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Tejas Mark 1A to be superior to PAF’s F-16 blk 52 and JF-17 blk 3: ADA Chief

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2023? When I was in high school back in 2007 I heard it will be inducted in IAF by 2011 and will be superior to any PAF fleet. And when my son starts high school he will too hear in the news IAF will be inducted in 2030!

Has tejas ever been in a dogfight? :rolleyes:
its been in a b1tch fight with Mig-21 which still does not let it take its place!
So just having an AESA radar will give it an edge over China and Pakistan's future air forces?
What kind of new AESA technology India has developed?

ELTA’s EL/M-2052 AESA Radar from Israel
Girish Deodhare, chief of the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) of DRDO, has confirmed that ADA and HAL were asked by IAF to develop Tejas Mark 1A with capabilities and technology which will make it superior to the entire fleet of Pakistan Air force (PAF) including F-16 Block-52 and JF-17 Block-III with five new additional capabilities.

That's about it.
The reality: Mk1 is more modern than Blk2, and Mk1A will be more modern than Blk3 in most contexts. But modernity is not equivalent to capability, and thus Mk1A and Blk3 will have similar capabilities. Either can come out on top on its day depending on configuration and strategy.

F16 talk is nonsense. For that, we've to wait till Mk2.
LMAO These Indians are still trying to prove to the world how they didn’t get their ugly smelly a$$ kicked on the 27th. Now Hanuman Tejas is supposed to be the best LOL
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