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TAPI project likely to be launched in two months

I am sure you are doing a fine business, overpaying and getting commissions for it. Dont worry about Iran. Worry about yourself.
You know another Factor about it is that if required then this TAPI Line can also be built to be connected to Pakistani Seaports for Overseas Export while I dont think after emergence of Chabahar Port Iran would have led Pakistan do the same.

Anyways Still wants IP Gas pipeline along with TAPI because it will give us more options to control our Energy Crisis and also enable Pakistan to develop good Relations with Iran. :cheers:
You know another Factor about it is that if required then this TAPI Line can also be built to be connected to Pakistani Seaports for Overseas Export while I dont think after emergence of Chabahar Port Iran would have led Pakistan do the same.

Anyways Still wants IP Gas pipeline along with TAPI because it will give us more options to control our Energy Crisis and also enable Pakistan to develop good Relations with Iran. :cheers:

Actually Chahbahar has nothing to do with it since Iran is not interested in zero sum games with Pakistan. The proof is that the electricity of Gwadar city and its port is actually imported from Iran. You can not run a port city without electricity unless you just want it to be a fishing village (nowadays even fisheries need electricity to process and refrigerate fish meat). Anyways, lets hope for better relations with or without gas.
Read the whole thread.

I dont need to read the thread every time someone posts it. This is the fact that Pakistan cannot continue on IP because of sanction and we are not strong enough to bear even a smallest sanction by Uncle Sam.
Actually Chahbahar has nothing to do with it since Iran is not interested in zero sum games with Pakistan. The proof is that the electricity of Gwadar city and its port is actually imported from Iran. You can not run a port city without electricity unless you just want it to be a fishing village (nowadays even fisheries need electricity to process and refrigerate fish meat). Anyways, lets hope for better relations with or without gas.
I think you misunderstood me because I wasnt using Chabahar in Context of Gawadar Competition instead I was using it in Context of Selling gas from Iran to Overseas countries through Pakistani Ports and I dont think after Chabahar such thing is possible because it wont even make any sense at all but in TAPI it is one of the Option that is available if not today then in future.

Their shouldnt be any competition between both Ports at all IMO. Both are built to fulfill their Purpose and both have different Purposes to Begin with so no need to push for competition instead coordinate wherever its necessary.
I think you misunderstood me because I wasnt using Chabahar in Context of Gawadar Competition instead I was using it in Context of Selling gas from Iran to Overseas countries through Pakistani Ports and I dont think after Chabahar such thing is possible because it wont even make any sense at all but in TAPI it is one of the Option that is available if not today then in future.

No, that was another project and had nothing to do with the gas pipeline. It was another pipeline which was to carry oil. This oil pipeline from Iran to Gwadar was not to actually sell Iranian oil via Pakistani port but its purpose was different. An oil refinery was to be built in Gwadar to produce heavy fuel and lubricants (in addition to industrial chemicals) for the purpose of refueling the ships that visit Gwadar.

You see, a ship is a giant transporter that needs thousands of tons of fuel to run and it has a tight time schedule to keep. The ship can not visit Gwadar and do whatever trade it wants to do and then go to Dubai for refueling. It would not make sense. That is why major ports must have access to a refinery and an oil source. Otherwise they can not become an international hub.

This was a different project unrelated to that gas pipeline which was to supply Pakistan domestically. The Gwadar oil pipeline project (its official name was Gwadar oil city) was a more geostrategic power play. The target country Pakistan was trying to compete with, was Dubai, UAE. But now it is all cancelled. At least no one is talking about it anymore. Ships can continue going to Dubai. At any rate, Gwadar not only does not have any energy sources, but also does not even have a proper airport or even security.

I dont need to read the thread every time someone posts it. This is the fact that Pakistan cannot continue on IP because of sanction and we are not strong enough to bear even a smallest sanction by Uncle Sam.

The point I was trying to make was that the sanctions might not even be necessary if Pakistan had used its leverage. It is more about the lack of political will, than possibility of sanctions.
No, that was another project and had nothing to do with the gas pipeline. It was another pipeline which was to carry oil. This oil pipeline from Iran to Gwadar was not to actually sell Iranian oil via Pakistani port but its purpose was different. An oil refinery was to be built in Gwadar to produce heavy fuel and lubricants (in addition to industrial chemicals) for the purpose of refueling the ships that visit Gwadar.

You see, a ship is a giant transporter that needs thousands of tons of fuel to run and it has a tight time schedule to keep. The ship can not visit Gwadar and do whatever trade it wants to do and then go to Dubai for refueling. It would not make sense. That is why major ports must have access to a refinery and an oil source. Otherwise they can not become an international hub.

This was a different project unrelated to that gas pipeline which was to supply Pakistan domestically. The Gwadar oil pipeline project (its official name was Gwadar oil city) was a more geostrategic power play. The target country Pakistan was trying to compete with, was Dubai, UAE. But now it is all cancelled. At least no one is talking about it anymore. Ships can continue going to Dubai. At any rate, Gwadar not only does not have any energy sources, but also does not even have a proper airport or even security.
I wasnt Referring to that Oil Project either but what I was saying was simple that TAPI has an Advantage of used for Overseas Trade Through Pakistan but IP Pipeline doesnt have this under and current Economic Conditions(Pakistan is under IMF Monitoring) Pakistan doesnt have much of an Option so that is why the work is very slow on that while within Pakistan many people doesnt even know what TAPI is but if you ask an average Pakistani is well aware of IP Gas Pipeline in fact are in favor of that so you can bet Internally Pakistan is in IP's favor but things are different on External Level are totally different.

If Pakistan had the same economy as it had in 2007 then most Likely Pakistan might have gone for both Pipelines but in Current Circumstances Pakistan can only go for one of them because Pakistan's Economic Bargaining Power is at its all time low and in this circumstance Pakistan have two different Options.

1. TAPI(No diplomatic Pressure, No strings Attached, Provide some Extra Geopolitical Leverage)
2. IP(Heavy Diplomatic Pressure, No string Attached, Provide Lower Price Leverage)

This is the scenario and I believe Pakistan Shouldnt Abandon IP Gas Pipeline Completely instead Wait for Economy to get better and then Start that Immediately. In Mean time Pakistan should Concentrate on TAPI because it requires Ground work of Multilateral level to proceed.
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I wasnt Referring to that Oil Project either but what I was saying was simple that TAPI has an Advantage of used for Overseas Trade Through Pakistan but IP Pipeline doesnt have this under current Economic Conditions(Pakistan is under IMF Monitoring) Pakistan doesnt have much of an Option so that is why the work is very slow on that while within Pakistan many people doesnt even know what TAPI is but if you ask an average Pakistani is well aware of IP Gas Pipeline in fact are in favor of that so you can bet Internally Pakistan is in IP's favor but things are different on External Level are totally different.

If Pakistan had the same economy as it had in 2007 then most Likely Pakistan might have gone for both Pipelines but in Current Circumstances Pakistan can only go for one of them because Pakistan's Economic Bargaining Power is at its all time low and in this circumstance Pakistan have two different Options.

1. TAPI(No diplomatic Pressure, No strings Attached, Provide some Extra Geopolitical Leverage)
2. IP(Heavy Diplomatic Pressure, No string Attached, Provide Lower Price Leverage)

This is the scenario and I believe Pakistan Shouldnt Abandon IP Gas Pipeline Completely instead Wait for Economy to get better and then Start that Immediately. In Mean time Pakistan should Concentrate on TAPI because it requires Ground work of Multilateral level to proceed.

That is why I said, in my first reply to you. Good for you. Whatever works for you is good.
I wasnt Referring to that Oil Project either but what I was saying was simple that TAPI has an Advantage of used for Overseas Trade Through Pakistan but IP Pipeline doesnt have this under and current Economic Conditions(Pakistan is under IMF Monitoring) Pakistan doesnt have much of an Option so that is why the work is very slow on that while within Pakistan many people doesnt even know what TAPI is but if you ask an average Pakistani is well aware of IP Gas Pipeline in fact are in favor of that so you can bet Internally Pakistan is in IP's favor but things are different on External Level are totally different.

If Pakistan had the same economy as it had in 2007 then most Likely Pakistan might have gone for both Pipelines but in Current Circumstances Pakistan can only go for one of them because Pakistan's Economic Bargaining Power is at its all time low and in this circumstance Pakistan have two different Options.

1. TAPI(No diplomatic Pressure, No strings Attached, Provide some Extra Geopolitical Leverage)
2. IP(Heavy Diplomatic Pressure, No string Attached, Provide Lower Price Leverage)

This is the scenario and I believe Pakistan Shouldnt Abandon IP Gas Pipeline Completely instead Wait for Economy to get better and then Start that Immediately. In Mean time Pakistan should Concentrate on TAPI because it requires Ground work of Multilateral level to proceed.
He is our brother from other side of border, why we appear to be so hard
sooner or later we have to join them (its obligatory in future) to kill bill indians
TPI is better option considering a excellent financing options and relatively cheaper.
honestly Afghanistan seems to be more safe than pakistan when it comes to gas pipelines.
who ever takes power in Afghanistan in future will not be stupid enough to destroy a revenue generator unless ofcourse they dont get anything
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