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Tehreek-e-Taliban say no peace talks anytime soon

I didn't say that the drones are the cause of radicalization but that they are causing a lot of problems otherwise , rest assured that the Pakistani society is radicalized enough for UAV's to make any significant difference . Collateral damage is a harsh reality of both symmetrical and asymmetrical warfare , just a lot more with the latter since the enemy face it doesn't wear uniforms and hence enjoys a certain advantage over the state . Innocents do get killed , there's no denial but should we stop the operations and allow a takeover ? The answer is no . We are at war.

Drones are very useful and it shouldn't be stop but from the first day the idea wasn't supported by common Pakistani because Musharraf's dictatorship and his non friendlier attitude toward civilians, that's the same ideological theory applied in Kargil. Now if it is declared as war then they can''t win unless PA with the help of civilian government will not bring nation into confidence to get support. No need to start Islam and hadith here, simple law; "War couldn't be won without support of people". Yesterday COAS also repeated same words so i hope they will start practical implementation.
Good suggestions, but unreal.

Stop at the first one. This cannot be done because of two reasons. Pashtuns will not allow that because this was opposed during mushy era.

Secondly, Afghan taliban would become hostile as they walk to and fro.

No Pakistani Pushton will oppose it. unless you are supporter of any of Talib (walking out or Walking In). And we already are facing too much so fense is must
We pakhtuns of KPK from all walks of life, from all kind of backgrounds, want peace with taliban....we are getting affected by this war between taliban and pak army...the thousands of people that were blown by TTP, were from our province...still we want peace talks.

Sorry, you assertion of all Pukhtuns is incorrect. Me including millions more have no desire for peace with them, as peace with them would mean not to send our daughters to school, it would mean to have beards as compulsory, no more jobs, no more infrastructure development, no more jobs for women, no freedom at all. We did see that in Swat and many other areas which Taliban ruled. Had your assertion been right, we would not be seeing the dozens of lashkars getting set up to fight this menace, we would not have seen the hundreds of tribal elders getting killed, dozens of islamic scholars / religious personalities getting martyred for raising their voice against them, you do remember maulana hassan jan, maulana of that naeemia madrasa and many more.

Those people and pukhtuns like you who are still sleeping and not realizing the reality are the ones who talk the way you just did, the ones like us who are awake and know the reality know that this is a do or die battle and these taliban b*stards need to be eliminated and should be hunt down to the last man.
Sorry, you assertion of all Pukhtuns is incorrect. Me including millions more have no desire for peace with them, as peace with them would mean not to send our daughters to school, it would mean to have beards as compulsory, no more jobs, no more infrastructure development, no more jobs for women, no freedom at all. We did see that in Swat and many other areas which Taliban ruled. Had your assertion been right, we would not be seeing the dozens of lashkars getting set up to fight this menace, we would not have seen the hundreds of tribal elders getting killed, dozens of islamic scholars / religious personalities getting martyred for raising their voice against them, you do remember maulana hassan jan, maulana of that naeemia madrasa and many more.

Those people and pukhtuns like you who are still sleeping and not realizing the reality are the ones who talk the way you just did, the ones like us who are awake and know the reality know that this is a do or die battle and these taliban b*stards need to be eliminated and should be hunt down to the last man.
Sir Most lashkars are being paid to fight them they are not fighting to for an ideology that is why lashkars are not becoming successful
Sorry, you assertion of all Pukhtuns is incorrect.
And you are speaking langauge of ISPR.
Me including millions more have no desire for peace with them, as peace with them would mean not to send our daughters to school
Haqqani network operates in your bannu, do they stop girls from going to school? Tens of thousands of families in your bannu, who are not affiliated with taliban, dont allow their daughters to go to schools and colleges. What is your opinion about them?
, it would mean to have beards as compulsory,
Why so islamophobic? Bannu's mosques are always filled and here i am talking with a bannuchi who is allergic to beards.
no more jobs, no more infrastructure development, no more jobs for women, no freedom at all. We did see that in Swat and many other areas which Taliban ruled.
Why you are talking in propaganda style?. By peace i didnt mean their rule upon us.
Had your assertion been right, we would not be seeing the dozens of lashkars getting set up to fight this menace, we would not have seen the hundreds of tribal elders getting killed, dozens of islamic scholars / religious personalities getting martyred for raising their voice against them, you do remember maulana hassan jan, maulana of that naeemia madrasa and many more.
So what? This senseless bloodshed has to end one day whether it is by hands of taliban or pak army.

Those people and pukhtuns like you who are still sleeping and not realizing the reality are the ones who talk the way you just did, the ones like us who are awake and know the reality know that this is a do or die battle and these taliban b*stards need to be eliminated and should be hunt down to the last man.
Good luck with your fauji style hunt down to last man, but we pakhtuns want to end this war between taliban and faujis and welcome any peace talks, thats why we voted for imran khan and fazlur rehman

Sir Most lashkars are being paid to fight them they are not fighting to for an ideology that is why lashkars are not becoming successful

In most of the cases the tribals are pressurized and forced to do duty in lashkars. They are used as cannon fodder by pak army. These half-hearted lashkermen are easily butchered by well motivated taliban.
And you are speaking langauge of ISPR.

Haqqani network operates in your bannu, do they stop girls from going to school? Tens of thousands of families in your bannu, who are not affiliated with taliban, dont allow their daughters to go to schools and colleges. What is your opinion about them?

Why so islamophobic? Bannu's mosques are always filled and here i am talking with a bannuchi who is allergic to beards.

Why you are talking in propaganda style?. By peace i didnt mean their rule upon us.

So what? This senseless bloodshed has to end one day whether it is by hands of taliban or pak army.

Good luck with your fauji style hunt down to last man, but we pakhtuns want to end this war between taliban and faujis and welcome any peace talks, thats why we voted for imran khan and fazlur rehman

In most of the cases the tribals are pressurized and forced to do duty in lashkars. They are used as cannon fodder by pak army. These half-hearted lashkermen are easily butchered by well motivated taliban.

Funny things is these guys before saying something should ask Saleem Safi he would tell you that girls schools are still running in North Wazristan where Taliban are ruling wow great enemies of education they are
Funny things is these guys before saying something should ask Saleem Safi he would tell you that girls schools are still running in North Wazristan where Taliban are ruling wow great enemies of education they are

Many people wont believe it but pak army is part of propaganda war....in most of the cases pak army is stationed in girls schools, when taliban attack it , the headline in news is "taliban blow up a girls school".
Many people wont believe it but pak army is part of propaganda war....in most of the cases pak army is stationed in girls schools, when taliban attack it , the headline in news is "taliban blow up a girls school".

Sir let this war end and than these guys will know things which will put their heads at shame and they will know that people of these areas even if half of them hate Taliban they hate Army the most and that hatred is unfortunately increasing by every passing day I am waiting for this war to end many shameful things would come out I am referring to Army actions and their results and some other stuff
Sir let this war end and than these guys will know things which will put their heads at shame and they will know that people of these areas even if half of them hate Taliban they hate Army the most and that hatred is unfortunately increasing by every passing day I am waiting for this war to end many shameful things would come out I am referring to Army actions and their results and some other stuff

Only internet warriors and Xbox fighters want this war to go on till the last men....the mature men with grey matter want this non-sense war to end. Pakistan army has started this war on american demand and they have to end it.
Sir Most lashkars are being paid to fight them they are not fighting to for an ideology that is why lashkars are not becoming successful

More Lushkars and tribes are fighting because they know the end result if rivals ideology where weapon support has been provided by army on their own demand so looking for peace and progress itself an ideology which is now forcing people to stand against these morons.
Why you are talking in propaganda style?. By peace i didnt mean their rule upon us.

So what? This senseless bloodshed has to end one day whether it is by hands of taliban or pak army.

Good luck with your fauji style hunt down to last man, but we pakhtuns want to end this war between taliban and faujis and welcome any peace talks, thats why we voted for imran khan and fazlur rehman

In most of the cases the tribals are pressurized and forced to do duty in lashkars. They are used as cannon fodder by pak army. These half-hearted lashkermen are easily butchered by well motivated taliban.

Here you misunderstanding that Talibans are not only against army but they attacked heavily on civilian assets and lives too so you couldn't get ride of by saying leave us alone and fight with each other so you have to leave this panty style. Now this war of ideology and this is duty of every Pakistani to beat this inhuman ideology by Islamic peace ideology by all means ether it is by negotiation or by force depends on circumstances.

Funny things is these guys before saying something should ask Saleem Safi he would tell you that girls schools are still running in North Wazristan where Taliban are ruling wow great enemies of education they are

Saleem Safi is Taliban mentality personality who ever advocate them and itself a Talib.
Kill each of them, they want the taste of death, not any peace.
Many people wont believe it but pak army is part of propaganda war....in most of the cases pak army is stationed in girls schools, when taliban attack it , the headline in news is "taliban blow up a girls school".

This propaganda war has ended decades ago and now situation is quite different. You have no idea what actually is going on and why but following some misguided stupids who used to bark against Pakistan from in & out.

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