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Tehreek e Taliban India

Not just eat beef and wear Hijab bro.

The right to breathe the same air, to receive basic human rights, not be victims of oppression due to their religion, to freely practice their religion without abuse.

And not be the targets of a genocide!

Reinstate Article 370 in Kashmir and scrap CAA.
Taliban are basically deobandi and deoband being in india so TTI is very logical. I hope they start protecting muslims against hindu extremists.
Taliban are basically deobandi and deoband being in india so TTI is very logical. I hope they start protecting muslims against hindu extremists.
Yes I agree. Majoirity Deobandi Indian Muslims support Taliban even if they don’t show it. These recent events in India by rss terrorists could have pushed some people to the limits and they could have created a Taliban in India. When there’s constant oppression against a community, one day they will fight back.
If Ulema of Deoband in india back this, millions will join. India won’t be able to stop it if Ulema of Deoband extend support to it.
Taliban are basically deobandi and deoband being in india so TTI is very logical. I hope they start protecting muslims against hindu extremists.

insurgency is not a safe bet and tactically bad but a massive incursion will do the trick..

No Insurgency policy is key because insurgency only leaves us vulnerable.. Proxy war really suks from conventional POV especially against state actors... From a tactical point there is no interest in that..

You stalk like a predator and bounce on a fateful day when he commits a mistake and catch him.. curtains will come down on that file and in the maintime let the cow grass unbothered before you devour it there is no rush let it's meat and milk sweeten plus let its agri sector grow for you
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I sense some false flag situation here. It seems like a ploy to further alienate Muslims and cover their legitimate grievances with such obviously provocative stuff. This will be used to justify further injustices against Muslims.
If this news has even a bit of truth (i hardly think it has) then this will be a massive disservice to Indian muslims and muslims in general.
There is zero sympathy for terrorists and terrorism in the present world.
Ahaha, this is obviously a joke of some sorts. Are you really taking some random twitter account seriously? some of you are just so gullible :D
@Zarrar Alvi thoughts on this?
Maybe to undermine the real struggle of the Indian Muslims by associating them with Taliban. lets wait if they are able to carry out some big attacks then the picture will be more clear , Usually the real orgs starts off with big attacks like Indian Mujahideen started their Org with a attack on Dehli police by doing double bombings on their officials .
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