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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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Get off the high horse buddy. India is playing both sides of the Atlantic. Even the Americans know this, but for the time being they need you as an ineffective counter against China. India has started to think too much of itself after a few billionaires have become a little richer whilst the rest are starving. The ground realities in India are very different and people who understand and know this country also realize this. You need to put your egoistic patriotism and nationalism aside for a moment. India isn't that great. Fix your problems and stop convincing us how great you are.

India is not the only country on this planet and Pakistan is by now means a dwarf in comparison. In fact, your size isn't only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. As they say, every advantage has its disadvantage and vice versa. Let's not get into the debate about who has a bigger market size. Had market size really been such an advantage, other smaller and much more prosperous nations around the world wouldn't be richer and peaceful as compared to the much bigger India. Therefore, this size argument is very outdated and does by no means justify or prove anything. It's a flawed argument only meant to spoil a topic.

You keep your "bitter realities" to yourself because like I said, India is irrelevant to Pakistan. We understand your obsession with Pakistan. We also understand why you Indians come to this Pakistani forum to argue and fight. If there's anyone bitter here it is only you. You're desperate and constantly trying to prove how right you are. You're not man and we don't care. LOL

Lol :lol:
So much emotions.
A big country world largest growing economy.
Un like you we have our own decision and relations with entire World.

50 members from 1.3 billion doesnt represent India.
What is your accomplishment in S&T,economic,social fields ?Then what is this onsession ?
Lol :lol:
So much emotions.
A big country world largest growing economy.
Un like you we have our own decision and relations with entire World.

50 members from 1.3 billion doesnt represent India.
What is your accomplishment in S&T,economic,social fields ?Then what is this onsession ?

Like I said, you're the one here trying to desperately convince us about how right you are. We don't care about your silly facts. Spare us your lecture and move on buddy.

LMAO We don't care about India or its 1.5 billion population. You might get high on that, but irrelevant to the rest of the world. Feed them bro. We would all be very glad. Do something useful instead of quarrelling all the time.
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You can't ditch them completely. I are buyer of weapons so are reliant on them. You can either buy all western or a mix. Your economy is not strong enough to buy all western. Case in point Rafale deal. You could buy 230 MKIs but could you afford 230 Rafales? No. Barely 36 of them. So there is that.
You need to understand the buying cost and lifecycle cost.. Russian aircraft comes at a less off the shelf price, but at a greater lifecycle cost.. The deal of Rafale is more cheaper than MKI if considered the life-cycle cost and operational availability.. we had a good experience with migs and M2ks..
Lol :lol:
So much emotions.
A big country world largest growing economy.
Un like you we have our own decision and relations with entire World.

50 members from 1.3 billion doesnt represent India.
What is your accomplishment in S&T,economic,social fields ?Then what is this onsession ?

Please?? Why are you here?? 10k + posts and you still post utter rubbish like this and troll threads with 1.3 billion blah blah and accomplishment nonsense? Stop derailing the thread and get a life please.
sure but they first need russia to agree to it and then arrange for money as russians dont beleve in "soft loans/defferred payment schemes" russians onli deal in terms of hard cash :sarcastic:
My main worry is about the offer,and this offer was announced by a Russian minister not by their embassy officers. Russia may or may not sell 35 or pak may or may not go for this powerful bird now, but this situation shows us that we lost our grip on Russians and pak- Russia defence cooperation is reality and is growing day by day. In future definitely Russia will sell something deadly.

All these happened because we alligned with US( an unpredictable non trusty nation) and spoil brat IAF's love affair with the expensive french jet( I still believe that it's a good plat form against PAF but not against china). Unfortunately we lost a trusty companion in world politics only because of the mistake what we made in recent times.
why should indians be botherred about pakistan getting "4Mi-35s" :azn:

he he he he are your serous :sarcastic:

what if i told you we are opretaing M-35 /mi-25 since two decades if not more and now are "retiring" them from owr service but then no har in dreaming :haha:

India has retired or is about to retire its MI 35 Hind helis as they are too heavy to be used in high zone conflicts

lol your smiley are always cool
India has retired or is about to retire its MI 35 Hind helis as they are too heavy to be used in high zone conflicts

lol your smiley are always cool
but they dont want to understand that if any how it has an indian angel .... dont know if you have seen movie called reshma aur shera there was a scene in that movie of certain mela and about jalebies take a look there im sure you will know what im saying :cheers:

My main worry is about the offer,and this offer was announced by a Russian minister not by their embassy officers. Russia may or may not sell 35 or pak may or may not go for this powerful bird now, but this situation shows us that we lost our grip on Russians and pak- Russia defence cooperation is reality and is growing day by day. In future definitely Russia will sell something deadly.

All these happened because we alligned with US( an unpredictable non trusty nation) and spoil brat IAF's love affair with the expensive french jet( I still believe that it's a good plat form against PAF but not against china). Unfortunately we lost a trusty companion in world politics only because of the mistake what we made in recent times.

Like you didn't know. We have been telling you this for years that this was bound to happen. Every Indian laughed it off like it was some joke. Today the facts speak for themselves. You're either with the US/West or you're with the other side. There is no in between. Like I said, you cannot have the best of both worlds no matter how much you would like that to be the case. The world doesn't work like that. India has chosen for the US and that means consequences.
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trolling se yaad aya russian foreign minister trolled all hub bul watan pakistanies big time :sarcastic:
Don`t worry , it`s pressure tactics on US lobby in India whose prime goal is to replace Russia as main supplier for Indian armed forces. Since US is not going to sell most modern weaponry to Pakistan (not because of India) , idea is that Russia might which will firmly put India`s generals to stay faithful to Russian arms. Arms market competition is not for gentlemen and often is hard bargain and trade off.
If PDF had existed back in the early 90s we would have had a similar thread about the French mirages back then :-)
nope, it was a whole different world back then, in fact PAF had tech tech edge over IAF.

and now not only is that edge lost, PAF are so far behind there is no scope of ever catching up.
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