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Tehreek-e-Taliban should open an office: Imran Khan

Why should TTP be allowed to open its office? Its only an arm of Mossad, CIA and RAW!

I recommend these 3 agencies should be allowed to open offices. And in each of these offices one room to be allocated to TTP. This should be followed by 1 TTP office with a room each for the 3 agencies. This will allow for better co-ordination in lots of things.

I seriously think we should approach Imran with this proposal ! :smart:
not true, i never went against him, i know he was cheated out around 10-12 seats but nawaz did get majority of the votes overall, im still a pti supporter but don't expect me agree with everything that comes out of imran khans mouth, i like the guy and i know he wants justice but i am not willing to negotiate with terrorists scums who killed so many people, its just not the right thing to do. so many mothers, brothers, fathers and sons died because of these fundamentalist pigs.
allways remember PAKISTAN FRIST!
not IMRAN frist?
dear friend, thanks for nt bowing down your great patriotic, head to traitorious wish of IK!
Pakistanis should thank their lucky stars that Imran didn't win the election.

Lucky? - it simply means there are some saner people around in Pakistan.

So this was his Naya Pakistan - Talibanistan :lol:
not true, i never went against him, i know he was cheated out around 10-12 seats but nawaz did get majority of the votes overall, im still a pti supporter but don't expect me agree with everything that comes out of imran khans mouth, i like the guy and i know he wants justice but i am not willing to negotiate with terrorists scums who killed so many people, its just not the right thing to do. so many mothers, brothers, fathers and sons died because of these fundamentalist pigs.

janab i was here all the time i did not left the forum i know you went against him

secondly i dont jump in on every pti policy like family reserve seats in kpk , leave swat area by army,dual offices etc etc your can ask your buddy batmannow

imran was cheated on 25 to 30 seats according to pti

even than majority was with pmln with 100 seats and pti 75 both want peace talks

and just a small example on scale of election rigging

according to voter thumb impression checked in karachi by ecp pmln mna got 33000 years and won

and in 33000 votes 3000 were genuine and 30000 fake

so here is some recent election news for you and pmln mandate

Pakistanis should thank their lucky stars that Imran didn't win the election.

pmln nawaz sharif won the election and supports talks wit ttp
that was the only power in pakistan before, & will be everafter?

at the moment pakistan should just stick to the army forget democracy till we are ore developed.

janab i was here all the time i did not left the forum i know you went against him

secondly i dont jump in on every pti policy like family reserve seats in kpk , leave swat area by army etc etc your can ask your buddy batmannow

imran was cheated on 25 to 30 seats according to pti

even than majority was with pmln with 100 seats and pti 75 both want peace talks

and just a small example on scale of election rigging

according to voter thumb impression checked in karachi by ecp pmln mna got 33000 years and won

and in 33000 votes 3000 were genuine and 30000 fake

so here is some recent election news for you and pmln mandate

pmln nawaz sharif won the election and supports talks wit ttp
yara i said i never went against him but i never supported everything he said either, he is still my first choice before any other politician in pakistan.
at the moment pakistan should just stick to the army forget democracy till we are ore developed.

yara i said i never went against him but i never supported everything he said either, he is still my first choice before any other politician in pakistan.

if army does not want dialog and knows no one will surrender then tell it to all parties in APC or tell nawaz sharif that

no one will disagree if army tell it categorically that dialog will surely surely fail

and the fact that apc voted for talks and all parties indicate that army wants talks with some as army briefed all parties in a group and general kyani separately briefed imran khan with nawaz sharif
janab i was here all the time i did not left the forum i know you went against him

secondly i dont jump in on every pti policy like family reserve seats in kpk , leave swat area by army etc etc your can ask your buddy batmannow

imran was cheated on 25 to 30 seats according to pti

even than majority was with pmln with 100 seats and pti 75 both want peace talks

and just a small example on scale of election rigging

according to voter thumb impression checked in karachi by ecp pmln mna got 33000 years and won

and in 33000 votes 3000 were genuine and 30000 fake

so here is some recent election news for you and pmln mandate

pmln nawaz sharif won the election and supports talks wit ttp
sorry, friend!
but let me clear your mind, you & your great unpolitical leadership all went in the political trap set by. PMLn, JUI mullana fazallu badsha, even JI?
you think TTP wants the dam talks?
so what you think they want to cut at least million dollor support a month?
NAWAZ sharif is the whole sole distributor of. the KSA & UAE aid delivered to JI, JUIF, JUI sami ul haq, lashkar e jhangvi, SSP & even to BLA?
what you think,,all of them wants to give up everything for pakistan?
no my friend no!
its a fun time, they will lead PTIN & IK into a political & moral deafet & the target of worst ever terrorism, finishing his every chances for then next turn?
noora league is going to play, this talks game as long as they can, cause it will bring the KPK govt in the direct line of fire from. TTp?
with all its credibillty gone, nothing left for them to bring army in the end in KPK?
NAWAZ just want to rule pakistan. like that, just keeping headlines shinning with peace talks because of his real fear of army,s kick again?
because of his ultimate role, in bringing down the army,s rule?
now everything is in open, what that paracha guy has said? he was sheltering OBL,s kids, & other AQDA leadrship families?
he is a former noora member for national aseembly?
why he has started the negociations by his own? & suddnly?
why hakeem ullha was calling him, how long he is in thier contact?
what is his & noora,s role in OBLs suspected killing or capture from abottabad?
all was coordinated, by CIA & all of them are pupets of CIA? just remember ,,target is pakistan,s nucks!
its army, ISI which is safe gurding it from them!

game is just on, keep watching it, many twist & turns to follow but allways remember, pakistan frist!
How about a RAW franchise, just a small outlet ?

Why ask for a separate outlet, just request the TTP to give RAW a table and chair in their Islamabad office.... :lol:

But seriously, I can admire Khan because he's taking a stance with which most of his vocal and literate supporters vehemently disagree. How many leaders can one recall doing that? It is an important part of real leadership skills.

Unfortunately another crucial component of leadership is taking the right decision, and IK seems to be failing in this regard.
I never found him too bright either - but then he has to have some agenda, he's not that foolish.

Had he not been foolish and actually wanted to get rid of the old ailing political system, he should have joined hands with Dr Tahir ul Qadri. TuQ's forecast has come true. Had he joined the struggle with him, a known bungler would not have gotten guard of honour on relinquishing the office.
Where are the voters and staunch supporters of Imran Khan?

Did we not told you.... this man has a task to spread anarchy?

His every move was yelling he is following evil agenda!

Here!!! Good suggestion by imran khan, he just wants them to have a platform from where they can have direct contact with the govt, to make them come to mainstream so they its easier for govt to approach them and peace talks should move ahead without any hurdles, Imran khan with a vision to steer us out of terrorism is definitely getting my vote in next elections, warmongers like it or not. Burn burn with such hate against Ik for his good and peaceful policies.
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