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Tavors With Indian Para Commandos

Man how many people named Singh in India? I swear 1 out of every 3 brown dudes I've met has that last name.

The Singh last name belong to two main sects in India.. The people from Sikh religion (some of them, now known as Jats, have chopped their hair, unlike Sikhs, but still have that last name) and some folks from Rajput clan (the warrior clan of Hindu religion). And being in Canada, the chances of you running into Sikhs or Jats is very high, as Canada is one of the hottest favorite immigration destination for Sikhs from India and that may explain why do you run into so many 'Singhs' in Canada...

BTW.. Just an additional insight... Singh in Hindi language means Lion... just an added snippet of information :)
hmm nice gun..

Please tell me this is what called Rifleor sumthing else

Sorry i dont know much abput defence
Great gun indeed.. But why the hell are the troops not provided any hand gear?!! Looks Fugly man, a mean gun and bare hands..!! :sick:

try wearing a glove for long hours in the desert :p when would you get out of this fugly mentality ? !
I cant get it ? when Tavor is such a great gun & isrealies are willing to sell it to us just why cant we go in for tech tranfer or something like that followed by a big order , any comments on that ?
did we need another thread to show everyone we have the tavor? i mean its not news is it?
I cant get it ? when Tavor is such a great gun & isrealies are willing to sell it to us just why cant we go in for tech tranfer or something like that followed by a big order , any comments on that ?

Beats me. Even better we still don't make AK-47 in India but import from former Soviet Republics. I don't understand why we went for SLRs and then INSAS in the past, while AK-47 or 74 could have done just fine. Considering the close relationship that we enjoyed with USSR, I think it was not so difficult to get manufacturing license for AKs.
try wearing a glove for long hours in the desert :p when would you get out of this fugly mentality ? !


U.S. Soldiers patrolling the streets of Baghdad, Iraq wearing the Army Combat Uniform with matching Interceptor body armor.

And as you can see; they are wearing hand gear.!! Think once before posting.!! :taz:
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