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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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What i find funny here, since when an indian become a spoke person of pakistani finance ministry, i can feel the burt hurt with so many indians jumping in trying to figure out whats happening, imagine wether this thing meterialise or not we have given sleepless nights for loosers on the eastern border. Imagine so many new indians on this thread, that says it all. Weldone PAF.

An airforce flying thirdhand F 16s and a Chinese reject light fighter is a loser of it's own accord. A country like Indonesia is applying for line of credit to buy Su 35. Pakistan can't even look beyond second hand trash for now. SU 35 lol! Well done indeed!
i cant understand. there is something definitely going on. i have few questions

how all of a sudden Russia is agreed on giving such hi tech equipment to Pakistan ? while we dont share healthy relations.

how Russia is going to deal with his all weather friend India ? is he going to ditch her which is not possible, in any case.

is it pressure tactics against India ? so that India cant go for other arms market.

if there is a deal then how Pakistan will afford ? from where the money comes ?

or it is just some sort of geo politics and anti US strategy ?

or part of greater Russian Chinese game/strategy ?
You are so worried , that's why you are posting here , its a state of denial ?lolzz
that is pakistani mentality.. not ours... we are posting here only for discussion.. not because i am worried.
that's the real endgame but Indigenization is still long way off, for now we're still heavily dependent on imports.

A public break with Russia, even if fallout is not acrimonious, would give a boost to indigenisation, both by forcing Army (rest want to move away from Russian maal anyway) away from Russian equipment and by improved technological and defence relations with Russian foes.

If you had not noticed, USA has neither increased aid, not offered Pakistan even F-16; on announcement that Pakistan is negotiating for Su-35 like they offered cobras when Pakistan tried to buy helis from Turkey and tested Chinese Aircraft. The reason is that this is a deal that US would want to go through as diplomatic benefit of this deal would be than loss of sale of some dozen Aircrafts.

Pakistan, if had bought F-15SE, or even Chinese flanker copies, would have posed equal danger to India as Su-35 ,if bought, would cause (F-15Se would have cause more damage to India than Su-35).By buying flankers, they don't gain much as Chinese already have a copy of flankers.
An airforce flying thirdhand F 16s and a Chinese reject light fighter is a loser of it's own accord. A country like Indonesia is applying for line of credit to buy Su 35. Pakistan can't even look beyond second hand trash for now. SU 35 lol! Well done indeed!
A country so many sukhois still fear the third hand f16, which are ready to rip your arse apart whenever is required, su 35 or not should i send you burnol. You can spread another one billion filthy butt hurt indians.
How many units of su-35 do you see coming? I sense some 24-36. What do you guys think?
unlike you we accepts defeats. and no one in india is celebrating 1962 war as a victory day.

Which is why you suddenly started to celebrate a war in which a force 1/3rd your size forced you to the table and got a cease fire agreement .. good to know ..

no indian members are saying that this deal is signed.. from very 1st post we are saying the same... "good luck with the deal"

The post I quoted of yours was atleast looking as if it was based on an assumption that the deal is signed .. based on how you were going for ... it will engage Pak-Fa etc. However I would agree, the negotiations are at an early stage ...

the deal for j-31 will be over if PAF go for su-35 as the payment for russian jets will take majority of your defence budget. so buying j-31 will be really difficult for pakistan.

the russians lost the MMRCA because they give jet engines to pakistan, when the deal for engine(for JF-17) was signed by china and russia, it was known that mig 35 is out. some indian air force personals had also said that.
india is going for western equipment is because russian hardware are maintenance nighmeir. and also the western equipment are better in quality and advanced than russian.

Ohh, so now that your moving away from Russian equipment its suddenly inferior and a maintenance nightmare ... maybe because Pakistan is in talks of buying one ... well there is a certain truth to the statement .. but then again Mig-21/23/27/29 and Su-30 MKI would more or less account for 70 odd percent of your fighting force ... so I guess nightmares for you right ...

As far as FC-31 and SU-35 thing goes ... PAF was exploring different options besides the -16's from the time MMRCA was announced ... that is why J-10B was in the talks for a long long time ... and FC-31 is post 2020 .. so don't get too deluded with "ohh they cant purchase 2 aircrafts at the same time" -- because the purchase won't occur at the same time ... and Pakistan has already announced a 5th gen purchase project , even if there is some truth to what you say .. PAF would be more inclined to get its hands on FC-31 ..

So please continue to live in the dreams of such and such cant happen because of our economy because the pakistani economy is known to turn around really fast provided a little stability .. which the country is getting .. In 1999 we were nearly broke and the time frame around 2003-2007 we were doing great ..

Lastly, India was punishing Russia over giving Pakistan the engines ?? ... so if France had gone through with the JFT deal ... Rafale wouldn't have been selected ?? :woot::woot: -- but then again guess what, the french were talking about reviving the JFT deal because of the stalls in the MMRCA .. and the Ruskies that you "punished" are in negotiations with us for their most advanced jet today ... So .. the only thing you've managed to do up until now is self harm ...
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Or its a deal , done with understand to reverse enginre that ?lolzz
BTW in China public never interferes in govt s decisions ?

Look what did happen with su-27 ..initial plan was for much larger numbers but then the plan was halted and the world witnessed chinese j-11s with alot of fuss from russian side even some of their official claiming to ban military exports to china and raising issue at international level.... Reverse engineering is what China is good at may it be mig series in past or flanker today .... And yes it will help PAF too significantly in terms of multiplying paf capabilities and giving a strategic advantage so the outcome here is not only reverse engineering but also strategic move which will help all parties...
Russia needs money....China needs more insight into latest flanker...Pakistan needs teeth to keep india at bay while also having an option to go deep...win win

Irrespective of the fact that their public interferes in their decisions or not but the fact is no country would like to give an image of its locally produced equipment (which by the way comprise of major part of their modernization program) as something which is inferior or sub standard.
i just check the prices Su-35 (65 Million) and Rafale (67.5 Million)
Why Pakistan not going to purchase some Rafale off the shelves quickly to give India a lasting heartburn.
Not sure if the price figures are correct since elsewhere i read Rafale to be in the region of 80 million.
In any case, in the past PAF had a look at both the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Rafale.
The then PAF airchief even had test flown a Typhoon but nicely declined it. Perhaps it never met or suited PAF's doctrine.


So ,.cool then keep waiting for 5 more years when you really not much needed Russia for spares & amuonation supplies from Russia ?
Sorry but whole of your navy also is made of.russians & will you retire all of it in 5 years too ?lolzz

India does not need any spare and supply for Mig-27 which it would be retiring by end of next year ;neither does it need "Russian" supply for MKI and Mig-21 for whom it is a certified OEM.

And LOL on Navy comment.Indian Navy is least dependent on Russia. There are some old Russian ships in Indian Navy, but India manufactures all its ships at home and has been doing that for nearly a decade. Only SSK are bought from abroad and those are French in origin.

The number of jaugars and mirage 2000 is nothing before russin jets inventory

Only mig 21 are near retirement and that too in 2020.

Mig 29, mig 27 and SU 30 MKIvwill remain the work horse of iaf.
Rafale if ever inducted will be just 36. So iaf will remain russian origin even after 2 deacdes from now specially after PAKFA inductions.

All Mig 27s would be retired by next years end. Mig-21 would retire in next 5-7 years depending on progress in LCA.

There are nearly 160 Jaguars in IAF's service.

Apart from direct deal of 36, a separate RFI of 90 aircraft has been floated by GoI (if you are abreast with current affairs). This larger deal probably is cause of delay in signing (an off the shelf deal of 36 fighters is very easy to negotiate).

In 10 years, Russians content in IAF would fall below 50% mainly due to induction of large number of LCA and also due to purchase from non-Russian actors.
A country so many sukhois still fear the third hand f16, which are ready to rip your arse apart whenever is required, su 35 or not should i send you burnol. You can spread another one billion filthy butt hurt indians.

I just find it funny to see Pakistani media behave like North Korean media at times. Later even Russia released a press release rubbishing this "deal". No word since then. All this is to prepare ground work for Modi visit in december to Russia to finalize/negotiate FGFA and Super Sukhoi upgrade. We pay them cash, they tell you to take a hike off a short pier.

BTW in India , we use mederma or boroplus. :)
lol.. you pakistanis are really fools..
pakistani is not US or china to buy 2 expensive fighters at same time.
Turkish TFX, j-31, j-20, SU 35!!!!!!!!!!! what is this?? list of fighter jets of neighboring countries!!??? shame on you pakistanis to show proud on some else product. Turkey and china is not pakistan, they are developing fighter jets for themselves and for export, not to gift pakistan. you neither have the financial capacity nor have the infrastructure to buy these fighters simultaneously. an order for Su-35 means deal for j-31 is dead. with only 7 billion $ you think that you can buy all these fighters??? :lol::lol: now think who is in delusion.
india is developing AMCA, and will have PAK FA in a JV. so two 5 gen fighters as the same time. pakistanis, don't consider yourself as powerful as US or china. even with a defense budget of $45 billion(drastically increasing in every year) india found it little bit difficult to maintain to two 5 gen. fighter programs. so what you pakistanis can do with only $7 billion!!??

russia is going to introduce pak fa in 2016. india will get it in 2018. by the time pakistan(if they order the SU-35) have su-35.

no, like in 1971.
@Windjammer..can we get rid off this fool from this thread, the biggest fool of all indians representing a billion fools in our eastern border, how many more butt hurt indians we will have here just to derail this thread.
i wold recommend India to not buy western weapons especially fighter jets there are a lot of political problems from the west which comes with it....!!!
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