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Tejas is tested with new features and improved engine


Anyways, my genuine question, what's the status of the Tejas project? How many are in active service and where are they deployed?

How many are planned to be manufactured at this point?
However u put it.
Tejas basically failed.
Mk1 is a flying lemon,,,AF doesnt want it,,tejas mk1a is an attempt frm dpsu's to give it some sort of operational makeover so tht AF accepts it in numbers n the dpsus can continue wid thr usual business of mediocrity n big talk.
Even mk1a is anothr 5-6yrs away.
Now mk2 is being propped up by dpsu's ,,,another attempt at making somthng viable out of this project,,,i.e another decade atleast,,basically chai biskut for babus n dpsu's for nxt one decade(or two).
On paper,,,tejas mk2 is planned to be a true 4th gen fighter.
Can they make it though,,,,,,in time?
Going by thr track record,,I doubt it.
Anyway,,,we have to keep at it,,not mainly for the knowledge or indigenisation but coz dpsu's are jawahar rozgar yojna for ppl.just like most public sector entities,,dpsus inherently have a dysfunctional,corrupt work culture n r destined to remain mediocre.
Anyway,,,it is what it is.
Almost One squadrn is ready n wid AF now in service.
As of now,,,20 IOC n 20 FOC standard aircrafts have been ordered,,,beyond tht 83mk1a r being thought about,,, but not ordered.as far as i know.
However u put it.
Tejas basically failed.
Mk1 is a flying lemon,,,AF doesnt want it,,tejas mk1a is an attempt frm dpsu's to give it some sort of operational makeover so tht AF accepts it in numbers n the dpsus can continue wid thr usual business of mediocrity n big talk.
Even mk1a is anothr 5-6yrs away.
Now mk2 is being propped up by dpsu's ,,,another attempt at making somthng viable out of this project,,,i.e another decade atleast,,basically chai biskut for babus n dpsu's for nxt one decade(or two).
On paper,,,tejas mk2 is planned to be a true 4th gen fighter.
Can they make it though,,,,,,in time?
Going by thr track record,,I doubt it.
Anyway,,,we have to keep at it,,not mainly for the knowledge or indigenisation but coz dpsu's are jawahar rozgar yojna for ppl.just like most public sector entities,,dpsus inherently have a dysfunctional,corrupt work culture n r destined to remain mediocre.
Anyway,,,it is what it is.
Almost One squadrn is ready n wid AF now in service.
As of now,,,20 IOC n 20 FOC standard aircrafts have been ordered,,,beyond tht 83mk1a r being thought about,,, but not ordered.as far as i know.
My two cents:
Shove it down the throat of IAF.
F-35 has still faults but there are 400+ units produced and flying all over the world. All the faults of Tejas will be ironed out when it will start to fly.
My two cents:
Shove it down the throat of IAF.
F-35 has still faults but there are 400+ units produced and flying all over the world. All the faults of Tejas will be ironed out when it will start to fly.
Thats F35,,a fifth gen fighter.technologically superior to most aircrafts out thr even wid all its shortcomings.
N Here we r talking a poor mans mirage.
The 40 odd r ordered just coz govt forced IAF to.
BTW, do you consider Grippen a Swedish aircraft?
Its engine is derived from USA (F-404).
Radar is Italian (Selex).
Missiles are almost all American, non-Swedish.
Small parts (Gun German, Ejection Seat British and so on).
exactly you have illustrated my point, one should keep in mind before pointing figures toward JF-17,in real world such type of aircraft developments are always involved foreign components.
Actually we can do many things, but training a monkey for painting a fighter jet, is impossible or us. :p:

Means you can not even paint?


I don't think it matters how much of the fighter is truly indigenous and how much isn't. If the tech can be produced at home at a reasonable price than it's great.

Neither India nor Pakistan are at that point where they can claim to be competitive on the international stage in the weapons market based solely on truly indigenous r&d.

Anyways, my genuine question, what's the status of the Tejas project? How many are in active service and where are they deployed?

How many are planned to be manufactured at this point?[/QUOTE
Squadronon is in service
Shove it down the throat of IAF.
Thats basically what needs to be done. Yes Tejas has its shortcomings but no new platform is perfect.
Im just glad that i can steps for this being taken. Air Marshal Bhaduria was a test pilot for Tejas so he supports the platform and among other reasons why he was selected.
Vice Chief of Army Gen NN Naravane recently said 'we need to support homegrown systems, we will take whatever u produce, we cant wait for best'
Its finally dawning on Air Force and Army what Navy realised decades ago.
advance features... Lemon and coconuts installed... have mystical Goaw muttar powers...Tejas is contagious now
... to improve dry thrust to 58 kn. ...
This should give Tejas an exceptionally high T/W ratio. ....

Pardon, but either I misread yoour post or you use some sort of mathematics I don't understand. How could a fighter, which is often rated overweighted have an exceptionally high T/W due to a dry thrust of merely 58kN???

That's a joke? Isn't it??
Tejas the myth the legend!

Tejas is all story its more like folk lores indian defense industry sits on a round table and praise the imaginary lord tejas that never existed!

if only tejas was an animal indians would be consuming its oil for blessing!

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