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Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

Wrror don't mention your personal domicile info on the net ! :blink:

Khair the Pakistani Pukhtoons themselves don't like Afghans in their territory anymore because many think that they've overstayed their welcome by a long-shot; my cousins & my friends most certainly don't & some of them are Tribal Pukhtoons !

Settled Areas ka Pukhtoon tou phir kehtaa haiii 'Koi Nahin' but the Tribals are fairly Anti-Afghan & this was very...very surprising for me !

Well years back in orkut the whole day i use to fight for Afghanistan in Famous Pakistani communities like IRP.Me and many my fellow friends(orkut/facebook friends) were named as anti pak and all this just because we supported Afghanistan and its people blindly.

But over the years.All though i have not been to Afghanistan but online observer.but the similar friend of mine who now is a Program producer in pashto tv channel.He had been to afghanistan many time and believe me the stories he had told me on internet made me shocked and sad aswell.

I can't completely say that Pakistani pashtuns hate them But the idea of pashtunistan is long dead.And i am 100% sure they will support Pakistan over Afghanistan any time.

Even though I don't hate them.Infact i don't even hate Indians or even the israely.But i will always give more importance to a Pakistani than someone from Afghanistan.And by this i don't mean only muslims but Non muslims aswell.Even a Non muslim Pakistan is closer to me than a muslim from Any other country

The Muslim Ummah concept is All false and dead
Afghanistan's total population is around 20 million comparable to one city's population aka Karachi.

Few billions of dollars can cover their whole budget so it is not a big deal.
I don't think so it is as organised as you are thinking it is.
Thats the point there is no you or me here. The world considers it a disputed territory so what you're nation or my nation thinks is of no significance outside our respective borders. The world refers to it as a disputed territory and it would continue to be so until the issue is resolved. Trust me you might not have heard about Pakistani hospitality and how they treat Indians who come here but i have seen that personally and they themselves acknowledge that despite the strained relations between the two countries Pakistanis always have treated their Indians guests with respect, in most cases surprising them. But unfortunately such news won't ever get highlighted so thats fine.

I am sticking to the thread thats why i commented earlier but maybe asking you to behave well is asking a little too much so no big deal, you can continue.
It's my state what world has to do with it. whenever two people fight world always laugh. yes thats the bitter truth. Do you think any western nation and USA which your gov. think should intervene would like to solve the issue. No they won't, they will loose multi billion dollar arms deal.So, other nation has nothing to do with it.
And again No, I never ever questioned the hospitality of pakistanis, though I have never visited but have highly heard by others. My only point was the blessing and high praise of india by pakistani.
My point is do your government want to continue this mujaheedin madness in India.we have lost enough and is loosing now. We need to stop this idiocy and build a better nation.
US never took control of the entire Afghanistan, They are in Kabul only, it is there every where on the media, try doing google.
What makes you think that US entered Afghanistan for 'Humans'. US has its agenda. I need not mention who created Taliban and why.
Afghan themselves (Zahir Shah for example or his dad Nadir Shah) mostly controlled Kabul.

Nothing new there.
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My point is do your government want to continue this mujaheedin madness in India.we have lost enough and is loosing now. We need to stop this idiocy and build a better nation.

I seriously doubt that Indian gov has any proof that Pak government authorizes Muj attacks in India

This is a tribal anarchy that has mainly impacted Afghanistan / Pakistan and oaccsionally spills over to India.

It is a cycle of violence that went on in 1970s, before that in 1940s before that in 1920s, 1870s, 1830s, and 1750s

hope you get the point.

Mostly this anarchy is limited to the Western banks of INdus

But sometimes it crosses the 5 rivers and ends up in Delhi or Mumbai.

This is not being stated jokingly and in no way to justify the anarchy.

But more to explain the military history of the region.

It's my state what world has to do with it. whenever two people fight world always laugh. yes thats the bitter truth. Do you think any western nation and USA which your gov. think should intervene would like to solve the issue. No they won't, they will loose multi billion dollar arms deal.So, other nation has nothing to do with it.
And again No, I never ever questioned the hospitality of pakistanis, though I have never visited but have highly heard by others. My only point was the blessing and high praise of india by pakistani.
My point is do your government want to continue this mujaheedin madness in India.we have lost enough and is loosing now. We need to stop this idiocy and build a better nation.

I am not referring to US or any other country intervening between our respective issues, i never said that. But i am giving you the status of that particular region and what the entire world believes, not that they would intervene or support so and so but because of International law and nothing else. It isn't about taking sides at all. The status of Kashmir remains disputed no matter what the inhabitants of both the countries feel. Thats what i meant.
I only mentioned that to make you understand that the warmth and generosity is very much reciprocated. And i don't support most of what my government does anyways and i don't support most of what yours does either. Governments on both sides of the border are least bothered about building their respective countries and expecting anything different from them would be a little too much, according to me.
I seriously doubt that Indian gov has any proof that Pak government authorizes Muj attacks in India

This is a tribal anarchy that has mainly impacted Afghanistan / Pakistan and oaccsionally spills over to India.

It is a cycle of violence that went on in 1970s, before that in 1940s before that in 1920s, 1870s, 1830s, and 1750s

hope you get the point.

Mostly this anarchy is limited to the Western banks of INdus

But sometimes it crosses the 5 rivers and ends up in Delhi or Mumbai.

This is not being stated jokingly and in no way to justify the anarchy.

But more to explain the military history of the region.

No, it's not we have send you proof many times. but your gov. is not interested in taking action against them. ISI train and fund them.where do you think they get all this training and weapons. they cannot manufacture. And you know about kargil. they were your army people.
this may seems like treble anarchy but it is ISI in disguise
No, it's not we have send you proof many times. but your gov. is not interested in taking action against them. ISI train and fund them.where do you think they get all this training and weapons. they cannot manufacture. And you know about kargil. they were your army people.
this may seems like treble anarchy but it is ISI in disguise


The "proof" i believe you talk about is that somehow this black faced Mullah tullah Hafiz Saeed sent the goons to Mumbai.

Is that it?
I am not referring to US or any other country intervening between our respective issues, i never said that. But i am giving you the status of that particular region and what the entire world believes, not that they would intervene or support so and so but because of International law and nothing else. It isn't about taking sides at all. The status of Kashmir remains disputed no matter what the inhabitants of both the countries feel. Thats what i meant.
I only mentioned that to make you understand that the warmth and generosity is very much reciprocated. And i don't support most of what my government does anyways and i don't support most of what yours does either. Governments on both sides of the border are least bothered about building their respective countries and expecting anything different from them would be a little too much, according to me.
Does it matter what entire world believes, gov. of china was not recognized for decades by west, did it mattered to them. What more important is how we two neighbor are dealing on this situation. Again I am telling you kashmir may be disputed for you not for us, It's integral part of our nation.
Ok I want to ask a question, Do you believe in friendship. . Will India pakistan will ever become good friendly neighbor.
It's already 3:30 AM.So going to:lazy2: . good night
answer my question.


The "proof" i believe you talk about is that somehow this black faced Mullah tullah Hafiz Saeed sent the goons to Mumbai.

Is that it?
Look sir I am not an expert on this matter. but have read many times that that proof of terrorist group associating with ISI have been handed to pak Gov.
and yes mumbai attack proof was also sent to you..
don't know when this will end..
I wonder why US is so concerned about the well being of Afghanis? This is very true to say that a large number of vested interests are benefiting from the current setup and presence of NATO/US forces in Afghanistan.
There will be no such benefits once Taliban regain complete control. This is the reason, they are being so vigorously resisted.

if Taliban comes back wouldnt they use Afghan soil to launch may be another attack on US? Any way US defeated taliban so they must help afghan people to recover and make their own government. It is only the right thing to do but some how Pakistanis here want Taliban rule in Afghanistan again for some unknown reasons.
Does it matter what entire world believes, gov. of china was not recognized for decades by west, did it mattered to them. What more important is how we two neighbor are dealing on this situation. Again I am telling you kashmir may be disputed for you not for us, It's integral part of our nation.
Ok I want to ask a question, Do you believe in friendship. . Will India pakistan will ever become good friendly neighbor.
It's already 3:30 AM.So going to:lazy2: . good night
answer my question.

I said the world might not matter but International law surely does and it gets applied to each and every state. We don't have the luxury to say we consider something ours when its clearly against the law unless proved otherwise. India and Pakistan are the stakeholders here but they can't claim they are above the law otherwise there would be no term as "disputed" linked to Kashmir. International law allows those people the rights that the Indian state has refused for decades. I am not in the least concerned with the west as they aren't the ones to be taken seriously here and never have i even mentioned them. That you have concluded mistakenly, i might add.

I do believe in peaceful coexistence, i always have, the reason i am stating these facts isn't because i am against any strong bilateral ties between the two countries but because i can see that the governments of both the countries would further exploit their people, when it comes to this precise issue.
Look sir I am not an expert on this matter. but have read many times that that proof of terrorist group associating with ISI have been handed to pak Gov.
and yes mumbai attack proof was also sent to you..
don't know when this will end..

See you are an honest guy.

I respect that.

No active service ISI guy has been linked to Indian Muj.

Do not believe in rumors believe.

Thank you.
You got your facts mixed up here. There are two categories of the Taliban. One is the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani and Co) that Pakistan is covertly supporting so they take over the reins in Kabul and the second category is the TTP or Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan that is fighting the Paksitan Establishment for their own personal agendas.

So, Pakistan's grand design would have been fulfilled if they are able to install a puppet government in Kabul consisting mainly of their 'friendly' Afghan Taliban. But they will continue to wage COIN ops against the TTP who are their real enemies.

HMMMMM! You got the gist of it. It feels wonderful when we come across a smart Indian. It is very rare. So thats why it feels good that there is some hope for India.

i wont worry about afghans .. they and amirikis should manage their own state of affairs .. we should seal of the borders and except humanitarian aid avoid getting in theirs and amirikis business , love or hate or war they should worry its not our concern ! We paksitanis should serve our self interests and work towards the betterment of our country and its people rather than worrying about rest of the planet.
Don't worry soon secular daddy USA would run away and they will be taken out soon and Taliban will be in power INSHALLAH
Afghanistan rejects grim US intelligence forecast as baseless

KABUL: Afghanistan on Monday rejected as baseless a US intelligence forecast that the gains the United States and allies have made in the past three years will be significantly rolled back by 2017.
The US National Intelligence Estimate also predicted that Afghanistan would fall into chaos if Washington and Kabul failed to sign a pact to keep an international military contingent there beyond 2014.
President Hamid Karzai’s spokesman dismissed the US forecast, reported by the Washington Post on the weekend, and suggested there was an ulterior motive for it.
“We strongly reject that as baseless as they have in the past been proved inaccurate,” Faizi told Reuters.
Relations between Afghanistan and the United States have grown seriously strained recently by Karzai’s refusal to sign the security pact that would permit some US forces to stay.
US officials have said that unless a deal is reached to keep perhaps 8,000 US troops, the Taliban might stage a major comeback and al Qaeda could regain safe havens.
The pact must also be signed for the United States and its allies to provide billions more dollars in aid.
Without a deal, the United States could pull out all troops, the so-called zero option, leaving Afghan forces to battle the Taliban on their own.
The United States has set a Tuesday deadline for Afghanistan to sign the pact but the White House has said it is prepared to let the deadline slip until early January.
The US intelligence estimate predicted setbacks even if some US troops remained. But some US officials felt the forecast was overly pessimistic, the Washington Post said.
Faizi suggested the leaking of the gloomy US intelligence report was part of bid to press Karzai into granting the Taliban control of some areas as part of a peace moves.
“If it’s a design to hand over parts of Afghanistan to the Taliban, we will never allow that and it will never succeed,” Faizi said. “The Taliban can only come back through a political process.”
Efforts over the past couple of years to bring the Taliban into peace talks have come to nothing. The insurgents, fighting to expel foreign forces and set up an Islamist state, denounce Karzai as a US “puppet”.
Karzai recently said certain foreigners had been asking him to give up control of some areas to get peace talks going.
“Foreigners told us recently to hand over or give away some areas to the Taliban, and from where a peace process could begin,” Karzai told reporters at a briefing last week. He did not identify the foreigners.
Karzai also denied having reached agreement with the United States on the wording of contentious clauses in the US security pact. But he added that the “zero-option” was an empty threat.
“The US won’t go and I have realised that,” he said.
“Look at all those buildings and bases they have built in Bagram, Helmand and their embassy compound,” Karzai said, referring to a big air base north of Kabul and a violence-plagued southern province.

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