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Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

I was pointing towards your DP which looks like u support Israel's upper hand over Palestine.......
I support the the eyes which can only express the helplessness of the palestinians.
I support Palestinian struggle!

arp2041 said:
& Sanskrit & Israel are both 1000s of years old, thats how they are related :enjoy:
Humanity and stupidity are also 1000s of yrs old. :girl_wacko:
So just because you are a tamizh that we have to take you for granted. You have not even refuted my me. But you say I have no idea on proper recorded history. LOL

Also I believe that by saying sources which have no idea to record history properly you meant the Mahavansa. How dare you challenge the authority of the Mahavansa. It is regarded as mostly correct by archeologist. A remarkable achievement for a book that old.

If Mahavansa is wrong give me some of your proper history sources to look at.
Dont be follow mahavamsa religiously. It is a book written long ago and it has incorrect sections especially the early parts.
But Mahvamsa is a lot credible and has been accurate in later sections.

1 to 4 don't deserve a reply

5) Did the Portuguese/Dutch or British make any treaty with the Sinhalas ?

6) Asoka knew that he had to convert the new arrivals - pagan Hindu Oriya / Bangla origin Sinhala Aryan cousins to his state religion Buddhism and ancient Dravidian Nagas aka Tamils were not under his orbit
As much HeinzG like history has spaces historical interpretation of LTTE also have many spaces. RATIONALLY the history given by LTTE cannot happen

CBSE announces “Arabic Week” in school; Kerala wants it for 52 weeks each year

New Delhi: Last week, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced “Sanskrit Week” for all schools in India in the second week of August. In that “Sanskrit Week” students from all schools across India should spend some time to memorise unrecognizable verses in Sanskrit and to write Hindi lines ending with “aha” thereby bypassing it as Sanskrit verses.

There were heavy opposition from regional party leaders and many saw it as forceful imposition of Sanskrit and thereby Hinduism into the students, who come cutting across various religions in India. News channels were shouting over the top of their voice that this is suppression of non-Hindu religions in India and that this shows the bigoted mindset of ruling BJP government. And while there were no more murmurs over this week, CBSE had announced “Arabic Week” replacing the “Sanskrit Week” in the period of August 7-14.

Immediately after the announcement, there were celebrations across many of the major cities. Various Secular parties and regional parties distributed sweets and were dancing in joy. Welcoming the announcement, “Only Kannada” movement leader Ussappaa, commented, “This is a good move by the BJP. Every person in this world should learn Arabic, which is a beautiful language. Learning that language opens all the dimensions hidden inside the brain and makes a person rise above all the ignorance. We urge Kannadigas to earn Arabic and use it alongside or even replace Kannada language. But, we will vehemently oppose imposition of Sanskrit and Hindi upon us.”

Tamil leader, Kilavan, was seen partying with his party members outside his party office. A jubilant Kilavan said, “Arabic was the language spoken in India before RSS came, who hid Sanskrit parchments wantedly and sent archaeologists to those areas, thereby falsely proving to people that Sanskrit was spoken in India. We will agitate against Sanskrit and Hindi imposition on us.”


Posters like this were pasted in School noticeboards across India, ahead of “Arabic Week”

Kerala government expressed happiness over this announcement and even asked for extension of this Arabic Week, for 52 weeks every year. Trinamool Congress has requested that Arabic be made Official language of India replacing Hindi, so that Indians can easily talk with neighboring Pakistan and Afghanistan. Satish Bhattacharjee of TMC, said, “If Arabic is one of the official language of United Nations and if India is part of that United Nations, doesn’t it mean indirectly that Arabic can be official language of India too. Then why are they forcing Hindi and Sanskrit on us?”

Many intellectuals are already racing to enlist themselves in one of these schools as “old” students so that they can learn Arabic and highlight their secular credentials. Scientists expressed their happiness that introduction of Arabic reading and writing into school curriculum will enable the unused portion of brain in students to be used, as it it Right-to-Left oriented language.

Meanwhile, Arnab Goswami continued his #DesigntoPolarise series in his NewsHour with a debate topic as “BY TERMING IT AS ‘ARABIC WEAK’, DOES INDIA HURTS THE SENTIMENTS OF MUSLIMS?”

CBSE announces “Arabic Week” in school; Kerala wants it for 52 weeks each year | My Faking News

@arp2041 @INDIC @levina @nair @Nair saab @Rahul9090 @SarthakGanguly and others

Satire but brilliantly sums up "secular" politics in India
once in east some of the muslim dominated villages had built name boards in SInhala, english, tamil and arabic.

later someone had tarred the arabic letters SL has only three official languages.
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As much HeinzG like history has spaces historical interpretation of LTTE also have many spaces. RATIONALLY the history given by LTTE cannot happen

Don't know what you are smoking , for your constant LTTE hallucination , I don't quote from bias sources (prove me otherwise) , I draw my conclusions from logical analysis e.g Elephants live South India and Lanka but you cant claim that elephants are natives to Lanka only, now replace elephants with Nagas
Don't know what you are smoking , for your constant LTTE hallucination , I don't quote from bias sources (prove me otherwise) , I draw my conclusions from logical analysis e.g Elephants live South India and Lanka but you cant claim that elephants are natives to Lanka only, now replace elephants with Nagas

Busted...... The Sri Lanka Elephant is native to the island nation. We even had Lions and Gaurs which were natives of the island.

Now compare this with the Naga people.

The Sri Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus maximus) is one of three recognized subspecies of the Asian elephant, and native to Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan elephant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dont be follow mahavamsa religiously. It is a book written long ago and it has incorrect sections especially the early parts.
But Mahvamsa is a lot credible and has been accurate in later sections.

No I do not take Mahavansa religiously. In fact it is not a religious book. It do have incorrect sections but it is the most authentic chronicle or one of the most authentic chronicles out-there. But that lady was blatantly targeting Mahavansa because she has no answer to give. That was why I objected.

As much HeinzG like history has spaces historical interpretation of LTTE also have many spaces. RATIONALLY the history given by LTTE cannot happen

Whoa......... what do you mean "As much HeinzG like history has spaces"?
Don't know what you are smoking , for your constant LTTE hallucination , I don't quote from bias sources (prove me otherwise) , I draw my conclusions from logical analysis e.g Elephants live South India and Lanka but you cant claim that elephants are natives to Lanka only, now replace elephants with Nagas
It doesn't matter whatever the history was as there are no more Nagas today. No one can not claim the land on the basis of history of 2300 years ago.
No I do not take Mahavansa religiously. In fact it is not a religious book. It do have incorrect sections but it is the most authentic chronicle or one of the most authentic chronicles out-there. But that lady was blatantly targeting Mahavansa because she has no answer to give. That was why I objected.
Yeah, it is a pleasure to have a well written history of 2500 years. That lady might be thought of comparing the history of TN with ours. That is the point of disagreement because of being two different countries. The written sources may be biased on the nation.
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No one can not claim the land on the basis of history of 2300 years ago.

Could'nt agree more.. :tup:

Like i said two idiots from two opposite extremes arguing who got there first.. Neither convincing anybody.. Dumb and dumber

Could'nt agree more.. :tup:

Like i said two idiots from two opposite extremes arguing who got there first.. Neither convincing anybody.. Dumb and dumber
Yeah, the language issue of India has ultimately generated a racist argument about SL which has no meaning to the present.
I meant the vanished time of Nagas from Sri Lanka.
Could'nt agree more.. :tup:

Like i said two idiots from two opposite extremes arguing who got there first.. Neither convincing anybody.. Dumb and dumber


FYI..... It is not the problem who got their first but who civilized it and who had the authority over it.
FYI..... It is not the problem who got their first but who civilized it and who had the authority over it.
That manlion is trying to give the tamil identity to ancient clans of SL and he earlier mentioned about a TN mainland. It is not true like we cannot give the exact sinhalese identity to them. They were different tribes other than tamils and one cannot simply give the identity based on the closeness of TN to SL. Also that era was not well documented, therefore we need to accept the fact that the beginning of the present era is the arrival of Prince Vijaya.

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