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Taner Akcam urges Obama to encourage Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocid

Sorry, but when countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia accept that a genocide happened that means it did. They have all analyzed that facts, and have come out with right conclusion. Someone brought up the point that these countries are in minority, as they are 21 out of 190. That is the wrong way of thinking. As a country, there is a difference between genocide denial and just not having a position because 1. the country doesn't care or 2. the country knows its opinion won't matter and therefore abstains from analysis..

Sorry but as i said yesterday, most of those countries also recognize PKK as terror organization, yet you are still considering them as freedom fighters. Why should we trust other countries conclusions about our history? While even you don't trust them.
Because borders are closed, almost no trade coming in and out. It's hardly an economy.

They are probably not starving since karabagh has very fertile soil but i doubt life has any quality in there.

Your interrogatives have no value. You have never been to Armenia, why are you assuming things. Yes borders are blockaded, and standard of life is low compared to Istanbul high-rollers. But life has very much quality.

I know I keep saying this, but please read that Kinross book. It will clear all misconceptions.

Sorry but as i said yesterday, most of those countries also recognize PKK as terror organization, yet you are still considering them as freedom fighters. Why should we trust other countries conclusions about our history? While even you don't trust them.

You are questioning the legitimacy of decisions made at the NATIONAL level because of MY (an internet poster's) opinions? Who cares what I think? I never forced my OPINIONS on anyone (including in this forum). TBH, I really don't know very much about the PKK anyway...
You are questioning the legitimacy of decisions made at the NATIONAL level because of MY opinions? Who cares what I think? I never forced my OPINIONS on anyone (including in this forum). TBH, I really don't know very much about the PKK anyway...

Yet your ignorance about PKK doesn't preventing you to talk bullshit. It doesn't preventing you to bullshit about so-called genocide either.
Yet your ignorance about PKK doesn't preventing you to talk bullshit. It doesn't preventing you to bullshit about so-called genocide either.

Talk "bullshit"? I have given my opinion about PKK, I have stated nothing solid. I am entitled to my opinion. PKK motives and activity are fluid and subject to change unlike the Genocide, which is a historical fact.

You are going to feel very stupid indeed when Turkey recognizes the Genocide. (and yes it will).
Talk "bullshit"? I have given my opinion about PKK, I have stated nothing solid. I am entitled to my opinion.

You are going to feel very stupid indeed when Turkey recognizes the Genocide. (and yes it will).

Calling a Terrorist Organization which murdered thousands of man, woman, children as freedom fighters is BULLSHIT not an OPINION!

Why would Turkey recognize some imaginary thing?
Calling a Terrorist Organization which murdered thousands of man, woman, children as freedom fighters is BULLSHIT not an OPINION!

Why would Turkey recognize some imaginary thing?

Are they not fighting for freedom? I agree, their tactics are despicable but that does not change their motive.

Maybe I should call them a "so-called terrorist organization" so that we will be on the same page when you denigrate the Genocide.
Are they not fighting for freedom? I agree, their tactics are despicable but that does not change their motive.

Maybe I should call them a "so-called terrorist organization" so that we will be on the same page when you denigrate the Genocide.

Call them as whatever you like. As you said, your knowledge about them is very limited.
But do not come here and expect our respect while disrespecting our fallens and nation.
Call them as whatever you like. As you said, your knowledge about them is very limited.
But do not come here and expect our respect while disrespecting our fallens and nation.

I never said I supported the PKK. I said Kurds should have their own nation. Don't kid yourself, you knowledge about PKK is limited as well. You make live in Turkiye, but we read the same newspapers. If knowledge about them was perfect, then a peaceful solution could come about quicklier.
Haven't you people heard the term one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter? Anyway why are some people changing the subject? We are talking about the Armenian genocide here, not PKK.

And could some mods check this trolls IP. He is probably one of the recently banned troll's new account.

I never said I supported the PKK. I said Kurds should have their own nation. Don't kid yourself, you knowledge about PKK is limited as well. You make live in Turkiye, but we read the same newspapers. If knowledge about them was perfect, then a peaceful solution could come about quicklier.

Oh man, you said they are fighting for their freedoms. If you're believing that, why wouldn't you support them?
No since i'm witnessing their terrors in the first place, my knowledge about them is not limited, and i know their motives perfectly well.
And could some mods check this trolls IP. He is probably one of the recently banned troll's new account.

Oh man, you said they are fighting for their freedoms. If you're believing that, why wouldn't you support them?
No since i'm witnessing their terrors in the first place, my knowledge about them is not limited, and i know their motives perfectly well.

Your location is Istanbul. I am "witnessing their terrors" in Diyarbakir/Van/Batman regions just as well as you in Istanbul from here in Nizhny, Russia. Besides, Reza is correct, this forum is about the genocide not PKK.

Mamnoon, baradar Reza:D
Your location is Istanbul. I am "witnessing their terrors" just as well as you are from here in Nizhny, Russia. Besides, Reza is correct, this forum is about the genocide not PKK.

Mamnoon, baradar Reza:D

Like i said, you do not know anything about them. You do not know the suicide bomber which blowed himself up in the taksim square, you do not know the bomb they planted dismembered a womans leg. You do not know if they are burning the forests. All of these happened in Istanbul. And there is much more attacks like these...
Armenian genocide is bullshit. You people turned against your own country out of greed.

What country are you refering to, enlightened Pakistani? Armenia? Do you realize that the international effort to recognize Armenian genocide is mandated by the constitution of Armenian Republic. We are supporting our country, not turning against it.

If you are not willing to utilize some knowledge, you can take your dumb @ss out of this conversation.

Like i said, you do not know anything about them. You do not know the suicide bomber which blowed himself up in the taksim square, you do not know the bomb they planted dismembered a womans leg. You do not know if they are burning the forests. All of these happened in Istanbul. And there is much more attacks like these...

No, I definitely read about them. Hurriyet is based in Istanbul I believe. But such terrorist organizations are a dime a dozen. Look at Pakistan. Look at Russia's North Caucasus. Again, not supporting PKK, but maybe Turkish government needs to think about what it has done wrong to deserve such actions. In Pakistan and Russia's case, the governments have done PLENTY wrong.
No, I definitely read about them. Hurriyet is based in Istanbul I believe. But such terrorist organizations are a dime a dozen. Look at Pakistan. Look at Russia's North Caucasus. Again, not supporting PKK, but maybe Turkish government needs to think about what it has done wrong to deserve such actions. In Pakistan and Russia's case, the governments have done PLENTY wrong.

I don't think you do. If you did, you wouldn't call them freedom fighters in the first place.

What you do not understand is they are not just hurting the government. But civillians, children, womans, elders...

I know this thread is about the so-called genocide but this discussion about PKK is needed in order to show your hypocrisy.
What country are you refering to, enlightened Pakistani? Armenia? Do you realize that the international effort to recognize Armenian genocide is mandated by the constitution of Armenian Republic. We are supporting our country, not turning against it.

If you are not willing to utilize some knowledge, you can take your dumb @ss out of this conversation.

No, I definitely read about them. Hurriyet is based in Istanbul I believe. But such terrorist organizations are a dime a dozen. Look at Pakistan. Look at Russia's North Caucasus. Again, not supporting PKK, but maybe Turkish government needs to think about what it has done wrong to deserve such actions. In Pakistan and Russia's case, the governments have done PLENTY wrong.

Were you not once ottomans, holding the highest positions in ottoman turkey, before siding with the Russians out of greed?

There are Armenians living in turkey today, and many old churches as well. How many Muslims does Armenia have today.

I'm sure even your Armenian bretheran in turkey can tell it was a fairy tale.
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