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Taner Akcam urges Obama to encourage Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocid

actually i also live in Turkiye sometimes maybe 6 or more months and Uk 6 months , sometimes Turkiye 3-4 years , 31.5million tourist to Turkiye , how about Iran?

Go back to studying for your british citizenship test. If you fail they may deport you back to hell hole torkiye!!! hahaha
actually i also live in Turkiye sometimes maybe 6 or more months and Uk 6 months , sometimes Turkiye 3-4 years , 31.5million tourist to Turkiye , how about Iran?

We are under sanctions by most of the world so obviously we don't have foreign tourists. Only 3.2 million. But to be honest with you I wouldn't want us to have tourists like Turkey does. You bring all the trash from England, Germany and Russia to your country every summer. They take over your entire Mediterranean coast, (towns like Marmaris and Antalya can no longer be called Turkish when it is 95% English living their). They treat your country like a toilet, get drunk throw up everywhere and have sex in public places.

If that idea of tourism is appealing to you then good, I hope you have 60 million of them next year!!!
We are under sanctions by most of the world so obviously we don't have foreign tourists. Only 3.2 million. But to be honest with you I wouldn't want us to have tourists like Turkey does. You bring all the trash from England, Germany and Russia to your country every summer. They take over your entire Mediterranean coast, (towns like Marmaris and Antalya can no longer be called Turkish when it is 95% English living their). They treat your country like a toilet, get drunk throw up everywhere and have sex in public places.

If that idea of tourism is appealing to you then good, I hope you have 60 million of them next year!!!

You are right, but those are just the disadvantages of tourism. If you compare them with the advantages, you may understand better how tourism is important for the economies.
You are right, but those are just the disadvantages of tourism. If you compare them with the advantages, you may understand better how tourism is important for the economies.

In my opinion there is good tourism and bad tourism. Good tourism is cultural, like what Milan, Paris and Istanbul have. That doesn't really have these trashy disadvantages. Bad tourism is party tourism, like Malaga, Cancun and Antalya.
Yes i see so many germans and english in antalya but i didnt see them do dirty things etc

We are under sanctions by most of the world so obviously we don't have foreign tourists. Only 3.2 million. But to be honest with you I wouldn't want us to have tourists like Turkey does. You bring all the trash from England, Germany and Russia to your country every summer. They take over your entire Mediterranean coast, (towns like Marmaris and Antalya can no longer be called Turkish when it is 95% English living their). They treat your country like a toilet, get drunk throw up everywhere and have sex in public places.

If that idea of tourism is appealing to you then good, I hope you have 60 million of them next year!!!
In my opinion there is good tourism and bad tourism. Good tourism is cultural, like what Milan, Paris and Istanbul have. That doesn't really have these trashy disadvantages. Bad tourism is party tourism, like Malaga, Cancun and Antalya.

Actually, they are both good tourisms but usually "party tourism" is the choice of punks while cultural tourism is preffered by intellectuals. Thats what makes party tourism bad and cultural tourism good.
I'm living in Antalya, and yeah tourism here is all about beaches, clubs, hotel complexes :) there is actually a good deal of historical places and they're taking a significiant number of tourists too but not much as the beach tourism :)

Edit: To everybody, do not even think to visit Antalya in July and August, the wind is like a dragon's breath :P
The so-called Armenian Genocide is the biggest historical joke. Bad attempt at Revisionist History.

You, sir, are a coward. You know very well that criticizing Pakistan or Pakistanis will get me kicked off this forum, so I have not response to your genocide denial. Might as well change your signature too.

Amount of believers doesn't determine the fact what happened. You collaborated with our enemies and we kicked your arses. A hundered years later you are still b*tching about it.

If we wanted to exterminate our minorities we'd do so in our strongest times. The empire reached powers beyond your imagination. We've been the dominant world power for over four hundered years and we never lost a war in that period. Your very existence is a symbol of our mercy. Live with it

Sorry, but when countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia accept that a genocide happened that means it did. They have all analyzed that facts, and have come out with right conclusion. Someone brought up the point that these countries are in minority, as they are 21 out of 190. That is the wrong way of thinking. As a country, there is a difference between genocide denial and just not having a position because 1. the country doesn't care or 2. the country knows its opinion won't matter and therefore abstains from analysis.

Just so you know, the only reason Genocide is not recognized in US is because of the millions spent by Turkey to lobby congressmen. Bob Livingston, Jean Schmidt, Dick Gephardt come to mind. As soon as your economy hits bad times (and all countries do at some point, yours will probably be after Erdogan/AKP leaves power), your lobby will have no money and recognition will come in an instant.

Finally, how can you accuse my Iranian brothers of not having lives. They are posting just like you. This is an Internet forum, that's what you are supposed to do.
Sorry, but when countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia accept that a genocide happened that means it did. They have all analyzed that facts, and have come out with right conclusion. Someone brought up the point that these countries are in minority, as they are 21 out of 190. That is the wrong way of thinking. As a country, there is a difference between genocide denial and just not having a position because 1. the country doesn't care or 2. the country knows its opinion won't matter and therefore abstains from analysis.

Just so you know, the only reason Genocide is not recognized in US is because of the millions spent by Turkey to lobby congressmen. Bob Livingston, Jean Schmidt, Dick Gephardt come to mind. As soon as your economy hits bad times (and all countries do at some point, yours will probably be after Erdogan/AKP leaves power), your lobby will have no money and recognition will come in an instant.
That's how you play the game, Armenian diaspora spend much, much more money than us millions of dollars lobbying. Understand this, no country in this planet is ruled by historians. Politicians move by their political agendas they don't give a crap about the truth. Therefore what they think does not determine our facts.

@Reza. in early 20th century armenian population in Ottoman Empire was barely over a million. All we did was to force some of them to migrate to south(Syria was in Ottoman domain back then) so they couldn't do any more damage. Some of them(around 53.000) inevitably died in this process that's all. Armenians living in west mostly in İstanbul wasn't even touched, they kept living their lifes the same way as they did before.

A friend of mine in high school had Armenian origin another one in University. There are still Armenian goldsmiths in istanbul they were some of wealthiest people during the Ottoman Empire because they weren't obliged to conscription.
To Legionnaire, during the time of the Armenian genocide thousands upon thousands of Armenians had to flee to Iran to escape being killed. Do you think they would have left behind their lives and homes in the tens of thousands to live as refugees if their was no genocide?
I'm not telling you nothing happened. I'm telling you we forced them to move south, most of them was sent to syria some to other places. There was a bloody war going on up north with Russians some Armenian tribes were bribed to fight for Russia we couldn't sit idly and watch.
That's how you play the game, Armenian diaspora spend much, much more money than us millions of dollars lobbying. Understand this, no country in this planet is ruled by historians. Politicians move by their political agendas they don't give a crap about the truth. Therefore what they think does not determine our facts.

@Reza. in early 20th century armenian population in Ottoman Empire was barely over a million. All we did was to force some of them to migrate to south(Syria was in Ottoman domain back then) so they couldn't do any more damage. Some of them(around 53.000) inevitably died in this process that's all. Armenians living in west mostly in İstanbul wasn't even touched, they kept living their lifes the same way as they did before.

A friend of mine in high school had Armenian origin another one in University. There are still Armenian goldsmiths in istanbul they were some of wealthiest people during the Ottoman Empire because they weren't obliged to conscription.

You are lying. The discrepancy between the amount Turkish lobby spends and Armenian lobby spends is unimaginable. The difference is that Turkish lobby does not care about Turkish Americans, all they do is spend millions on ex-Congressman and defense companies like Boeing, Raytheon, LM. That's the Armenian lobby's plight. It's not them against Turkish lobby. It's them against Turkish lobby, defense industries, power ex-politicians, construction companies, Justice Department, military contractors.

You are just plain stupid if you don't think that Ottoman's had virulent anti-Armenian president. Ever heard of Sultan Abdulhamid? It was under him and his generals (Enver and Talaat) that present day Turkey was "cleansed" of Armenians. You are right, Ottoman Armenians were skilled artisans and bankers, and that is part of the reason they were killed (jealousy).

Any book about Turkiye written by any non-Turk confirms these facts. I would recommend you read The Ottoman Centuries by Lord Kinross. He is a very well respected British historian, and a leader on the subject of Turkish history.
So im lying... obviously there is no point in discussing with me. That is what's wrong with you diaspora armenians. You don't care about what happens to Armenia herself have you got any idea people are starving there? all you care about is being right, not finding the truth, not finding the peace.

You never appreciated what we give to you but we were good to you as long as you were loyal to us. US will never recognize the so-called genocide and everybody knows how hypocrite the europeans are.

I was bored anyway... take care
So im lying... obviously there is no point in discussing with me. That is what's wrong with you diaspora armenians. You don't care about what happens to Armenia herself have you got any idea people are starving there? all you care about is being right, not finding the truth, not finding the peace.

You never appreciated what we give to you but we were good to you as long as you were loyal to us. US will never recognize the so-called genocide and everybody knows how hypocrite the europeans are.

You're right, there is no discussing this. You are being informed. Read that book if you don't believe me, it's written very well and you will like it.

I have been to Armenia and Artsakh countless times, and nobody is starving (and my family is considered the "lower class" because they live on farm. This is a common misconception Azeri's have because of state-controlled media. But I don't know why Turks are saying this
I have been to Armenia and Artsakh countless times, and nobody is starving (and my family is considered the "lower class" because they live on farm. This is a common misconception Azeri's have because of state-controlled media. But I don't know why Turks are saying this
Because borders are closed, almost no trade coming in and out. It's hardly an economy.

They are probably not starving since karabagh has very fertile soil but i doubt life has any quality in there.
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