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Taliban in 72 percent of Afghanistan: report

Taleban will move into an area once US and Afghan personnel scale down their presence in that area. That seems all clear. A lesson to Pakistan as well that their operation against the Pak Taleban will be the same unless they can retain troops in a captured area
Following Barack Obama's West Point speech in which he laid out the new strategy for war in Afghanistan, questions about practical issues have begun piling up alongside doubts about the strategic wisdom of the plan.

Included in the practical concerns of leaders in the defence community are fears that defence contractors may not be able to rapidly deliver all the technology and equipment needed for new deployments. Concerns also exist about the knowledge of what is actually required.

Leaders want to know what is needed by companies that will be asked provide troops with round-level technology (such as mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles) and hi–tech equipment (such as systems that manage the constant aerial activity of unmanned aerial vehicles and other Predator-type assets).

Obstacles and bottlenecks will also pose challenges for factories and suppliers, which are still unsure about how smoothly logistics and supply chains will run, despite the critical nature of military deployment.

"Defence contractors may not be able to rapidly deliver all technology and equipment needed."As Winslow Wheeler of the Washington-based Center for Defense Information says, "the sad truth is that nobody knows whether or not we can handle the requirements for the 30,000 new troops being deployed".

After working on national security issues for 31 years for members of the US Senate and US General Accounting Office, Wheeler can confidently say he thinks "neither the US Congress nor the Pentagon" have a firm grasp of the facts.

Despite its mandate to provide oversight, the US Federal Government, he says, has not done enough to offer a clear picture of the work involved in equipping new deployments of troops to Afghanistan, at least not in the public's view.

"The last time anyone unclassified the readiness ratings, not a single active or reserve unit at brigade level in the US was rated 'fully ready'," Wheeler says. So what do we know that can help prepare forces for new deployments?

From Vietnam to Iraq

The first new supplies of technology, weapons and materiel will be delivered from the air. Today the skies above Afghanistan are alive with C-130s, jet fighters, unmanned drones, commercial 747 cargo aircraft, transport and attack helicopters, and the occasional artillery shell.

According to Air Cargo News editor and publisher Geoffrey Arend, any number of US flags that are part of the CRAF programme are utilised to move troops and critical supplies to and from the US to forward bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. "That task was made quite a bit easier earlier this year when the US and Russia agreed a one-year plan that allows up to 4,500 US military troop and supply aircraft to fly over Russian Federation airspace," Arend says.

"The ability to airdrop supplies and land C-130s with cargo on remote airstrips is still key.""The agreement not only saves about $140m in fuel costs annually but ensures safer passage in and out of the theatres without having to move overland through Pakistan, where attacks have been attempted."

Dubai also has a number of independent operators that operate from the country, sending hard cargo and other supplies into Iraq and Afghanistan. They include Rus Cargo and several small to medium ad-hoc carriers.

"Air cargo into these war zones will, at times, resemble operations that could have been lifted straight from the pages of Terry and The Pirates, a 1930s comic strip that glamorised air cargo flights to faraway places like China and India. Right now, daily with Dubai as conduit, cargo travels aboard vintage equipment into war zones around the clock," Arend says.

Despite appearing quite dated, this ability to airdrop supplies and land C-130s with cargo on remote dirt airstrips is still key to keeping the war effort in Afghanistan supplied. Roads are too dangerous for supply trucks, as loss figures gathered by the Pentagon attest.

But will the US be ready for such a large deployment using such dated measures, and will it be able to bring in the technology fast enough to keep troops safe?
Taliban capture Afghan district on Pakistani border

* Nuristan governor confirms authorities lost Barg-e-Matal district
* Suicide attacker blows himself up near military caterer
* Nuristan officials still trying to confirm if Mullah Fazlullah killed

KUNAR/KABUL: Taliban overran a remote district in eastern Afghanistan after days of heavy fighting in the area, a provincial police official said on Saturday.

The Taliban hoisted their flag in the district centre, which they also seized briefly last year, after forcing police to retreat, Afghan provincial officials and the Taliban said.

The battle started earlier this week in the Barg-e-Matal district of Nuristan province, a remote area bordering Pakistan, when hundreds of Taliban stormed the area administrative headquarters, said Qasim Payman, police chief of the province.

“The police force in the area has tactically retreated from the district after days of fighting,” he told Reuters, adding there were no signs of reinforcements despite repeated requests. Afghan authorities often use the term “tactical retreat” when Taliban overrun police forces and capture districts. Nuristan Governor Jamaluddin Badar said Afghan forces had retreated in order to prepare for a counter attack.

Loss: “We have lost the district to the Taliban... but will push them back soon,” he said.

Hundreds of armed villagers, known as the Lashkar-e-Qaumi had joined forces with police, Payman said. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed the group now controlled the district after days of heavy fighting.

Meanwhile, a NATO airstrike killed a Taliban shadow governor and several of his associates in the Baghlan province on Friday, according to a NATO statement. Afghan security officials confirmed the incident and said several key Taliban commanders were among the dead.

Suicide attack: Separately, a suicide attacker blew himself up on Saturday near a military caterer, causing no casualties. The explosion took place east of Kabul, close to a warehouse and supermarket run by Supreme Food Services, supplier of food to the foreign military, Interior Ministry spokesman Zemarai Bashary told AFP.

“It was a suicide attack and the attacker detonated explosives strapped to his body,” he said.

It was not immediately clear what the target of the attack had been, he said, adding the attacker, who was on foot, may have detonated prematurely.

Also on Saturday, Taliban ambushed an Afghan police convoy with a roadside bomb and gunfire in eastern Afghanistan, killing five officers before fleeing NATO aerial bombardment, an official said.

Two Taliban were killed and up to six wounded in the battle on Friday in Paktia province, said Ghulam Dastagir, the deputy provincial police chief.

He said the convoy was headed toward the Dandi Pathan district when one vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb blast, killing five officers and wounding the district police chief. Taliban opened fire after the blast, triggering a gunbattle that lasted several hours before NATO aircraft were called in.

Farther north, officials in Nuristan province were still trying to confirm reports that Mullah Fazlullah was killed in several days of fighting between security forces and the Taliban. Participating villagers said they had killed head of the Swat Taliban, Fazlullah. Pakistani Taliban leaders say Fazlullah was in Nuristan but they believe he is still alive.

Meanwhile, NATO announced on Friday that Afghan and international troops acting on intelligence information found and destroyed two bomb-making and weapons storage facilities this week in Kandahar province, and battled with Taliban who tried to defend them. agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I have been yelling this for years now on this forum & others that this Dajjali-invasion is NOTHING but a hoax... They NEVER ever planned to win these wars to begin with,,, If they wanted they could have caught Obama-bin-Laden within a month,,, but they did NOT want to coz that would have eliminated the very reason for the wars,,, So they kept the villain "alive" on media...

Look how peaceful Iraq was before these Dajjalis invaded Iraq,, & now after 10 years they left Iraq with suicide killings every other day,,,

They want to leave chaos in all of those Muslim countries who could be even a smallest resistance to Israeli-expansionist plans while filling pockets of big-bosses by prolonging war... Expensive oil more profits, more stealing of oil from oil-rigs in iraq while all the world distracted by cover-story "W.O.T"... More weapons sold to US govt. at expanse of common ppl,,,>> more profits,,, Like D!ck Cheney used to sell 6-Pack of coke to US Govt. for $90 for soldiers posted in Iraq, & that too was bought locally from Iraq NOT flown from US,,, More ppl watching Zionist-controlled news channels & movies, more ratings & more profits,,, US Govt. getting more loans from so-called Federal-Reserve & Co. banks, again more profits for those crocks,,,

In short, these wars were NEVER meant to be won,,, so why are ppl surprised if Talibs control most of territory , I am NOT surprised AT ALL... all this is very much in line with what they wanted... ONLY thing that is NOT doing as-well for them is their dreams on Pak-Watan... Even thou they've been able to incur quite a bit of damage BUT still r struggling to get that break-thru, that dream unfortunately they'll NEVER realise,,, Sorrrryyy Dajjalis!!! I "will" be sooo sad to see u disappointed,,, Mayyy beee nexttt timeee... Ohh WAIT!!! there will be no next-time...!!!

Not only that , US even though invaded from Pak side (East), area under US control should have been from EAST going towards WEST,,, but it's the opposite... Know why...!!! Because they intentionally wanted to PUSH the fighting groups towards & into Pak-Watan... That's why...

But just like USSR, they are digging their own grave... What "means" GOD appoint to bring that about could be anything... but the end-result of Dajjalis is very predictable...
Pakistani TTP or Afghani TTP i dont care who they are... Killing civilian is name of Islam is wrong since Islam does not allow us to do so. If those civilians are Pakistanies , Indians , Afghanistan does not matter. NO TERROR GROUP SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO RUN THERE GROUPS IN PAKISTAN. SIMPLE REASON ISLAM DOES NOT ALLOW WHAT TTP STANDS FOR. There are other and much better way to fight against enimes like USA etc. Learn from China, germany , japan..... So plz stop this nonsense.

Give ppl education and education of Islam too in schools so some mulvi cant misuse power. Prohpet Mohammed s.a.w told us go to china to get education and he did not meant quran since no one could learn muslims quran better than him. So why we have these madarras only educating quran ?? I know madrassas are good i have seen myself in Pakistan but they should come under one education systsem. We have like 10 system in Pakistan. We should become superpower in education and economy... and that day this happen no one can tuch u !!!!

Imran Khan zindabad
Lol @ the guys on the first page blaming RAW & Mossad for insurgency but ignoring the Cocaine Importing Agency..
Taliban are real Evil in the world. There should be no place of Taliban in the world. Bomb every Taliban and their supporters, Even if any army man support them. Hang them in Public.
Taliban Children are also not innocent. Even 7 to 13 year children involve in illegal activities and suicide bombing.
No sympathy for Taliban children because they are future of Taliban asset.
Peace cannot be achieved without crushing Taliban and their supporters.

This is surprising news that there are 72% Taliban in Afghanistan.

World should unite and take one time action against these evils.
Taliban are real Evil in the world. There should be no place of Taliban in the world. Bomb every Taliban and their supporters, Even if any army man support them. Hang them in Public.
Taliban Children are also not innocent. Even 7 to 13 year children involve in illegal activities and suicide bombing.
No sympathy for Taliban children because they are future of Taliban asset.
Peace cannot be achieved without crushing Taliban and their supporters.

This is surprising news that there are 72% Taliban in Afghanistan.

World should unite and take one time action against these evils.

You can do that by not giving them safe havens in your country and stop playing this double game of good taliban (Afghan Taliban) and bad taliban (pakistani Taliban).
You can do that by not giving them safe havens in your country and stop playing this double game of good taliban (Afghan Taliban) and bad taliban (pakistani Taliban).
Most of them are afghans, This was our huge mistake that we took half million refuge in our camps in afghan war. That's why suffering,We Lost 1000s of civilians from bloody afghan Taliban,same refugee afghans with new name Pakistan Taliban. You call it Good talilban or bad taliban, they are bloody afghans and civilians Blood suckers
Most of them are afghans, This was our huge mistake that we took half million refuge in our camps in afghan war. That's why suffering,We Lost 1000s of civilians from bloody afghan Taliban,same refugee afghans with new name Pakistan Taliban. You call it Good talilban or bad taliban, they are bloody afghans and civilians Blood suckers

Are you stupid or what?

Afghan Taliban have always denied the suicide bombings. It was mainly TTP(Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan) which is mainly made up of Mahsud and Wazir tribesmen and other pakistanis. Infact Mullah Omar strongly condemned TTP's tactics and he said the TTP should concentrate their efforts on Afghanistan and the suicide bombings and other tactics of TTP are counter productive to Taliban cause. That's why after that order from Mullah Omar, there has been a decrease in suicide bombing.

Nobody really knows who were behind these suicide bombings. If indeed it was TTP who wanted revenge on pakistani army then why didn't they bomb ISlamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Why would TTP who are mostly pashtun bomb pashtun areas like peshawar? Does it make sense?

Shut ur dirty mouth about Afghans. If you claim that TTP are Afghan then you are infact admitting FATA (Tribal Areas) belong to Afghans. Lol. Thanks for admitting FATA belongs to AFghanistan. hahaha
^and I guess Zabihullah Mujahid isn't Taliban spokesman who takes responsibility for everything, even Karzai's morning poop?

Why this garbage is sticky in this section?
Well ofcourse Zabiulah Mujahid likes to take credit for things Taliban might not even have done. Thats not the point.

The point is that this guys is saying the TTP are Afghans (as in Afghan citizens) which is clearly false. Although majority of TTP is Afghan(pashtun) by ethnicity, FATA is in Pakistan and TTP regard Pakistan as their state. Now this guys is saying TTP are Afghan citizens. IF they were from AFghanistan then they wouldn't be able impose themselves in waziristan. The fact is that its mostly Wazirs and Mahsuds with some other pakistanis who make up the TTP.
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