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Taner Akcam urges Obama to encourage Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocid

Jul 11, 2011
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Taner Akcam, Professor of History at Clark University, has urged President Obama and his European allies to encourage "Turkey to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, and to follow the post-Holocaust example of Germany by making appropriate compensation for lives and property," the Sacramento Bee informs.

Dr. Akcam made this plea last week while contributing to Christian Solidarity International’s (CSI) spring 2012 conference series on The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East.

Akcam said Turkey's willingness to recognize the Genocide, in which approximately 1.5 million Christians – mainly Armenians and Assyrians – perished, and to provide compensation, is a litmus test of its fitness to fulfill its aspiration for Great Power status and leadership in shaping the destiny of the Middle East. Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu calls for the "reintegration" of territories in Syria, Greece, Bulgaria, and Georgia with Turkey – a policy often referred to by political commentators as New Ottomanism.

Launching his new book, The Young Turks' Crime against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire, (Princeton, 2012), Akcam noted that "under the Islamic law of the Ottoman Empire, Christians were not allowed to become fully equal," and that "it was, in fact, impossible for equality to be realized under the Islamic law of the Empire." The Turkish Republic, Akcam maintains, has to break decisively from the tradition of Turkish and Islamic supremacism if it is going to gain the confidence of non-Muslim minorities and non-Turkish communities and become a source of regional democratic stability, rather than repression.

“Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister, Recep Tayyib Erdogan, persists in denying the Genocide process, which has reduced the country's Christian population from approximately 30% in 1914 to less than 1% today. He has furthermore sought to use religion as a last line of defense with the claim that "it is not possible for a Muslim to commit genocide," Professor Akcam said.
Taner Akcam urges Obama to encourage Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocide : Public Radio of Armenia

we are behind our armenian brothers, those racists need to pay for their genocide.
lol this guy isnt Turkish , hes a pkk supporter , he was against Turkey helping Cyprus , also what is armenian genocide , first time heard of it

also , someone says i punched them , then i say ok lets go to court and he dont , that means i never punched him so hes lying , Discussion Ended
we are behind our armenian brothers

Brothers? The only reason some Persians like you support Armenia is because you're afraid Iranian Azeris will secede in the future.

If Iranian Azeris are integrated as you claim they are, there wouldn't be a need for you to support Armenia.

As for Armenian genocide... it would be nice if someone said something about hundreds of thousands of Muslim civilians that were killed in the Balkans during Balkan Wars and World War 1, for no other reason except for being Muslim.
And then they say Iran is being "tough" in some torks in Iran :disagree:
first come clean about your genocide and racism toward Iranic people like kurds in your country and then lecture others.

This must be your ''brotherly Love'' for your supposedly Azeri ''Brothers'', You are a typical brainless hyprcrite. On the one side saying how much Azeris are brothers and on the other side supporting Armenia, Your shameless.
We will never allow few arrogant white christian nations to taint our history with genocide , We will never ever accept it!!! If necessary screw EU screw West , they will not be able record our nation as genocider in world history.They can bark all day want or make secret deal recognations behind the doors but we know very well this lie supported by germany/france who want keep Turkey outside of EU also few anti-turk anti-muslim white christian supremacist nations on west.Even if the whole world recognize as long as people like me exist those turk haters living with fantasy of dismantling Turkey will not be able taint history.
I'm urging all of them to shut up and come with solid proof, they can't. All our archives are open, Ottoman government recorded everything about what happened yet historical files show nothing in such.
What a pathetic kid you are PGK!!! As if you are getting revenge posing so-called Armenian genocide argument. We can discuss this with proof to show such a genocide never happened, but I am sure you are gonna continue your nonsense. Because you are just a kid and not capable of discussing with someone like a human being. As I said before, you believe whatever you believe is true (I had posted how you assimilate the Azeri turks and you just tried to insult us and repeated your nonsense).

On topic, whoever wants to discuss, I am here to discuss this with the proof. If you are sincere just watch this (it shows all proof about Turkish-Armenian history)

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No such thing as armenian genocide. If people want to post fairy tales, please post good ones.

Brave words ****...you'd better hope US continues to support your country or else it will rot from the inside and ne destroyed by militants. I realize this is a Pakistani forum, but it doesn't have to falsify history.

Taner Akcam is a former student of Vahakn Dadrian

upps what a surprise, he is a amenian boy and geneocide story supporter. Vahakn Dadrian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

note for persian donkey kong pkk gang: you are pathetic :chilli:

Typical Turk behavior. You say you are open to intergovernmental joint groups to stuy the past, but whenever a scholar presents the truth, you label him a dog.
hah, speaks russia's puppy. First find a border to get in and out armenia

your situation is too pathetic to speak about others
Typical Turk behavior. You say you are open to intergovernmental joint groups to stuy the past, but whenever a scholar presents the truth, you label him a dog.

i want to answer how armenians react whenever someone claims otherwise:

- so called an armenian center apology to a very respectable professor in usa who wrote about that so called g-word due to calling him ''turkish agent'':

Civil rights center apologizes to scholar over Armenian genocide charges | cleveland.com

- and here is what American Academicians think about that so called g-word:

Declaration Made By American Academicians (May 19, 1985)


- first of all no one denies there were some killings, but those killings did not just happen to armenians, there were ohter people(actually families),too, who were killed by armenians while there were no men relatives to protect their families; that is called treachery in any country, and the penalty is always death to that kinda action; however, ottomans did decide to relocate them...

about that so called g-claim:

''Ottoman census statistics of armenians in 1914: 1.221.850

The relocated armenians: 438.758

The relocated armenians surviving: 382.148

the deceased in relocation: 500 people on the road between Erzurum and Erzincan; 2000 in Meskene, between Urfa and Aleppo and 2000 others on the outskirts of Mardin were massacred in attacks launched by bandits or nomadic Arabs...5000 people killed in Tunceli...25-30 thousand people dead due to diseases.. the rest settled in some places on the route.

The armenians left in turkey after the independence wars of Turkey is said about 100.000... and also there is some documents that 50.000 armenians soldiers joined in Russian army, and also some other 50.000 soldiers went to USA for army training.

... the rest escaped to mostly USA( today about 1 m.), Russia(and other ex-soviet countries about 1.8 m.), and France(about 500.000); because there was(or is) a treachery of armenians colluding with the enemy and killing the families of ottoman soldiers.

A report was sent in 1918 by Boghos Nubar Paşa , who was once a ottoman official at top level and later the president of armenian delegation, to French foreign minister Monsieur Gout, wich is that according to the report relocated armenians were, in caucaus 250.000, in iran 40.000, in syria and palestine 80.000, in musul-bagdath 20.000 , in total 390.000 armenians in relocation; and he adds that the relocated people reached up to 600-700.000 armenians; since he says there were more people in the deserts or some other lands.''

- however, over years armenians has overstated the number, today they claim it is over 1,5 m armenians who were killed; but if we examine the census reports:

'' Armenian Population

1.British Annual Register 1917: 1.056.000

2.Patriarch Ormanyan: 1.579.000

3.The Armenian historian Kevork Aslan 1914: 1.800,000

(In “Armenia and Armenians”, Aslan states the Armenian population in Anatolia 920.000, in Clicia (Adana, Sis, Maras) 180.000, in the other Ottoman territories 700.000, total 1.800.000)

4.German Priest Johannes Lepsius: 1.600.000

5.Cuinet : 1.045.018

6.The French Yellow Book: 1.475.011

7.The Armenian historian Basmajian: 2.280.000

8.Patriarch Nerses Varjabedyan: 1.150.000

and also the official ones:

- * Ottoman census statistics for 1893 1.001.465

- Ottoman census statistics for 1906 1.120.748

- Ottoman census statistics for 1914 1.221.850

*(The Ottoman Directory of Statistics was founded in 1892. The first director of the branch was Nuri Bey. Between 1892-1897 a Jewish Ottoman, Fethi Franco was appointed for the duty. From 1897 until 1903, an Armenian director was in charge, called Migirdic Shabanyan. Later, Mr. Robert an American was appointed (1903-1908). Between, 1908-1914 Mehmet Behic was the general director.)''


... however, the killed turks by armenians according to official ottoman documents is 517.955; if we count the others whose dates and locations were known but could not be made official due to the conditions, it is said over 2 m. people(mostly families) were killed by armenians; while the fathers, sons, and hudbands were in front line against the enemies, some of whom are france,russia and usa; which is interesting because most of armenians now live there and try to attack , and also interesting because if the claims of armenians were true, there would be no armenian who fled to usa, france and russia, and most of whom still use a turkish surname like ''kim KARDESYAN( kardeş in turkish means ''brother'', and -yan is a turkish suffix that marks who is armenian)

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