of complicity with the militant Haqqani network's attack on the U.S. embassy in neighboring Afghanistan. Mullen levied that charge, the most serious U.S. allegation against Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks, within a few days of leaving his post last month.

President Barack Obama was more circumspect on Thursday, saying "there is no doubt that there is some connection that the Pakistani military and intelligence services have with certain individuals that we find troubling."

Obama said he does not want to yank humanitarian aid or take other punitive measures just to make a point, but some in Congress are demanding a major retrenchment in U.S. engagement with what many see as a reluctant and inconsistent anti-terrorism partner.

More fallout from that clash arose Thursday, when a Pakistani government commission concluded a Pakistani doctor should be prosecuted for treason, for running a vaccination program to help the CIA locate bin Laden.

Dr. Shakil Afridi Afridi has been in the custody of Pakistan's ISI since the bin Laden raid.

Yet against the backdrop of public claim and counterclaim, intelligence officials on both sides say they have labored to restore communication.

Clapper and three top CIA officials have held what he described as "frank and candid meetings," with Pakistan's intelligence chief Lt. Gen. Shuja Pasha both in the U.S. and Islamabad since the bin Laden raid.

The improved cooperation is a byproduct of mutual need, rather than shared trust at this point, officials concede. Pakistan does not want to risk losing U.S. diplomatic and financial support, and the U.S. needs Pakistani cooperation to continue counterterrorist operations against Al Qaeda in one of its key safe havens. The U.S. military also needs Pakistani consent to use the country's roads to resupply U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Read more: Pakistan Arrests Al Qaeda Suspects, Stops Asking For End To CIA Drone Strikes | Fox News
As I said in another thread.. Kayani has promised to get ISI to behave which has led to toning down of the rhetoric from USA...
As I said in another thread.. Kayani has promised to get ISI to behave which has led to toning down of the rhetoric from USA...
Cooperation on AQ was never the issue, that much even Mullen and other high level officials (including Obama recently) have admitted.

So I don't really see how existing and continuing cooperation on AQ can be seen as a result of US 'threats'.

I do think that Pakistan may have threatened to end existing cooperation on hunting down AQ if the US did not end its inflammatory and hostile rhetoric.

Don't see how you can arrive at 'Kayani promised to get the ISI to behave' from the above article ...

BTW, in terms of your 'Nostradamic predictions', you also claimed that either a North Waziristan Operation and/or a massive escalation of US strikes (air and/or special forces) in NW was going to be happening ...
BTW, in terms of your 'Nostradamic predictions', you also claimed that either a North Waziristan Operation and/or a massive escalation of US strikes (air and/or special forces) in NW was going to be happening ...

and also that the Army was going to take over the gov't any day now.
I cant believe Pakistan not asking US for an end to drone strikes in this current scenario when both the countries are head on (On media) . Kayani's statements are too clear to understand the situation right now.

What makes me to think strange is the fact that Pakistan in reality never asked US for an end to drones, also revealed by wikileaks. If Pakistan has never asked for a seize then how come US can say now 'Pakistan have stopped asking for end to drone strike'?

Al Qaida, yes, Pakistan is committed for its eradication.
As I said in another thread.. Kayani has promised to get ISI to behave which has led to toning down of the rhetoric from USA...

These Indian Analysts are just wonderful aren't they? :bounce: Im thinking hard where to rate it in a BS scale of 1 to 100. Pathetic!

WASHINGTON: The United States (US) believes Pakistan’s cooperation remains vital to American national security even as it has issues at times with the country, the White House said amid reports of improved counter-terror collaboration between the two sides.
“The cooperation we have with Pakistan is extremely important in terms of our national security objectives, in terms of protecting Americans, in terms of taking the fight to al Qaeda, and that’s why we continue to work with the Pakistanis and try to build on that cooperation,” Jay Carney, President Obama’s spokesman said.
(Read: Islamabad, Washington rebuilding ties: Clapper)
The White House press secretary was responding to a question at the daily briefing in the backdrop of the latest strains in US-Pakistan ties, appearing after Washington’s assertions that Pakistani security organisations backed militant Haqqani group’s activities in Afghanistan.
Islamabad has strongly rejected any such assertions.
At the briefing, Carney noted the United States – which has relied on Pakistan for enforcing security along the porous Afghan border as well as for transporting NATO and US supplies to landlocked Afghanistan in the decade-old conflict – has an “important” relationship with Pakistan.
“We have had enormous successes through our cooperation with Pakistan,” the spokesman said, echoing President Obama’s remarks at a press conference on Thursday that the US could not have succeeded in crushing al Qaeda in Pakistan-Afghanistan border region without Islamabad’s cooperation.
(Read: 10 years on: Karzai admits security failure, Obama touts progress)
However, Carney’s comments also acknowledged disagreements existing on some issues between the two countries. “We have also made clear that we have issues with Pakistan at times, and that it is a complicated relationship. And I think the President addressed that very clearly and fully yesterday in his press conference.”
On Friday, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in an interview that the intelligence and security organisations of the two countries are rebuilding their ties and revealed that Islamabad has captured five al Qaeda suspects.

Cooperation with Pakistan is extremely important: US – The Express Tribune

thats why america giving billion of aid to a country whom's 90% citizen hate them(to emmie,
i am using my friend ID because they banned me for three day since he know nothing about this thing)
the guy in the pic looks like a clever mischievous boy!
I love the way US says "we're going to screw you over and over until you give into our demands". :lol:. Interesting tactic.
I love the way US says "we're going to screw you over and over until you give into our demands". :lol:. Interesting tactic.

Yet it is the US that expresses its frustration with Pakistan in the media & public all the time.
Tension defuses between the US and Pakistan

By Imran Farooqi

Recently, tension reached new heights between the United States and Pakistan regarding the Haqqani network when the US retiring Admiral Mike Mullen accused that with the support of Pakistan’s spy agency, ISI, Haqqani militants, based in North Waziristan of the country, were waging a ‘proxy war’ in Afghanistan, and were involved in the bombing of the US embassy. However, Pakistan’s civil and military leadership rejected the allegations and refused to do more, caring for internal backlash...

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