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Taliban threaten to bomb mobile phone shops

Aur karo peace deal...These politicians haven't learned from the past experience of a peace deal with these people.
Peace deal is desperate measure. Only solution is killing these terrorists. No trial, no trace left. Pakistan leadership has to take tough decision which are important for nation.
Peace deal is desperate measure. Only solution is killing these terrorists. No trial, no trace left. Pakistan leadership has to take tough decision which are important for nation.


A news article recently came that Saudis arrested some protesters...no questions asked. That is what we should be doing to these people. Kill them and leave no trace, enough with the sham trials and courts. Execute somebody who is caught fighting within days.

Sometimes I also think why you people let Ajmal Kasab live this long...he was caught while fighting in the 2008 attacks, get the info you want, get the testimonies that are crucial, and hang him within months...kam mukao.

Enough of this jamhuriat and justice and all that...we need to take a hard stand against these criminals. I don't know why we are going towards a peace deal, but I don't think that COAS and the military leadership will let that happen. IMO this was just a political stunt before elections.
@nuclearpak Kasab was kept for propaganda purpose too. You should have seen how Indian media and govt. used a terrorist caught alive to use against entire country.

Anyways, we needed to hang him within few 1 or 2 years.

One thing people don't understand about KSA is that it may fund terrorists but if someone do that on their own soil, they don't let it go.

Main thing about proxy war is that the demon you create shouldn't haunt you back.

Worst is Pakistan releasing Afghan Taliban and other terrorists. Just put a bullet in their head, and make a unmarked graves. Otherwise these terrorist will attack you or kidnap people to get them out.

We paid a huge price of giving back JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar.

I support Indian Army stance in few regions. It has worked. Is it wrong ? Yes it is. But sometimes hard steps are needed to be taken to save the innocents on expense of disappeared terrorists.
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^^^ killing is not going to solve the problem. Ajmal kasab was just a bakra, I dont think hanging him really deters any aspiring terrorist. One has to go behind the people who fund and train these people.

offtopic: Can we have an exhaustive list of items deemed unislamic by various groups, just want to know whether they can beat the amish. :)
^^^ killing is not going to solve the problem. Ajmal kasab was just a bakra, I dont think hanging him really deters any aspiring terrorist. One has to go behind the people who fund and train these people. offtopic: Can we have an exhaustive list of items deemed unislamic by various groups, just want to know whether they can beat the amish. :)
Well if you think you can reason with people who are brain washed and programmed to blow themselves up, don't even care of killing a child, do it at your own expense.

Come to India and go to the affected part. You will have no option but to take out these extremists. Do you think after peace talk they won't take 180 degree turn, can you believe such people ? People are going to die anyway but we have to leave a history to our coming generation that never leave a demon grow.

They don't have better option ....... :rolleyes:
They have. Take all out action and then see entire world will be behind you for that cause.
Well if you think you can reason with people who are brain washed and programmed to blow themselves up, don't even care of killing a child, do it at your own expense.

Come to India and go to the affected part. You will have no option but to take out these extremists. Do you think after peace talk they won't take 180 degree turn, can you believe such people ? People are going to die anyway but we have to leave a history to our coming generation that never leave a demon grow.

They have. Take all out action and then see entire world will be behind you for that cause.

Peace should be the first option killing can't solve this issue...The problem is that if you kill two terrorist four will arise ..

Government can take action but after that people will start protesting in the name of human rights etc etc..

Don't think that they don't have any followers..
Well if you think you can reason with people who are brain washed and programmed to blow themselves up, don't even care of killing a child, do it at your own expense.

Come to India and go to the affected part. You will have no option but to take out these extremists. Do you think after peace talk they won't take 180 degree turn, can you believe such people ? People are going to die anyway but we have to leave a history to our coming generation that never leave a demon grow.

They have. Take all out action and then see entire world will be behind you for that cause.

May be you dont know, but GoI talks to every homegrown terror organization... be it NE guerellas or maoists. There are multiple rounds of talks in secrecy with NSCN gurellas and the rest.
Its only those who dont talk, GoI goes after, as there is no alternative.
May be you dont know, but GoI talks to every homegrown terror organization... be it NE guerellas or maoists. There are multiple rounds of talks in secrecy with NSCN gurellas and the rest.
Its only those who dont talk, GoI goes after, as there is no alternative.
That is done via back channels. Declaring peace talks wiith insurgents send wrong message to people and weakness of govt.

Two pronged strategy has been used with Maoists,

First to weaken them by divide and rule and asking few to lay down weapons and get rehabilitated, and provide vital information to take out the rest rebels.

Second is development and awareness programs to reduce the fodder to these groups in general population and reduce new recruitment.

Peace should be the first option killing can't solve this issue...The problem is that if you kill two terrorist four will arise ..Government can take action but after that people will start protesting in the name of human rights etc etc..
Don't think that they don't have any followers..
Read my post regarding the strategy implemented by India against Maoists.
Peace should be the first option killing can't solve this issue...The problem is that if you kill two terrorist four will arise ..

Government can take action but after that people will start protesting in the name of human rights etc etc..

Don't think that they don't have any followers..

The top heads should be killed and atleast a op carried out, so terrorists negotiate on your demands. The low level trash needs to be rehabilitated in one way or the other if captured alive, but the hardened miltiants, the Uzbeks, the likes of Hakimullah Mehsud, Mullah Omar etc etc...all this trash needs to be dealth with hard. Human rights can go down the drain in situations like these. I wouldn't mind if ISI or SSG goes in and chops their heads off or tortures them in Attock.

As for the bolded part, that is the propaganda campaign that has to be played by the government. They should start some kind of an awareness program, get a control on all these Madrassas operating across the length and breadth of the country, stamp down these so called human rights activists, just like Saudis and arabs do. Even if they stop you for a traffic violation, they don't listen to anything. Straight away, checks your license, and gives you the ticket.

The most funny part about these activists is that they don't see that the same people blow up pipelines and kidnap people and destroy other things, but quickly take notice of their torture in some cell.
Yes and Taliban themselves were watching "halal" pr0N right?
The top heads should be killed and atleast a op carried out, so terrorists negotiate on your demands. The low level trash needs to be rehabilitated in one way or the other if captured alive, but the hardened miltiants, the Uzbeks, the likes of Hakimullah Mehsud, Mullah Omar etc etc...all this trash needs to be dealth with hard. Human rights can go down the drain in situations like these. I wouldn't mind if ISI or SSG goes in and chops their heads off or tortures them in Attock.

As for the bolded part, that is the propaganda campaign that has to be played by the government. They should start some kind of an awareness program, get a control on all these Madrassas operating across the length and breadth of the country, stamp down these so called human rights activists, just like Saudis and arabs do. Even if they stop you for a traffic violation, they don't listen to anything. Straight away, checks your license, and gives you the ticket.

The most funny part about these activists is that they don't see that the same people blow up pipelines and kidnap people and destroy other things, but quickly take notice of their torture in some cell.

And sir the Government of Pakistan should also look over the main causes why the people are becoming part of such type of organizations ..... I heard from many people(as i am not aware whether it is true or not ) the shelter is also provided by the political parties ...
And sir the Government of Pakistan should also look over the main causes why the people are becoming part of such type of organizations ..... I heard from many people(as i am not aware whether it is true or not ) the shelter is also provided by the political parties ...

The shelter is provided to the ethnic and sectarian outfits, not to people like Taliban. The TTP have their shelters by holding people to ransom and forcibly occupying their houses in north waziristan.

The political parties provide shelter to other kind of folks. MQM to their target killers etc, PPP is same, PML has allegations of sheltering LeJ etc.
Dancing with the Taliban

I am not a national security expert – I could not intelligently drop one relevant term if I wanted to. Thanks to my mother’s geographical coordinates when she gave birth, I have a green passport (for which I signed away the religious rights of over three million Pakistanis).

I feel like someone is about to sign my rights away as our politicos endorse negotiations with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Again.

On February 14, as the world celebrated One Billion Rising (OBR), marching and dancing in protest against women’s rights being violated, a room full of (mostly) men decided talks with a terrorist organisation were ‘first priority’ in the restoration of peace.

The same day, women in Afghanistan sedately participated in OBR, at the risk of engaging Afghan security officials armed to the teeth. That Afghanistan and the US would peddle away their fledgling freedom to the Afghan Taliban in a meeting in Doha was unfathomable for these Afghan women

I think allowing the TTP to bring their demands to the table is effectively signing off half of the country’s rights – the female half. I think cowering in front of men who feel threatened by a young girl seeking education is the weak way out - the short term fix.

When you legitimise one group of terrorists, in the next elections, the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) will not be the only banned outfit contesting the polls. We will lose the battle to the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Lashkar-e-Islam (LI), Jamaatud Dawa (JuD), and any other group which I have not named or which will mushroom by 2018.

What will you do, Nawaz Sharif,when the radical right passes a legislation which makes it illegal for Maryam to leave the house on her own? What will we all do when a LeJ-spearheaded law declares our Shias non-muslims? Will you create a larger white margin on the flag?

The TTP brazenly take responsibility for assassinating Bashir Bilour, targeting Malala Yousufzai and a few days ago, were possibly behind blowing up four schools in Mohmand Agency. I cannot count how many schools they’ve destroyed over the past eight years. In Mohmand, that toll has already crossed the 100 mark.

The last time our right, left and centrist parties decided presenting our rights on a platter to the Taliban was a viable route to ‘peace’, 19 people died in militant attacks in the stretch between Bannu and Orkazai Agency.

So it would come as no surprise when the Taliban spox Ehsanullah Ehsan rejected our interior minister’s demand that a ceasefire should precede these ‘peace talks.’

They want ‘sincere’ religious men as guarantors – enter the religious right and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). I doubt these parties actually want the Taliban’s version of the Shariah, but in times of general elections, who would not want some militant might in their corner?

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) almost marched to the lion’s den to court the Taliban. How could anyone negotiate from a position of weakness with men hell bent on depriving everyone of their hard-earned freedom?

Maybe the idea is – push them back ‘up north’. Let the Malalas there be deprived of education, and the women lashed for speaking loudly in the marketplace. Let their economy go to a darker hell.

My guess is that the government and the military have lost control over their proxy ‘warriors’; it’s not a very educated theory. I’ve already established I am no expert. But when I see our politicians run around like headless chickens, with the military seemingly stretched thin, these negotiations seem nought more than desperate applications of a topical balm.

The All Party Conference’s (APC) declaration on Thursday might be an emasculated attempt to let the terrorists and electorate see some movement and interpret it as action.

Just look at a picture of those who attended these talks – mostly males and those with means to protect themselves with bullet-proof cars and guards siphoned from the security apparatus meant to protect you and me.

Let me assure you, no one will stand up against radical, extremist groups once they are sitting in our parliament. No one will stand up against Malik Ishaq whose witnesses tend to expire prior to the best-before date.

You and I, the women, we will not even be second-class citizens as we stand today. We will be chattel, livestock with household duties. Your naked feet will be guilty of provoking lust in ‘mere men’.

And the ‘minorities’ – their fates were sealed when they were confined to the margins of our flag (a shade darker than Islamic Green) by our great founding fathers. Presently, when Imran Khan condemns the LeJ as enemies of Islam after sectarian violence, he pegs it as a crime because it is anti-Islamic.

The way things are going, the day will come when the likes of the TTP, LeJ will be our ‘lawmakers’ and their narrow interpretation of ‘Muslim’ will be enshrined in the Shariah.

How will our state heads and party leaders make ‘brave’ statements against the murder of the Hazaras or blowing up girls’ schools when their ‘this-is-against-Islam’ leg would have been amputated?

That is what APCs, print or electronic coverage of abhorrent extremists guilty of mass murder, and “mainstreaming” terrorists will bring us as we shy away from “an all-out full-spectrum war” against the machinations of cancerous, rancorous extremism.

Read more by Halima here or follow her on Twitter @Hmansoor

Dancing with the Taliban – The Express Tribune Blog
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