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Tejas, an Indian Air Force light combat aircraft (File)Indian Air Force Jets Slated to Have Beyond-V

Its 30 years from start to end lol.

the tejas is single engine btw...single engine not an ideal fighter jet..most airforces will go for double engines

The USAF, US Marines, US Navy and most NATO countries looking for new fighters nowadays tend to disagree.
Austria is likely to swap their expensive double engine fighter for a single engine fighter.
Can anyone have timeline for LCA? and when this LCA will be finally in full combat mode?
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Can anyone have timeline for LCA? and when this LCA will be finally in full combat mode?

Wont be ready till we fit space lasers and a hyperdrive for intergalactic travel in them.

The USAF, US Marines, US Navy and most NATO countries looking for new fighters nowadays tend to disagree.
Austria is likely to swap their expensive double engine fighter for a single engine fighter.

I would not agree with you. A twin engine fighter is much more safer than a single engine fighter IMHO. Training a pilot and that gestation period costs much lesser than building an aircraft.
Wont be ready till we fit space lasers and a hyperdrive for intergalactic travel in them.

I would not agree with you. A twin engine fighter is much more safer than a single engine fighter IMHO. Training a pilot and that gestation period costs much lesser than building an aircraft.
Don't troll and if you don't have proper answer then don't comment
Don't troll and if you don't have proper answer then don't comment

It is not the troll it is how poorly the whole project is mis-managed. The aircraft in current configuration is good. But the IAF recently wanted an AESA radar fitted to it and 93 more modifications that does not even include the engine. The aircraft is being optimized for precision strike role which it is not even going to perform.
The IAF wants a Mirage 2000 in a Gnat. This takes a long time. What I told was more like an anecdote. Not a troll.
It is not the troll it is how poorly the whole project is mis-managed. The aircraft in current configuration is good. But the IAF recently wanted an AESA radar fitted to it and 93 more modifications that does not even include the engine. The aircraft is being optimized for precision strike role which it is not even going to perform.
The IAF wants a Mirage 2000 in a Gnat. This takes a long time. What I told was more like an anecdote. Not a troll.
Ok sorry for my earlier reply:cheers:

It is not the troll it is how poorly the whole project is mis-managed. The aircraft in current configuration is good. But the IAF recently wanted an AESA radar fitted to it and 93 more modifications that does not even include the engine. The aircraft is being optimized for precision strike role which it is not even going to perform.
The IAF wants a Mirage 2000 in a Gnat. This takes a long time. What I told was more like an anecdote. Not a troll.
The biggest mistake what India did is, freeze the design and concept and India must freeze it and once achieve then go for another block like we did
Ok sorry for my earlier reply:cheers:

The biggest mistake what India did is, freeze the design and concept and India must freeze it and once achieve then go for another block like we did

The IAF could afford to wait as it can order any aircraft after pressurizing the Indian government to sanction funds for it. Even with so much corruption and embezzlement of funds we still have money to spare and most of them are not being spent in the budget. PAF was short on cash and they wanted a 'sanction-free' aircraft that can be deployed in numbers. JF 17 fitted the bill. I infact admire the way JF 17 project was handled. Reminded me of Bhramos.

There have been more assasination attempts on LCA than even Fiedel Castro. That kid has survived and has built an ecosystem for aircraft, avionics and turbine research and development which will help us in future. It is high time we stop improving on this aircraft and go ahead with the construction of the fifth generation design which we already have.

We had the SNECMA P 53 on offer but we went for the GE 414, we had a beautiful delta canard design, Everything was perfect but I still dont know how we managed to screw up this well thought out project. Seems like the delinking of ISRO from DRDO caused the huge imbalance in project management as the sane heads from the DRDO left to ISRO.
The IAF could afford to wait as it can order any aircraft after pressurizing the Indian government to sanction funds for it. Even with so much corruption and embezzlement of funds we still have money to spare and most of them are not being spent in the budget. PAF was short on cash and they wanted a 'sanction-free' aircraft that can be deployed in numbers. JF 17 fitted the bill. I infact admire the way JF 17 project was handled. Reminded me of Bhramos.

There have been more assasination attempts on LCA than even Fiedel Castro. That kid has survived and has built an ecosystem for aircraft, avionics and turbine research and development which will help us in future. It is high time we stop improving on this aircraft and go ahead with the construction of the fifth generation design which we already have.

We had the SNECMA P 53 on offer but we went for the GE 414, we had a beautiful delta canard design, Everything was perfect but I still dont know how we managed to screw up this well thought out project. Seems like the delinking of ISRO from DRDO caused the huge imbalance in project management as the sane heads from the DRDO left to ISRO.
Clearliy GE414G is far ahead of P53 or even P53 P2. I give additional trust so its good deal if India can break US
Clearliy GE414G is far ahead of P53 or even P53 P2. I give additional trust so its good deal if India can break US

The EPE on which the GE 414 INS6 that is built is for the MK2/Naval version. When the aircraft was conceived we had good experience with P 53 in our Mirage 2000s. The F 404 was a leaky stupid engine and a Fuel guzzler. Americans just marketed it well and like an idiot we chose that engine. The F 414 is giving us trouble in tests so I have my reservations about that engine.
Wont be ready till we fit space lasers and a hyperdrive for intergalactic travel in them.

I would not agree with you. A twin engine fighter is much more safer than a single engine fighter IMHO. Training a pilot and that gestation period costs much lesser than building an aircraft.

Having two engines increases the risk of engine failure since either can break.

Gripen has been in service for 20 years with no engine related losses.
Western Engines are very reliable nowadays, Soviet and Chinese engines less so.

You will have to pay for the second engine, making the plane more expensive,
and cost per flight hour will go up.
A difference in CPFH of $10k is $80M over the time of the aircraft.
Even if you lose a few to engine accidents, it is going to be more cost effective.

Running with a single engine in a double engine plane may make the plane uncontrollable.

If an engine is taken out in combat, the plane is most likely going to be a loss.

The big reason for double engine is to get enough thrust for a large airframe,
capable of plenty of fuel, and internal weapons.
Having two engines increases the risk of engine failure since either can break.

Gripen has been in service for 20 years with no engine related losses.
Western Engines are very reliable nowadays, Soviet and Chinese engines less so.

You will have to pay for the second engine, making the plane more expensive,
and cost per flight hour will go up.
A difference in CPFH of $10k is $80M over the time of the aircraft.
Even if you lose a few to engine accidents, it is going to be more cost effective.

Running with a single engine in a double engine plane may make the plane uncontrollable.

If an engine is taken out in combat, the plane is most likely going to be a loss.

The big reason for double engine is to get enough thrust for a large airframe,
capable of plenty of fuel, and internal weapons.

Western engines are more reliable because more time is spent maintaining them. Russian engines are unreliable because they are used more than their desired lifetime. Chinese engine? They are still taking their baby steps.

But there are lot of instances where a double engine aircraft has landed with only a single engine. Never heard of a single engine fighter do that.

The USAF called its F 16 a lawn dart and the Flying coffin in the Fighting Falcon days.
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Having two engines increases the risk of engine failure since either can break.

This is silly reasoning coming from you my Swedish brother.
Why you are getting into pure mathematics?
Where is your pragmatism?

Twin engine may have more (probable) chances of either engine failures but would still fly, while the single engine failure means a total disaster.

Common sense is not all that common.

I did not expect this from you of all the things.
No. That is a pipe dream. If range increases then payload weight decreases. You can't have the cake and eat it. Instead of going for the MK2 we must pour in resources into the AMCA. The design is frozen, technology is in place and the funding that will ease up after MK2 cancellation will help move the project faster. The stealth tests have yielded good results.

We are wasting our time with MK2. The scenario has changed and there is no place for a Mirage 2000 equivalent anymore that is in development.

Mk 2 shall be low weight, more aerodynamic and shall carry 40%more fuel. So range shall increase.

Chinese engine? They are still taking their baby steps.

They put it in J 10 and they started falling.
Mk 2 shall be low weight, more aerodynamic and shall carry 40%more fuel. So range shall increase.

You put in more fuel that is more weight. So the weight part is not solved. F 414 has higher specific fuel consumption compared to the F 404 is similar, like just a 3 to 4 percent decrease but higher thrust means higher fuel consumption.

So what advantage does the LCA MK2 have over the Mirage 2000?

Stop believing what those babus are telling you man. The MK2 is waste of time and money according to me.

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