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Taliban slaughtering people like animals(WARNING: VERY VIOLENT MATERIAL)18+

You are right!

Our religions goes to the extent that even if you have to slaughter a goat or a cow you have to take certain precautions, the knife should be sharp, it should be done quickly, minimum pain to be inflicted to the animal

I maybe wrong, but this kind of rules don't apply when killing a enemy ... isnt it?
I maybe wrong, but this kind of rules don't apply when killing a enemy ... isnt it?

You are right, everything is fair in war, but my concern was that they kill those men on the pretext of Islam. If just killing was the aim, they could have been simply shot, but they are trying to give it a holy tinge.

Ever wonder why they say Allah-ho-Akbar when they slaughter!
I simply do not understand why those people who want to implement strict Sharia laws do not go to bharat to implement in that Kafirized land!!!
I simply do not understand why those people who want to implement strict Sharia laws do not go to bharat to implement in that Kafirized land!!!

We shoot them, once they cross over, :sniper: Mr. communist!!!
Slaughtering human being and shouting " Allahoakbar"...they claim to be muslim. They learn from arabian animals. Its old arab tradition of slaughtering opponents. All this garbage imported from Arab land.
Imagine after Afghan war, arab countries refuse to accept these animals and they stayed in FATA, after running away from Afghanistan, during first US air raid in Afghanistan. America should first fixed the source of terrorism and fund provider , which is Saudies.
Agreed Haider,

Everyone blames the US for sowing the seeds that led to these Taliban but conveniently forget the role of the Saudi's and other gulf backers.

As a famous Italian General once said "You need three things to win a war, Money, Money and more Money"
This video made me sick!!!!
For God sake Pakistan Army should take strict action against them.
These are not Muslims. These idiots should be killed by Atomic bomb...............
These are pathetic, psycho, abnormal, mental people. There are fewer words to protest against these wild animals.
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
@Icecold: Okay, your "by the way" statement made me think you considered it to be a normal way to deal with spies. Just out of curiosity, you mentioned that "Spies anywhere being caught in the world are almost subjected to a identical treatment just different in appearance" What are these identical procedures?
We shoot them, once they cross over, :sniper: Mr. communist!!!

Do not waste bullets, rather load your magazine, they are coming...

They can only teach the arrogant people, who kill their own untouchables, shudras, dalits and tribals, a good lesson.
@Icecold: Okay, your "by the way" statement made me think you considered it to be a normal way to deal with spies. Just out of curiosity, you mentioned that "Spies anywhere being caught in the world are almost subjected to a identical treatment just different in appearance" What are these identical procedures?

Spies are almost always killed after subjected to heavy torture to spill information out of them. The method of killing may vary from being put in front of a firing squad to being beheaded as shown in the video.
Enough is Enough!!!!!!!
Our media and scholars needs to label these idiots kafirs andenemies of the state. Only their death, and that of their supporters should be the aim of pakistans policy.
Do not waste bullets, rather load your magazine, they are coming...

They can only teach the arrogant people, who kill their own untouchables, shudras, dalits and tribals, a good lesson.

cummon communist,dont sound this much insane.........i told you repeatedly the things you say, india last witnessed in the 80s(and maybe the early nineties).......dont try to hide your and pakistans shame by comparing with india and sounding childish........if you want to compare,compare with the goods of india not the bads,that would make you better and competitive.........thnx
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