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Talibans are not Pakistan's friend : Gen Tariq Khan

Oh what happened to strategic depth. Mark my words, in 2 years, Taliban would have better relationship with India than Pakistan.
Let's just say knowing both the above parties (one that is stubborn as a mule and easily triggered by short sighted and legacy feelings, and the other has no honor) - I would not be surprised.
When I said that the taliban would never accept the Durand line, I was ridiculed. When I said the taliban would be aggressive towards Pakistan, if Pakistan decided to enforce the border, I was called a closet India.

No Afghan faction can be a friend to Pakistan. I sincerely believe Afghanistan MUST be broken to pieces, and there are factions within Afghanistan itself Pakistan can use to do so.

Until Afghanistan is broken, Pakistan cannot have peace of mind.
Talis have issues with us curtaling smuggling rather than durand line
This is there main source of income
Plus some tribal allegiences will change as travel will become difficult
Grazing grounds and trade as well

Its much more complicated
I am gonna say it right now so pay attention.. Pak can't overcome IEA militarily this is pure 100% fact anyone whos deluded about this needs to go see a doctor outside of nuclear strikes which even that doesn't guaraantee anything because they have solid mountain range hence they could perhaps withstand it and weather it out. This could destroy Pakistan's army completely leaving them open for an invasion from the eastern side who would be able to annex parts of it.. Pakistan's army could completely get devasteted as soon as they hit these mountain ranges. TB.2.0 is completely different animal they are tech savvy even have anti-drone systems and could potentially even take fighter jets of the air.. They even have a larger armed forces then Pak approx 1.5m men..

This is like russian roulette or Pakistan jumping off a cliff to it's death for simply nothing..

But the truth is quite different they have no interests in Pakistan because they block the gangus on LOC hence this is one of their biggest interests hence they don't view Pakistan with negativity as the previous governments but someone whos necessary and potential ally. They view Indian as main threat..


Stop having wet dreams. You sound like one of those liberal extremists who bat for India on social media.

Nobody has seen PA fully flex their muscles yet. If Pakistan had been 1st world wealthy you best believe they would have fully synced with NATO and destroyed TTP in 2005. Border built and sealed 2 years later. Right now its just coping with this disrespect.
Taliban on Afghan TV shows actually mock the previous regime for allowing Pakistan to fence the border. They laugh at those Afghan supporters of Ghani who call him anti Pakistan. Their stance is "No recgonition of Durand Line". They have a vision of their Sharia based state for Af-Pak and possibly Tajikistan next.
Anti Talib elements say the Durand Line is now the Amu river so that's why Taliban are stopping it as Afghanistan is now Pakistan's colony and it's not needed lol
Taliban on Afghan TV shows actually mock the previous regime for allowing Pakistan to fence the border. They laugh at those Afghan supporters of Ghani who call him anti Pakistan. Their stance is "No recgonition of Durand Line". They have a vision of their Sharia based state for Af-Pak and possibly Tajikistan next.
Anti Talib elements say the Durand Line is now the Amu river so that's why Taliban are stopping it as Afghanistan is now Pakistan's colony and it's not needed lol

I follow their news sometimes especially on tolo and other news agencies. including their public press-cons they have never issued such statements as you put it.. I know you lost the war but you shouldn't come in here and try to delude the less fortunate Pakistanis who aren't that smart
Taliban on Afghan TV shows actually mock the previous regime for allowing Pakistan to fence the border. They laugh at those Afghan supporters of Ghani who call him anti Pakistan. Their stance is "No recgonition of Durand Line". They have a vision of their Sharia based state for Af-Pak and possibly Tajikistan next.
Anti Talib elements say the Durand Line is now the Amu river so that's why Taliban are stopping it as Afghanistan is now Pakistan's colony and it's not needed lol

They have also cultivated many cucks within Pakistan who pander to this absolutely delusional backwater ambition of an Afghan empire as if they are Romans with so much value to offer under their reign. Its a typical ISIS wet dream, they literally just want their sex slaves. :lol:

That Taliban school in Peshawar needs to be destroyed and an orphanage built on top.
the gangus will melt infront them mark my words.. 2+2 is 4

They are a major asset.. gangus is this big boned big booty hoe that needs proper working but but I have no doubt they will work her pheonomenally with alot of stamina
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They are a major asset and probably one of the biggest assets.. I would even say I have more trust in them then the PAF. Pakistan is like a skinny tall guy and India is this big boned big booty hoe that needs proper working but Pakistan perhaps might not be the guy to do the real potential ground work but I have no doubt they the Afghans will work her pheonomenally with alot of stamina

I think Pakistan exists because its people suffered during its many occupations otherwise it would not have been a thought. Punjab and Sindh would have been India,KPK Afghanistan, Iran takes Baluchistan, Oman keeps Gwadar.

Arab invasion was brutal, Afghan invasion was brutal. I believe Pakistanis would have become monotheists naturally if theses invasions never happened. Since IVC we have been monotheists, its in our DNA and we have a more developed monotheism than others. We didn't need someone from the outside to consolidate our beliefs.

If I traveled back in time and witnessed Afghan warlords sitting on a throne in Lahore it would make me want to throw up. I don't view history like you do, Pakistani deaths are not part of the process like they are lemmings in the background for the great story of conquest for another civilization. You should be grateful WW2 happened and the British had to withdraw, they did an honorable thing in helping to legalize Pakistani borders and US beefing up its airforce. Polish man set up your ballistics for you, that's selfless. Not surprising it has never looked back since .

Afghanistan and India will balkanize by the end of this century and trust me on this Pakistan will remain intact. Fate loves irony ;)
I think Pakistan exists because its people suffered during its many occupations otherwise it would not have been a thought. Punjab and Sindh would have been India,KPK Afghanistan, Iran takes Baluchistan, Oman keeps Gwadar.

Arab invasion was brutal, Afghan invasion was brutal. I believe Pakistanis would have become monotheists naturally if theses invasions never happened. Since IVC we have been monotheists, its in our DNA and we have a more developed monotheism than others.

If I traveled back in time and witnessed Afghan warlords sitting on a throne in Lahore it would make me want to throw up. I don't view history like you do, Pakistani deaths are not part of the process like they are lemmings in the background for the great story of conquest for another civilization. You should be grateful WW2 happened and the British had to withdraw, they did an honorable thing in helping to legalize Pakistani borders and US beefing up its airforce. Polish man set up your ballistics for you, that's selfless. Not surprising it has never looked back since .

Afghanistan and India will balkanize by the end of this century and trust me on this Pakistan will remain intact. Fate loves irony ;)

There is no Afghan animosty angle I am a afraid nor an Arab one nor an Iranian one but just an Indian one that is just the ground reality anything else is waste of time or intellect.....

This is not what the Pakistanis felt at that time they were one civilization another ground reality you can't bypass.. They called on Abdali to come save them..

The sindhis accepted to join the civilization earliest while the Punjabis did 2 centuries later during the 9th-century once they signed on that they were part of the civilization and have been ever since. God choses whomever he wants to join not the other way around and a divine privilege
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They consider you filth, idol worshipers who are nothing but slaves to them. If you want to be part of that go ahead, why do you think even the TTP hasn't made any overtures to you? Do you remember the Kashmir tension, they said they would put aside their differences with the government and fight the kaffir enemy.
You should worry more about your states blowing each other up with artillery and automatic weapons and civil war; :-)

Sarma said there is “clear evidence” emerging which “unfortunately shows that Mizoram Police has used Light Machine Guns (LMG)” against Assam Police personnel. “This is sad, unfortunate and speaks volumes about the intention and gravity of the situation,” he said on Twitter.

Speaking to The Indian Express, Zoramthanga said there was no tension in the area for more than a year after the Centre had intervened. “Yesterday, after the North-East Chief Ministers’ meeting in Shillong, I had passed the area and everything was normal. This morning, the IGP of Assam and about 200 Assam policemen came to the Mizoram side. Because it was only a stone’s throw away from our sub-divisional headquarters, it created a tense situation. Firing started on both sides and there were casualties,” he said.
Begani shadi mein bhaktora troll dewane
Some PDFers are over reacting. If localized incidents of border management are the worst of your problems with a narco state ran by a militia then you are blessed. Also Pak govt protests are likely occurring through appropriate diplomatic channels. Public condemnation is for public consumption - it’s not in Pakistan’s interest for the public to be anxious on this.

Taliban has once again stopped Pakistani military from fencing the border. Taliban has captured the fencing equipment and are threatening against any move to fence the border. These images are reportedly from Chahar Burjak, Nimruz along Durand border zone. #Afghanistan

@Sainthood 101 @Reichsmarschall @Titanium100 @Areesh @pakpride00090
Well let me explain how it works: contact talibs sitting in Kabul about Pakistans intentions. Finalize details with them first.

Then send people to work over there.
I disagree. Divide and conquer works. Smaller nations can be played against each other to keep control, Russia does it all the time.

If Afghanistan divides we should annex wakhan corridor since it will give us access to Central Asia and the people living there are similar to wakhi people in gilgit so they’ll be loyal to Pakistan.
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