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Tehreek e Taliban India

This is silly as IEA doesn't want their name used either by TTP or TTI.. lawsuit for name copyright is needed..

Even IEA spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid publically rejected TTP.. 2 months ago

Afghan Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid, in an interview with Arab News on Friday, rejected Mahsud's claim of affiliation with the IEA.

"They are not, as an organisation, part of IEA and we don’t share the same objectives,” Mujahid is quoted as saying by the publication.

“We advise TTP to focus on peace and stability in their country. This is very important so they can prevent any chance for enemies to interfere in the region and in Pakistan. And we request Pakistan to look into their demands for the better of the region and Pakistan.”

Mujahid said the TTP was Pakistan's internal matter, adding: "The IEA stance is that we do not interfere in other countries’ affairs. We do not interfere in Pakistan’s affairs.”

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Are they there on observer status like India at the OIC?
IEA should assist them with motivational speeches...

I remember reading a message on here where someone claimed one member of TTP could convince someone in under a few minutes or so to do "something" for them...
I agree.

TTI is formed by Indian Muslims to protect the right of Indian Muslims to eat beef and wear hijab.
Not just eat beef and wear Hijab bro.

The right to breathe the same air, to receive basic human rights, not be victims of oppression due to their religion, to freely practice their religion without abuse.

And not be the targets of a genocide!
Another view:
This could be a attempt to blend Muslims especially with all going on in India right now and modi could do a false flag attack using this new group to win elections?
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