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Teen girl in India killed for wearing jeans

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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Women in India have marched over their right to choose what kind of clothes they wear.

A teenage Indian girl was allegedly beaten to death by family members last week because she had chosen to wear denim jeans.

After Neha Paswan had been killed, some family members allegedly tried to dispose of her body by tossing it over a bridge.

But Neha's body got caught up on railings and police began investigating.

Now police have lodged a case of murder and destruction of evidence against 10 people, including Neha's grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

A family argument had broken out over Neha's clothes at their home in Savreji Kharg village in Deoria district, one of the poorest regions in the Indian state.

Neha suffered serious head injuries during the alleged attack, according to a police statement given by her mother.

"She had kept a day-long religious fast. In the evening, she put on a pair of jeans and a top and performed her rituals. When her grandparents objected to her attire, Neha retorted that jeans were made to be worn and that she would wear it," Shakuntala Devi Paswan said.

The argument spun out of control, Shakuntala Devi claimed, and the alleged attack left Neha unconscious on the floor.

Some family members then called a rickshaw, claiming they wanted to take the teenager to the hospital.

"They wouldn't let me accompany them so I alerted my relatives who went to the district hospital looking for her but couldn't find her," Shakuntala Devi said.

The rickshaw driver had stopped on a bridge and an attempt was made to push Neha's body into the Gandak river below.
But when the body got caught up in the railings, police were called.

The rickshaw driver has since been charged by police.

Shakuntala Devi told BBC Hindi that some family members had grown increasingly agitated as Neha had experimented with wearing non-traditional Indian clothing.

Neha liked to dress in modern clothing, her mother said.

In recent years the issue of violence against women and young girls in India has become a flashpoint for national protests and public debate.

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Women in India have marched over their right to choose what kind of clothes they wear.

A teenage Indian girl was allegedly beaten to death by family members last week because she had chosen to wear denim jeans.

After Neha Paswan had been killed, some family members allegedly tried to dispose of her body by tossing it over a bridge.

But Neha's body got caught up on railings and police began investigating.

Now police have lodged a case of murder and destruction of evidence against 10 people, including Neha's grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

A family argument had broken out over Neha's clothes at their home in Savreji Kharg village in Deoria district, one of the poorest regions in the Indian state.

Neha suffered serious head injuries during the alleged attack, according to a police statement given by her mother.

"She had kept a day-long religious fast. In the evening, she put on a pair of jeans and a top and performed her rituals. When her grandparents objected to her attire, Neha retorted that jeans were made to be worn and that she would wear it," Shakuntala Devi Paswan said.

The argument spun out of control, Shakuntala Devi claimed, and the alleged attack left Neha unconscious on the floor.

Some family members then called a rickshaw, claiming they wanted to take the teenager to the hospital.

"They wouldn't let me accompany them so I alerted my relatives who went to the district hospital looking for her but couldn't find her," Shakuntala Devi said.

The rickshaw driver had stopped on a bridge and an attempt was made to push Neha's body into the Gandak river below.
But when the body got caught up in the railings, police were called.

The rickshaw driver has since been charged by police.

Shakuntala Devi told BBC Hindi that some family members had grown increasingly agitated as Neha had experimented with wearing non-traditional Indian clothing.

Neha liked to dress in modern clothing, her mother said.

In recent years the issue of violence against women and young girls in India has become a flashpoint for national protests and public debate.

Fking degenerates killing for jeans.
A family argument had broken out over Neha's clothes at their home in Savreji Kharg village in Deoria district, one of the poorest regions in the Indian state.

Neha suffered serious head injuries from the alleged attack, according to a police statement given by her

Wonder why Tamilnadu the richest and most progressive state is part of indian union .. made up illiterate, poor, regressive, hindi cowbelt states
Hindus don't have any dress code, so why are they killing their daughters for wearing jeans? Many other daughters are killed by ritual infanticide even before birth. Those who survive live in fear of rape. Worst country to be born as woman.
It's in their genes, to kill, lynch, maim...slaughter innocent people.

Convoluted minds and degenerates...thy name is India.

It's not that they just lynch Muslims(they just love it), it's intrinsic to them as it is called a personality disorder of many Indians.
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Hindus don't have any dress code, so why are they killing their daughters for wearing jeans? Many other daughters are killed by ritual infanticide even before birth. Those who survive live in fear of rape. Worst country to be born as woman.
They don't have a dress code but they follow the same eastern conservative culture.Through Bollywood they are trying to become some super developed western country but that doesn't change a thinking of a average middle or lower class household.
It's better to accept the way you are rather than desperately try to change your cultural identity.
Please keep in mind that we all are influenced by the regional culture ,not the religious dressing code. For example women in pakistan hardly follow a typical Islamic dress code. Not even in the villages.
They don't have a dress code but they follow the same eastern conservative culture.Through Bollywood they are trying to become some super developed western country but that doesn't change a thinking of a average middle or lower class household.
It's better to accept the way you are rather than desperately try to change your cultural identity.
Please keep in mind that we all are influenced by the regional culture ,not the religious dressing code. For example women in pakistan hardly follow a typical Islamic dress code. Not even in the villages.

They don't follow any eastern conservative culture. What they follow is a remnant of the Victorian era British morality. Which makes it taboo for chaste women to expose too much skin. This is not Hindu law or any eastern culture.

Most Hindus themselves are not aware they follow Victorian era morality. The Colonial British have not only laid foundations of Indian institutions and government, they have also heavily influenced Indian family life and social fabric.
India still have a caste system in place, backward thinking.
Actually no, cast discrimination is outright banned by our constitution, it is a punishable offence.
Ban includes other practices like sati, dowry, female infanticide etc.
Hopefully now Muslim backward practices like triple talaq, contract marriages will also be banned.
Actually no, cast discrimination is outright banned by our constitution, it is a punishable offence.
Ban includes other practices like sati, dowry, female infanticide etc.
Hopefully now Muslim backward practices like triple talaq, contract marriages will also be banned.

Caste system is part of Hinduism, caste is intrinsic to Hinduism and no caste system means no Hinduism...

The reason Dalits(out of caste) are regarded as achoot and untouchables...not worthy of to be callled humans....how sad the situation is for Dalits. Muslims are as worst as Dalits....

Any caste based positive dscrimination as per the constitution is a separate issue...

Actually no, cast discrimination is outright banned by our constitution, it is a punishable offence.
Ban includes other practices like sati, dowry, female infanticide etc.
Hopefully now Muslim backward practices like triple talaq, contract marriages will also be banned.
Pasmanda movement says hello
Hopefully now Muslim backward practices like triple talaq, contract marriages will also be banned.

Every marriage is a contract where rights and obligations are fixated its not like an indian cultural practice of sending away your daughter with tons of dowry to her in-laws and then forget about her existence

Indians seem to run out of any and all logic . They think Just mentioning a civilized practice and adding islam as prefix gonna scare the white folks . Take care of your caste ridden misogynist Pandora called india
She should have bought sanskari jeans from Baba Ramdev store. That would have prevented her death.

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