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Tavors With Indian Para Commandos

Special Forces to be Equipped with Machine Guns
Posted on: December 07, 2011


After floating a tender for rifles to arm its infantry troops, the Indian Army is planning to issue a tender worth around USD 30 million dollar global request for proposal for equipping its Special Forces with General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMGs).

We are desirous of procuring GPMG for the 11 Parachute (Special Forces) Battalions of Indian Army and we are going to issue a tender worth USD 28 million soon, Army sources said to defencenow.com.

The Indian Army has 11 Special Forces battalions under the Parachute regiment and has deployed them in conflict zones in the Northeast and Jammu and Kashmir.

Sources said the tender will be issued to companies from Israel, Belgium, Switzerland but more companies can be invited for the bidding process depending on the response to the Request for Information issued recently.

It should be ideally suited for as a Squad Automatic Weapon for the Special Forces and should be able to be used as a multipurpose weapon intended to fill the role of Light Machine Gun and a Medium Machine Gun, they said.

The Army wants that the global rifle should be able to fire ammunition produced in Indian Ordnance factories and be able to sustain the rigours of airborne operations.
Interesting! The picture shown in the above article is that of Rheinmettal MG-3, license produced by Pakistan.

POF MG-3 for IA maybe?
And another mistake IA has only 8 SF battalions -1,2,3,4,9,10,11,21.The other three are simply Airborne.
The Indians want to be portrayed in the same league as the Israelis or the SAS. :)

There is no such league to be very honest. The faces being covered is a need for operators involved in Counter Terrorism work where they may have to undertake recce etc and their faces should not be disclosed publicly for this specific reason.

The hiding the faces otherwise is an attempt at magnifying the mystique around the SF and not much more.

In the old days, we used to be very mindful of troops from 19 Baloch being photographed etc. and this was not allowed. As you can tell now, SSG pictures are abundant. However what you do not see publicly are pictures of the anti-terrorism team of the SSG due to the specific nature of their work.
There is no such league to be very honest. The faces being covered is a need for operators involved in Counter Terrorism work where they may have to undertake recce etc and their faces should not be disclosed publicly for this specific reason.

The hiding the faces otherwise is an attempt at magnifying the mystique around the SF and not much more.

In the old days, we used to be very mindful of troops from 19 Baloch being photographed etc. and this was not allowed. As you can tell now, SSG pictures are abundant. However what you do not see publicly are pictures of the anti-terrorism team of the SSG due to the specific nature of their work.

Yep Zarrar Coy is very secretive and very skilled too.

What is interesting is that SF units of both Indian Navy and Pakistani Navy are more secretive compared to their Army counterparts.
for a comment like these i would probly gotn a infraction for "post of off topic/ no value " but in this case it gets thanked by MODS'...:tdown:

Because there is a difference between security concern and dramatisation.
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