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Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

Ok I agree with you american nurtured them at first for soviets, but after soviet return, It was pakistani government which pulled the strings of Taliban. Pakistan Gov used them in kashmir. But later this grew exponentially and surpassed over the control of pak gov. Now they are killing your people and challenging your gov. authority. If pakistan have not given them ground to expand and grow.they would not have been facing this right now.
Kashmir is integral part of India and most kashmiri feel so. Today they have much opportunity in terms of development and growth. Many kashmiri youth go for gov. jobs, even join BSF and army, which they previously hesitate. I think in coming days kashmir will become more prosperous, which it deserve to be. Yes Kashmir is a issue at border but not any more inside country.
You are always welcome to visit India and Kashmir..:cheers:
If you want..you will certainly like it. :enjoy:

Right so you nurture, arm and fund these Mujahideens to defeat the Soviets and you expect them to magically vanish after the Soviets are gone?? The only thing Pakistani government did not do was to take a stand and nothing else. Listen, As far as Kashmir is concerned its a disputed territory so none of the statements of the politicians in this regard matter nor would the comments on a forum like this as well. It would stay a disputed territory and the decision belongs to Kashmiris as its their basic and fundamental right acknowledged by the world. I can't speak for them neither can you or anybody else for that matter. Therefore this claim of both the countries that Kashmir belongs to them won't be backed up until and unless Kashmiris vouch for one. And if you ask me Kashmir is not the only issue within your borders though while replying to you earlier that was the one i was focusing on.
Right so you nurture, arm and fund these Mujahideens to defeat the Soviets and you expect them to magically vanish after the Soviets are gone?? The only thing Pakistani government did not do was to take a stand and nothing else. Listen, As far as Kashmir is concerned its a disputed territory so none of the statements of the politicians in this regard matter nor would the comments on a forum like this as well. It would stay a disputed territory and the decision belongs to Kashmiris as its their basic and fundamental right acknowledged by the world. I can't speak for them neither can you or anybody else for that matter. Therefore this claim of both the countries that Kashmir belongs to them won't be backed up until and unless Kashmiris vouch for one. And if you ask me Kashmir is not the only issue within your borders though while replying to you earlier that was the one i was focusing on.

Amna bibi

Anti-Soviet Muj were at least in their 20s back in 1979.

Most of them are either dead or very old Babas.

Fast forward to 2013, Any Talibarbarian these days has no direct link with 1979 even if he claims he does.

Just do basic math and you will see that such Talibarbarians weren't even conceived in their mother's wombs let alone in some CIA plot.

Just do the maths.

That's if you even like maths.

Many blind supporters of Talibarbarians hate math. FYI>.
Amna bibi

Anti-Soviet Muj were at least in their 20s back in 1979.

Most of them are either dead or very old Babas.

Fast forward to 2013, Any Talibarbarian these days has no direct link with 1979 even if he claims he does.

Just do basic math and you will see that such Talibarbarians weren't even conceived in their mother's wombs let alone in some CIA plot.

Just do the maths.

That's if you even like maths.

Many blind supporters of Talibarbarians hate math. FYI>.

I am not talking about the people i am talking about their ideology thats what keeps them growing and thriving. Please refrain from replying to me since you are too full of yourself to listen to anything uttered by anybody else and i don't like to discuss anything with people who have had the audacity to get personal with me so do it with somebody else.
The reasons for the ideology are multi-dimensional, with the biggest reason being the fact that our country has failed to provide decent education and public welfare to the majority of the population. This has given operational space to extremists who have promoted their ideology for decades. Expecting to solve this problem in a few months or years, especially without a cohesive strategy that addresses the root causes is bound to fail.
In the short-term, we need military operations to bolster our defenses and re-establish the writ of the government. That is the easy part. The difficult part will be to provide education, healthcare, and bring in the Tribal Areas, into the mainstream political fold of the state of Pakistan. If we fail to do that, then Taliban and other non-state actors are bound to increase their control over our territory.
I am not talking about the people i am talking about their ideology thats what keeps them growing and thriving..

Their ideology back then was simply "Take American dollars and kill Communist Russians".

What ideology do they have now?


"Take Islamists Rials and kill innocent Pakistanis".

please elaborate.

Thank you


If you post there will be a reply.

If you can't stand the heat, please do not come cooking in the kitchen.
How will identify a good people or a bad people through an ID card.

BTW will Pashtuns agree to such long procedures. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Such precedures are On since the past few years.this was the reason in 2009 the Ghulam khan border was blocked.Reopened again in 2010 and the office of nadra had to deal with them

By this any Afghan member was not allowed to enter Pakistan prior to taking his finger prints aswell as issueing him a Refugee card.

Nadra has a complete data base of Pakistan and once the finger prints were taken it was impossible for them to apply for citizenship under KPK/Balochistan domicile

Over here such as in Bannu.You can make hundred of Domicile and no one object.I myself cancelled my fata domicile in 2010 and made of Bannu,KPK before applying for national identity card for the first time.though i did it for differnet purpose.

Now even after getting the KPK domicile when they apply for CNIC in nadra.they are rejected because of finger prints and their must be some other secret measure taken by nadra.

Though Still Pakistan can't control them because they secretly flee into FATA and onwards than no one question you entering kpk.

Gone are the days when you were allowed into Pakistan from Afghanistan without anything.atleast since late 2011 the procedure was made tough.

And Pakistan has no problem with this neither does the pakistani pashtuns because of the total legal cross border movement.90% of them are from Afghanistan side and only 10% Pakistani pashtun visit Afghanistan
Btw who is willing to pay for the whole future gov of Afghanistan including armies and its equipments after us departure. Is it America or NATO who already put billions and spend years in Afghanistan but still no luck. Or is it india or Pakistan. If no one then who can survive there without these equipment and money?. I don't think so America or any other country can run gov in Afghanistan financially not at this moment at least. And if they do then how long can they carry on like this. Big ?.
And Pakistan has no problem with this neither does the pakistani pashtuns because of the total legal cross border movement.90% of them are from Afghanistan side and only 10% Pakistani pashtun visit Afghanistan

Wrror don't mention your personal domicile info on the net ! :blink:

Khair the Pakistani Pukhtoons themselves don't like Afghans in their territory anymore because many think that they've overstayed their welcome by a long-shot; my cousins & my friends most certainly don't & some of them are Tribal Pukhtoons !

Settled Areas ka Pukhtoon tou phir kehtaa haiii 'Koi Nahin' but the Tribals are fairly Anti-Afghan & this was very...very surprising for me !
Right so you nurture, arm and fund these Mujahideens to defeat the Soviets and you expect them to magically vanish after the Soviets are gone?? The only thing Pakistani government did not do was to take a stand and nothing else. Listen, As far as Kashmir is concerned its a disputed territory so none of the statements of the politicians in this regard matter nor would the comments on a forum like this as well. It would stay a disputed territory and the decision belongs to Kashmiris as its their basic and fundamental right acknowledged by the world. I can't speak for them neither can you or anybody else for that matter. Therefore this claim of both the countries that Kashmir belongs to them won't be backed up until and unless Kashmiris vouch for one. And if you ask me Kashmir is not the only issue within your borders though while replying to you earlier that was the one i was focusing on.
Ok you think pakistan gov. could not have done anything to Taliban that time. If your government was not able to cap the bottle that time, what hope does it have now.
Buddy, Kashmir may be disputed territory for you not for us. For us Kashmir is a Integral part.
Every body has fundamental rights and so do they and they enjoy every right.Now even tourism is becoming new booming business in Kashmir.
ya pakistan and india have many border issue.truthfully speaking I don't like this daily firing and killing at LOC. Enough of this blood shed has been done and this need to stop. We have to spend so huge amount on defense which could have been spend for betterment of people. But with pakistan sending their mujahideens in india , we have got no option.Plus every time you threaten us with Gwaz-e-hind.
you see recently many pakistani came to india for their medical treatment... and after they were treated they were so happy.It's feel so good to be complemented and blessed from someone who totally hate you, your nation.:cheers:
Their ideology back then was simply "Take American dollars and kill Communist Russians".

What ideology do they have now?


"Take Islamists Rials and kill innocent Pakistanis".

please elaborate.

Thank you


If you post there will be a reply.

If you can't stand the heat, please do not come cooking in the kitchen.

Did i say i can't take the heat? no i said i don't discuss with people who consider it their birthright to get personal with others therefore i won't. I have replied to lots of people and will continue to do because they don't get personal and don't resort to name calling either. Stop assuming that i can't stand your arguments its your lack of respect for others, which i have personally seen when we have discussed earlier on some issues, that i can't stand.
Btw who is willing to pay for the whole future gov of Afghanistan including armies and its equipments after us departure. Is it America or NATO who already put billions and spend years in Afghanistan but still no luck. Or is it india or Pakistan. If no one then who can survive there without these equipment and money?. I don't think so America or any other country can run gov in Afghanistan financially not at this moment at least. And if they do then how long can they carry on like this. Big ?.

Afghanistan's total population is around 20 million comparable to one city's population aka Karachi.

Few billions of dollars can cover their whole budget so it is not a big deal.
Yes but ANA has a lot of support at the moment, that is why 2014 is going to be crucial. In any case may ALLAH grant Afghans the strength to stand on their own two feet. Ameen.

Unless they revert back to their previous habits of supporting everyone from Separatists to meddling in our affairs truly may Allah grant them that !

Though I don't think they'd ever sober up; what did you friends in Afghanistan think - Are they going to continue with Daud Khan, Babraks or even Zahir Shah's caustic policies of Loy Afghanistan or are they going to behave themselves this time around ?
Did i say i can't take the heat? no i said i don't discuss with people who consider it their birthright to get personal with others therefore i won't. I have replied to lots of people and will continue to do because they don't get personal and don't resort to name calling either. Stop assuming that i can't stand your arguments its your lack of respect for others, which i have personally seen when we have discussed earlier on some issues, that i can't stand.

So what is your contribution.

Please stick to the thread.
Ok you think pakistan gov. could not have done anything to Taliban that time. If your government was not able to cap the bottle that time, what hope does it have now.
Buddy, Kashmir may be disputed territory for you not for us. For us Kashmir is a Integral part.
Every body has fundamental rights and so do they and they enjoy every right.Now even tourism is becoming new booming business in Kashmir.
ya pakistan and india have many border issue.truthfully speaking I don't like this daily firing and killing at LOC. Enough of this blood shed has been done and this need to stop. We have to spend so huge amount on defense which could have been spend for betterment of people. But with pakistan sending their mujahideens in india , we have got no option.Plus every time you threaten us with Gwaz-e-hind.
you see recently many pakistani came to india for their medical treatment... and after they were treated they were so happy.It's feel so good to be complemented and blessed from someone who totally hate you, your nation.:cheers:

Thats the point there is no you or me here. The world considers it a disputed territory so what you're nation or my nation thinks is of no significance outside our respective borders. The world refers to it as a disputed territory and it would continue to be so until the issue is resolved. Trust me you might not have heard about Pakistani hospitality and how they treat Indians who come here but i have seen that personally and they themselves acknowledge that despite the strained relations between the two countries Pakistanis always have treated their Indian guests with respect, in most cases surprising them. But unfortunately such news won't ever get highlighted so thats fine.

So what is your contribution.

Please stick to the thread.

I am sticking to the thread thats why i commented earlier but maybe asking you to behave well is asking for a little too much so no big deal, you can continue.
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The money is already drying up in Afghanistan. Read this report U.S. needs millions more to complete Afghanistan’s ‘Pentagon’ - The Washington Post

This is the beginning of the end-game in Afghanistan. As money dries up from NATO and US, the Afghans need to figure out for themselves how to manage their country. The risk is that the ANSF becomes into small militias and civil war starts all over again. Neither Pakistan, nor US, nor India, China, or Iran want this. Iran, China, and India have made tremendous investments in Afghanistan for energy, rare earth supplies, and transportation routes. For Pakistan, an unstable Afghanistan will point to a return of the instability of the 90s. If Afghanistan will have violence, so will Pakistan. The best idea ois for the regional players to work together to keep the Afghan government afloat. This involves some form of reconciliation with the Taliban. However, the Taliban feel empowered now as they see the retreating American forces as a sign of their victory.
The future is bleak at best, and Pakistan will be the first country to see the spillover from a collapsing state of affairs in Afghanistan.

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