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Tamil chat

Tamil is not country specific. But the roots of Tamil are here in this country...wont you agree ?

BTW that song was awesome....chk out his other songs too...they are goodd.c


I agree but the words en desam , en inam ,en orimai those things we have but.......its really hurting. I heard all songs its great ...whose work is this?. Thanks fo your post.
what do you think about the supposed uniqueness of Tamil language and culture from the rest of India? Is it just revisionism by Dravidian politicians to become more popular ?

In my opinion, Tamil Language and culture has borrowed and followed heavily from sanskrit. Even the oldest surviving Tamil literature, Tholkappiyam is an adaptation of Panini's work in sanskrit. Thirukkural has sanskrit words in it.

Though Tamils did have unique deities like Murugan(whom I believe was added to the Hindu echelon for integrating the population), mainstream Hinduism has been the dominant religion for more than two millennium. The most important movement that revived Hinduism, ie. The Bhakti movement started in Tamil Nadu.

I can say the same about the social structure and caste system.

So is this uniqueness just a myth?
what do you think about the supposed uniqueness of Tamil language and culture from the rest of India? Is it just revisionism by Dravidian politicians to become more popular ?

In my opinion, Tamil Language and culture has borrowed and followed heavily from sanskrit. Even the oldest surviving Tamil literature, Tholkappiyam is an adaptation of Panini's work in sanskrit. Thirukkural has sanskrit words in it.

Though Tamils did have unique deities like Murugan(whom I believe was added to the Hindu echelon for integrating the population), mainstream Hinduism has been the dominant religion for more than two millennium. The most important movement that revived Hinduism, ie. The Bhakti movement started in Tamil Nadu.

I can say the same about the social structure and caste system.

So is this uniqueness just a myth?

I don't know whether people are really stupid or acting like a stupid. You don't know anything about your own history and heritage then why you calling yourself as a tamilian?. And you thinking that you are smart in asking fantastic questions , your post irritating much.
அப்பன் பேர் தெரியாத தமிழர்கள், தமிழ் போற்றும் பிரான்ஸ்!

உலகிலேயே அதிகம் மொழி பெயர்க்கப்பட்ட மதம் சாராத ஒரே இலக்கியம் திருக்குறள் மட்டுமே! இன்று நேற்றல்ல எத்தனை கோடி ஆண்டுகளானாலும் அப்போதும் பயன்படும்! இலக்கிய ரீதியாகவும், உலக தத்துவங்கள், ஆராய்ச்சிகள் வழியாகவும் ”தமிழ்” அறிய காரணம் திருக்குறள் என்றால் அது மிகையாகாது.

திருக்குறளின் பெருமை உணர்ந்து அனைவரும் அறியும் விதமாக பிரான்ஸ் அரசு தங்களுடைய இரயில்களிலும் பேருந்துகளிலும் பிரெஞ்சு மொழியில் மொழிபெயர்த்து எழுதியுள்ளதோடு அதற்கு அருகில் எழுதியவர் தமிழர் திருவள்ளுவர் எனவும் எழுதியுள்ளார்கள். தமிழின், தமிழனின் பெருமை தமிழன் உணர்ந்துள்ளானோ இல்லையே ஆனால் வேற்று மொழி நாடுகள் நன்கு உணர்ந்துள்ளார்கள்.

படத்தில் எழுதப்பட்டுள்ள திருக்குறள் இதுதான்!

மாதர் முகம்போல் ஒளிவிட வல்லையேல்
காதலை வாழி மதி

விளக்கம்: முழுமதியே! என் காதலுக்குரியவளாக நீயும் ஆக வேண்டுமெனில், என் காதலியின் முகம் போல ஒளிதவழ நீடு வாழ்வாயாக.

Tu aurais tes adorateur, Ô Lune
si tu rayonnais comme le visage de la femme.

Farewell, O moon! If that thine orb could shine
Bright as her face, thou shouldst be love of mine

Explanation : If you can indeed shine like the face of women, flourish, O moon, for then would you be worth loving ?

ஆனால் இந்தியாவில்? திருக்குறள் என்றால் எத்தனை பேருக்குத் தெரியும்? ஏன் தமிழ்நாட்டில் தமிழ் எழுத/படிக்க எத்தனை பேருக்குத் தெரியும்? தன் அப்பன் யாரென்று தெரியாத இவர்களா இன்னொருவனின் அப்பனைப்பற்றி முழுமையாய் தெரிந்து கொள்ளப்போகிறார்கள்?

ஜெர்மன் தெரியாத ஜெர்மானியர்கள் உண்டா? பிரெஞ்சு தெரியாத பிரெஞ்சு மக்கள் உண்டா? ஏன் ஆங்கிலம் தெரியாத ஆங்கிலேயர்கள் உண்டா? ஆனால் தமிழ் தெரியாத தமிழர்கள் எத்தனை பேர்?

தற்போதைய சில பெற்றோர்களே கேட்கும் கேள்வி – தமிழ் படித்து எனக்கு/என் மகனுக்கு என்ன லாபம்? ஆங்கிலம் படித்தால் நல்ல வேலையில் வெளிநாட்டில் செட்டில் ஆகலாம். அடேய் பதறுகளா! உங்களுக்கு எல்லாமே வியாபாரம்தான் என்றால்
விபசாரம்கூட வியாபாரம்தான் ஏன் அதைச் செய்யவேண்டியதுதானே? எந்த மொழியையும் கற்க வேண்டியதில்லையே!

தன் மொழியான குரைத்தலைக் கற்காத எந்த நாயும் கழுதையின் கனைத்தலைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ளமுடியாது - அப்படியே கற்றுக்கொண்டாலும் கழுதையாகிவிடமுடியாது!
what do you think about the supposed uniqueness of Tamil language and culture from the rest of India? Is it just revisionism by Dravidian politicians to become more popular ?

In my opinion, Tamil Language and culture has borrowed and followed heavily from sanskrit. Even the oldest surviving Tamil literature, Tholkappiyam is an adaptation of Panini's work in sanskrit. Thirukkural has sanskrit words in it.

Though Tamils did have unique deities like Murugan(whom I believe was added to the Hindu echelon for integrating the population), mainstream Hinduism has been the dominant religion for more than two millennium. The most important movement that revived Hinduism, ie. The Bhakti movement started in Tamil Nadu.

I can say the same about the social structure and caste system.

So is this uniqueness just a myth?

Uniqueness is not a myth,lot of societies and micro societies are unique in their own way but this idea of extreme uniqueness is indeed a myth,

TamizhNadu is a state with sea totally on the east coast and borders with Kerala,Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh.

The languages of the other three states have a strong sanskrit speech/phonetic connection and so does Tamil.

The dravidian movement has taken extreme efforts to kinda cleanse tamizh os sanskrit phonetic consonants but they cant remove the literary language.

India used to be a free accessible society and the languages we have today are the inter mixings of earlier existing languages including sanskrit.

Dravidian movement is an overhyped movement,there are lot of reasons as to why it got prominent.

I don't know whether people are really stupid or acting like a stupid. You don't know anything about your own history and heritage then why you calling yourself as a tamilian?. And you thinking that you are smart in asking fantastic questions , your post irritating much.

There is nothing wrong with his question,answer it if u can.
what do you think about the supposed uniqueness of Tamil language and culture from the rest of India? Is it just revisionism by Dravidian politicians to become more popular ?

We are not completely unique for we are broadly of the same civilization but a one of the several distinct offshoots off the main trunk. So its somewhere inbetween. We need not (I do not) subscribe to the Dravidian nationalism as put forth by the missionary Robert Caldwell and then developed on by the likes of Periyar nor do we have to subscribe to the "we are all completely same to the last nut and bolt" theory.

In my opinion, Tamil Language and culture has borrowed and followed heavily from sanskrit. Even the oldest surviving Tamil literature, Tholkappiyam is an adaptation of Panini's work in sanskrit. Thirukkural has sanskrit words in it.

Heavily ? Not by a long shot. There are ofcourse influence of Sanskrit on Tamil because of the fact the Vedic literature was mainly in Sanskrit and Hinduism was the dominant religion in this area from time immemorial except for a brief interlude. Tamil is actually one of the languages with the least sanskrit influence on it. A comparison with Malayalam or Telugu for example would show that.

Though Tamils did have unique deities like Murugan(whom I believe was added to the Hindu echelon for integrating the population), mainstream Hinduism has been the dominant religion for more than two millennium. The most important movement that revived Hinduism, ie. The Bhakti movement started in Tamil Nadu.

I can say the same about the social structure and caste system.

So is this uniqueness just a myth?

There are many unique village deities like Ayyanar, Muneeswaran etc. Anyway as I said in the beginning we are like a distinct branch growing from the trunk of the same tree.
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