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Teenage couple carry out suicide pact during school assembly in Karachi

We all are entitled to our views and opinion. If u dont have any civility in u ,stay away from here rather than misbehaving.
Some manner classes will help u.
Your views are not constructive but damaging to the discussions. You are finding faults in India or religion or feeding the trolls at-least. Look at these posts. How do you want to me to react on these trolls?

the concept of Janam is a hindu thing- the suicide letter clearly mentioned that-

Maybe he was Hindu.
I remember my teenage, unfortunately for gf/bf relations, "moqa nahin mila"..... :(

could have just killed his/her parents :P. Problem solved.

So sad, so basically you are from the same age when people would write letters dipped in perfume and more emotional would write it with their blood and then wait for reply of Mehboob or her brothers :p:.

I got the chance to look at pic of that boy, I support your assumption regarding his religion. I had Hindu friends in Karachi, and have met local Hindus, the features resemble.
the result of indian dramas and movies and all of u knows only this is the reason
Seriously, that's what you are most concerned about and not how a 16 year old gets hold of a gun ?
Keep religious figures out of it...I can well refute such irrational ,concocted,fabricated lies.

All religions have such fabricated stories.

Really....highly unlikely.
If one man could do it in stone ages...why can't modern men.
To blindly believe in one mans findings of something nobody has seen....
Any ways don't want to argue further with a closed mind. Will see it when we die.

Please don't shoot the messenger.
Keep religious figures out of it...I can well refute such irrational ,concocted,fabricated lies.

All religions have such fabricated stories.

It's about faith so before you call it a lie, irrational or what ever look back at your own faith.
That is rational and acceptable in current world and scenario to keep religious figures out of any debate but specified to them.
So kindly apologise for ur remarks which are straight towards our beloved prophet (sallal-lahu-alaiehay-wasallam).

@mods kindly address to posters as they are turning this debate towards religious figures and faith which has nothing to do with 2 dead children's and their upbringing. @Horus @Oscar @Jango please address above.
Love makes people mad...Love cases should be handled with utmost care. These are very very sensitive issues and teenage love if not successful is very dangerous.

Hope other kids dont follow this incident. RIP
that is utter bullshit, I dont know why so many people be'ieve in this romantic ideal of love, its all fabricated lies that only have alace on the big screen or in stories, that version of love is totally perverted, there is no hoe in this world who can seduce me to the point that I forget about my Mother or sisters or my Father who are the only ones worthy of my ''true love''....
few hours back Samaa was broadcasting the news and was mentioning the names of these teenagers which was shocking to begin with. as usually the identity is not disclosed as ethical practice.

Secondly this is very sad and shocking that students can carry guns to a private school so easily? no checks and balances?

Thirdly many people are talking about counseling, bad parenting, emotions etc etc though these are relevant points however keeping in my our desi society, the social status of majority of the people and cultural sensitivities, we must understand that counseling for teenagers or for that matter even young people is not a common thing in Pakistan.

Whereas though we are happy with the progress in almost every field and are okay with giving access to technology of all kinds to our youngsters but we have failed to have a check, after all even adults get firewalls.

sad incident specially a big blow to female education.

@Indians many some of you have tried to hit back at those members who have talked about effects of bollywood or indian dramas well i may not linlk this incident to those things but unfortunately and sadly there is some soup being shown on urdu 1 channel in Pakistan wherein even a small kid hardly of 8 or 10 years was being shown flirting with his classmate a 7 or 8 years old girl. that was such a shocker dont know what your dramas are upto
man this his sad and wrong in way they ruined their own life in both worlds they were to young they shouldn't have gone that far, we can pray for their forgiveness from ALLAH.
Your views are not constructive but damaging to the discussions. You are finding faults in India or religion or feeding the trolls at-least. Look at these posts. How do you want to me to react on these trolls?
Role of bollywood and our media cant be overlooked. U want to take this as a blame on india ur choice do it.
Do you have a comprehension issue...read my sentence again.

Could you explain how killing yourself for love leads to hell...And blowing (suicide bombing) yourself up and kill 100 of innocents takes you straight to heaven.

No I cannot.
Although th

although the suicidal death is haram but bachay massoom hota hai nd they don't know the price of lifee and love of their parents and the love ones so sad rest in peace

I do pray for their forgiveness, for God sake don't take me wrong but you must admit what they did was a crime and Haram. They were not kids, they were Baligh.

I came pretty hard on you, my mistake. No i understood your point, understood the hidden meaning, it was meant for general public(other posters).

I know, happened to me a couple of years ago, something to learn and grow from, eh...! have a nice day.

Proper education from parents about this issue can help, in Pakistan we often tend to ignore discussing this issue with our children-i won't say much, as i am not expert, maybe you can elaborate.

Sir with respect, I am not concluding anything from this incident, I just wanted to back a statement another member wrote above if you read my first comment which is a fact that they did commence a crime and a Haram act. I do too pray for their forgiveness.
Role of bollywood and our media cant be overlooked. U want to take this as a blame on india ur choice do it.
Then you are not addressing the problem. I agree media has role to play and but blaming bollywood for this is wrong. I too agree bollywood is full of crap, i personally dont watch bollywood movies (they have nothing else but same story in different bottles) but there are other avenues from where these kids take the cue. Internet, english movies, serials, CDs, etc etc. So you cannot stop all. you can may be stop bollywood because of your hatred towards Indian industry (and mind it is same in India as well, so you are tortured the same way as we are), but what about other? What about kids having access to mobile phones in which they can freely share lots of stuff? So the solution is to educate the kids. make them aware.
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