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Taliban slaughtering people like animals(WARNING: VERY VIOLENT MATERIAL)18+

Sometimes i think after surfing net for years now, where did these videos originated, actually according to what i have seen they were started in some part of Russia where a militant was beheading a Russian soldier, later i saw this same thing happening in Afghanistan after American invasion, then Iraq followed with 100's of beheading videos on the net, now these videos emerging in Pakistan.:confused:

There is a perfect pattern in which these videos are released at times of great confusion when one's country is in, the situation in which Pakistan is at the moment.

This makes me think who is at work here, are they the so called Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or any other power??? Sometimes I think that either these Taliban, Al-Qaeda US funded???

May be US is playing a 2 face game with Pakistan where it has shown our Nation, only one side WOT, but ISI has clearly spoken out in the past about US plans for Pakistan, and they had been heavily critised by US and other's, so now the picture is becoming clearer to me.

Is this just one factor holding our Country from progress or are there many more hidden one's??? (It gets more and more darker as you get deeper into the tunnel:undecided:)
This makes me think who is at work here, are they the so called Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or any other power??? Sometimes I think that either these Taliban, Al-Qaeda US funded???

It is possible, though with signing peace deals with them one also is an accomplice in the crime. US + GoP have messed up Pakistan to an almost irreversible point in our history.
It is possible, though with signing peace deals with them one also is an accomplice in the crime. US + GoP have messed up Pakistan to an almost irreversible point in our history.

KB, sir, i think this is all American made monster that we are facing today, had America not left Afghanistan after crushing USSR, we would not have been here at this stage that we are today.

I agree with your view that Pakistan government also has messed up things, the only thing i never understood is why after so many sacrifices when we are close to victory we always pull back from the battleground and suffer a serious blow when these terrorists re-group and re-arm, we loose both our Soldier's and financially and the global outcry for our decision to finish the operation is shattering, this time if the operation starts it should only finish when they lay their arms or when all of them are killed.:smokin:
Sometimes i think after surfing net for years now, where did these videos originated, actually according to what i have seen they were started in some part of Russia where a militant was beheading a Russian soldier, later i saw this same thing happening in Afghanistan after American invasion, then Iraq followed with 100's of beheading videos on the net, now these videos emerging in Pakistan.:confused:

There is a perfect pattern in which these videos are released at times of great confusion when one's country is in, the situation in which Pakistan is at the moment.

This makes me think who is at work here, are they the so called Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or any other power??? Sometimes I think that either these Taliban, Al-Qaeda US funded???

May be US is playing a 2 face game with Pakistan where it has shown our Nation, only one side WOT, but ISI has clearly spoken out in the past about US plans for Pakistan, and they had been heavily critised by US and other's, so now the picture is becoming clearer to me.

Is this just one factor holding our Country from progress or are there many more hidden one's??? (It gets more and more darker as you get deeper into the tunnel:undecided:)

Possible , but conspiracy theories aside these scum of the earth needs to be bombed out of existance.....Pakistani media seriously needs to step up and show whats these assholes are doing ? Its time for media blitzkrieg ...that is one of the ways common man can rise against the brainwashed mullahs and maulvi's....
Hope something happens soon
Possible , but conspiracy theories aside these scum of the earth needs to be bombed out of existance.....Pakistani media seriously needs to step up and show whats these assholes are doing ? Its time for media blitzkrieg ...that is one of the ways common man can rise against the brainwashed mullahs and maulvi's....
Hope something happens soon

I agree with your view, but what i don't agree is "conspiracy theories" well these might be conspiracy theories for you, but i'm afraid this is the untold reality that we are facing today and I have reasons to believe in this reality.:)
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Kick out all the arab animals from Pakistan...they dump all their mess in Pakistan..aaahhh our leaders " for few dollars more ".
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@S-2: I refuse to watch. If known for a fact that the incident happened that's adequate for myself. My imagination is sufficiently fertile for the rest and doesn't require reinforcement by image to feel absolute outrage.

I wish I had been wise enough.

Many arrested "spies" are journalists. Most journalists understand that they may be arrested at anytime when working in a country where tensions exist with your own. Often they act as quid pro quo hostages and it leads to nothing. Here, however, any betrayal for any reason will invariably be postured as "an agent of foreign hidden hands".

Thank you! What this video shows is worse than barbaric... even animal behaviour. S-2 have you been engaged in active fighting? how does the US treat "spies"? Is there any equivalent to the treatment meted out by the Taliban to the so-called "spies"?

For all those who think all Pakistanis should watch this video, what do you have to say about the fact that it may terrorise people and no one will show any dissent to these animals? This video is as chilling as it can get... I doubt if anyone would like to stand up against the Taliban in those regions.
I agree with your view, but what i don't agree is "conspiracy theories" well these might be conspiracy theories for you, but i'm afraid this is the untold reality that we are facing today and I have reasons to believe in this reality.:)

True and that is precisely why i said its possible...but till its not proven, it will remain a conspiracy theory just like others..... peace.:cheers::cheers:
I agree with your view, but what i don't agree is "conspiracy theories" well these might be conspiracy theories for you, but i'm afraid this is the untold reality that we are facing today and I have reasons to believe in this reality.:)


Your location shows Saudi ? Is it the same way in Saudi ? I mean public beheadings , women being mistreated - having no powers ? If not then i am wondering why not ? All the stuff that i have read or heard leads me to believe that Taliban is heavily influenced by Saudi Islam (wahabism - if i am not mistaken).

I mean public beheadings , women being mistreated - having no powers

Public beheadings is a fact. But mostly for Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Indians(general ratio is 2-1-1 They like Bangladeshis). Happens after Friday prayers. Stoning of adulterers is also present.

You wont find this done for a westerner.
In all honesty, I haven't got the heart to watch the clips, but by judging the reactions it's quite obvious that they are heinous and atrocious. The reactions in this thread have scared me. I cannot belief that the Taliban have become so immensely low. Fighting for a cause is one thing, but resorting to such indiscriminate insanity is beyond comprehension. It's very difficult to belief that these people are human. No concious or guilt. No mercy or mildness. How can any person with a heart resort to such extreme cruelty is beyond me. I'd already difficulty with the flogging, but this is just pure savagery. The beastly Taliban need to be brought to their knees. There is simply no other choice. Nothing on earth can justify such a barbaric act. These people are an absolute disgrace to every living and breathing organism and creature.
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No. We don't kill agents when captured. They've too much value. We've had U.S. citizens (military personnel at that) convicted of espionage. Don't recall their executions following lengthy investigations and trials.

My suspicion is that "agents" killed by the militants is a cover for any particular reason to include but not limited to espionage. It fits the paranoia and distrust that the militants seed as a precursor to control so the label itself has value to their killings.

Hope that helps

Your location shows Saudi ? Is it the same way in Saudi ? I mean public beheadings , women being mistreated - having no powers ? If not then i am wondering why not ? All the stuff that i have read or heard leads me to believe that Taliban is heavily influenced by Saudi Islam (wahabism - if i am not mistaken).


Wahabism originated there, and hardly has any following there. You are off target here.
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