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Tamil Nadu Floods, 270 Dead & the resilient spirit of Chennai

No Indian Tamil was gleeful when Sri Lanka's airports were attacked by the tamil tigers. Coming to the point at hand, I can only hope there are fewer low-life worms like you in Sri Lanka ....

Plenty of Indian Tamils were gleeful when Sri Lanka's airport was attacked by Tamil terrorists.

Then consider Sri Lankan Catholic and Buddhist pilgrims who have been beaten and attacked in Tamil Nadu.

If there are any low life worms, they certainly reside in Tamil Nadu.
So how many you think were as a % of total population?

Not sure, but enough for public displays of support for Vellupillai Prabhakaran and the "maaveerar" (with no consequences despite the LTTE being a banned terrorist organisation).
Not sure, but enough for public displays of support for Vellupillai Prabhakaran and the "maaveerar" (with no consequences despite the LTTE being a banned terrorist organisation).

They are part of a tiny minority.

Also outright celebrating terrorist attacks is often different from having sympathy for a freedom stuggle etc (though they do often overlap).

If a critical mass of Tamils were seriously so supportive of LTTE, they would still exist today in control of large parts of SL no question.
They are part of a tiny minority.

If you say so. That they get away with openly and publicly supporting the LTTE goes to show that they not only have the support of many people, but the highest echelons of power in Tamil Nadu.

Also outright celebrating terrorist attacks is often different from having sympathy for a freedom stuggle etc (though they do often overlap).

Yes, justify celebrating the Tamil Tigers as much as you like. Not a surprise.

If a critical mass of Tamils were seriously so supportive of LTTE, they would still exist today in control of large parts of SL no question.

No they wouldn't because the Tamil Tigers were routed by brute force, not by "winning the Tamils over" - basically the Tamil terrorists were smashed into non-existence.
If you say so. That they get away with openly and publicly supporting the LTTE goes to show that they not only have the support of many people, but the highest echelons of power in Tamil Nadu.

"Many" can be a tiny minority overall given the size of TN population ( the size of a medium sized country). Even 10% means 6 or 7 million people. But if you go to the average Tamil villager, the LTTE is far down the priority list of support/no support to begin with.

Yes, justify celebrating the Tamil Tigers as much as you like. Not a surprise.

Not justifying it. Thats how people worldwide think. You think Charles de Gaulle supported the FLQ's later actual actions....on top of his clear sympathy for its cause? I can make a myriad such comparisons.....its how people think. Just in this forum, how many Pakistanis do you think actually celebrate the killing of Indian civilians by terror groups...as compared to how many support their underlying cause?

No they wouldn't because the Tamil Tigers were routed by brute force, not by "winning the Tamils over" - basically the Tamil terrorists were smashed into non-existence.

If the Tamils in TN were as supportive to cheer the LTTE when it wreaked havoc on innocent civilians.....that would mean massive funding from TN....and tens of thousands of people leaving to fight in SL....and that much more pressure on the Indian govt to support direct military conflict with SL overtly. Basically it would have been an overall ascendant scenario after the initial support given by I.G....rather than the descendant one that happened instead (especially after LTTE was exposed to be what it is after the conflict with IPKF).

The latter never happened because TN people were never supportive of LTTE's means and methods...hence support for the movement never spread beyond a few TN-nationalist type circles who had the time and motive to actually politically profit in some way by aligning with TN nationalism and the LTTE as an offshoot of that.
"Many" can be a tiny minority overall given the size of TN population ( the size of a medium sized country). Even 10% means 6 or 7 million people. But if you go to the average Tamil villager, the LTTE is far down the priority list of support/no support to begin with.

6 or 7 million is a small number to you? Silly me.

Not justifying it. Thats how people worldwide think. You think Charles de Gaulle supported the FLQ's later actual actions....on top of his clear sympathy for its cause? I can make a myriad such comparisons.....its how people think. Just in this forum, how many Pakistanis do you think actually celebrate the killing of Indian civilians by terror groups...as compared to how many support their underlying cause?

Keep celebrating the Tamil Tigers, keep thinking that they were freedom fighters. It's not a surprise. This is the mentality that pervades Tamil Nadu with its backward people. "Support the Tamilargal even if they kill, butcher, maim, blow up, slaughter, bomb etc etc

If the Tamils in TN were as supportive to cheer the LTTE when it wreaked havoc on innocent civilians.....that would mean massive funding from TN....and tens of thousands of people leaving to fight in SL....and that much more pressure on the Indian govt to support direct military conflict with SL overtly. Basically it would have been an overall ascendant scenario after the initial support given by I.G....rather than the descendant one that happened instead (especially after LTTE was exposed to be what it is after the conflict with IPKF).

The Tamil Nadu government openly supported the Tamil Tigers and provided them with a safe haven in Tamil Nadu - even when they were fighting the IPKF. Tamil Nadu fishermen smuggled in arms, ammunition and fuel for the Tamil Tigers. Tamil Tigers were treated in Tamil Nadu hospitals.

The latter never happened because TN people were never supportive of LTTE's means and methods...hence support for the movement never spread beyond a few TN-nationalist type circles who had the time and motive to actually politically profit in some way by aligning with TN nationalism and the LTTE as an offshoot of that.

The LTTE has always had support among the leaders of Tamil Nadu and the people of Tamil Nadu. Tamil politicians have always openly supported the LTTE and openly ask for the dismemberment of Sri Lanka. Here's Jayalalitha herself:

I will send Army to Sri Lanka to create Eelam: Jayalalithaa - The Hindu

and Karunanidhi:

Karunanidhi says Tamil Eelam only solution in Lanka

Please save your BS for someone else.
6 or 7 million is a small number to you? Silly me.

Its certainly a minority of TN....and I doubt it would be anywhere close to that number in the first place.

Keep celebrating the Tamil Tigers, keep thinking that they were freedom fighters. It's not a surprise. This is the mentality that pervades Tamil Nadu with its backward people. "Support the Tamilargal even if they kill, butcher, maim, blow up, slaughter, bomb etc etc

OK so now it has gone to me "celebrating them" because I explained a key difference. You are exactly like the LTTE, incapable of seeing anything past your distorted and warped black and white view.

The Tamil Nadu government openly supported the Tamil Tigers and provided them with a safe haven in Tamil Nadu - even when they were fighting the IPKF. Tamil Nadu fishermen smuggled in arms, ammunition and fuel for the Tamil Tigers. Tamil Tigers were treated in Tamil Nadu hospitals.

When all else fails, resort to the propaganda.

The LTTE has always had support among the leaders of Tamil Nadu and the people of Tamil Nadu. Tamil politicians have always openly supported the LTTE and openly ask for the dismemberment of Sri Lanka. Here's Jayalalitha herself:

I have heard much worse from the politician loudspeakers myself. You think they represent TN people's views about the matter hand in glove?

Do Sirisena and Ranil represent the majority Sinhalese views either hand in glove?
Plenty of Indian Tamils were gleeful when Sri Lanka's airport was attacked by Tamil terrorists.

Then consider Sri Lankan Catholic and Buddhist pilgrims who have been beaten and attacked in Tamil Nadu.

If there are any low life worms, they certainly reside in Tamil Nadu.

looks like the South-Asian worms , Burrow dwellers and all other low-lives are endemic to Sri Lanka ...
Spirit of Chennai :)


Smile even at the time of distress <3
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The famous MIOT hospital killed 10+ patients and did not even allow relatives inside the hospital kept on telling them all is fine.Lot more happened there than what the media is saying.Yesterday some low life started rumour that a huge lake had burst it bank and hundreds ran to the top of a near by hill in fear.
looks like the South-Asian worms , Burrow dwellers and all other low-lives are endemic to Tamil Nadu ...

You typo is corrected.

Its certainly a minority of TN....and I doubt it would be anywhere close to that number in the first place.

So tiny.

OK so now it has gone to me "celebrating them" because I explained a key difference. You are exactly like the LTTE, incapable of seeing anything past your distorted and warped black and white view.

Keep cheering the LTTE, real champions of the Tamil makkal.

When all else fails, resort to the propaganda.

Did Jayalalitha give you a tv?

I have heard much worse from the politician loudspeakers myself. You think they represent TN people's views about the matter hand in glove?

Do Sirisena and Ranil represent the majority Sinhalese views either hand in glove?

Fact is the mainstream politicans in Tamil Nadu - the chief minister herself and the opposition Karunanidhi openly call for separatism in Sri Lanka.

Stop trying to pretend that it is "fringe groups"

Effin laughable.
You typo is corrected.

So tiny.

Keep cheering the LTTE, real champions of the Tamil makkal.

Did Jayalalitha give you a tv?

Fact is the mainstream politicans in Tamil Nadu - the chief minister herself and the opposition Karunanidhi openly call for separatism in Sri Lanka.

Stop trying to pretend that it is "fringe groups"

Effin laughable.

OK I think we have both said our pieces and have taken this as off-topic as far as it needs....we will let people judge for themselves.

Enjoy Ranil, Sirisena and your special war crimes court!
I am back, internet and power restored today! 8-)

Personally did not face any big issues, power was cut to prevent accidents, and streets were flooded, had a scare at one point. 2 houses on the lower side of my street got flooded, they were living on the first floor due to the rains water flooding (these houses usually have lots of water even during normal rains).

The real big scare occurred after the rains for us, when the sun was out shining. Streets/ground had dried out or was pretty much getting there, and then suddenly noticed the storm water drains in the garden started spewing out water, and the roads start to fill up again, even though there was full sunshine! Entire garden was submerged in a short while and the street water also started to enter via the gate, and then it starts to get cloudy and drizzling starts again! :lol: We started to prepare for a water logged ground floor, shifting stuff up to the first floor. Night was full of tension...constantly checking on the water level, seemed stable, and later luckily it started to recede, and by the morning, even waters on the street started to recede.(Grandmom made a deal with god, so now have to go to local Amman temple and break 2 coconuts! :) )

The rainfall seems to have proceeded in stages, the first part there was huge amount of rain (16-18), the areas that were affected most were the outer areas, and areas close to the catchment regions. It filled up many of the reservoirs, and they had to be opened, the second (29-1) made all these dams go critical and forced the authorities the open up the dams, out of which water came out gushing with full force, washing away/submerging encroachments that had grown over the years I heard that there was water flowing over Thiru vi ka bridge and over the saidapet bridge, and flooding the surrounding areas. This then caused stress on the already overworked drain system which then caused water to come through storm water drains into streets/peoples houses, even in areas usually considered higher ground.

As far as response from various authorities goes I think they did okay.Municipal corp people were always around checking drains etc. I had to call the fire dept and electricity dept due to some emergency in our neighbors place, at three in the morning, they responded quickly. so no problems there. Even now there is constant movement of army trucks and helicopters flying around from time to time. The self help groups with local people working to help each other and networking on social media was a huge plus (silly rumours on SM being a big minus!!!)

Also I also had a WOW moment, roads completely flooded, no power,patchy phones,internet, but milk still arrived!
Not just for me, many others too:

Also was happy to find out that all people I know have got through unharmed, although there was some serious destruction of property. City is slowly limping back to normal.
Also big thank you to all the people from various parts who have been sending help/essential items and other things
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