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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.


May 3, 2009
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6 NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Submitted 12 hrs 4 mins ago

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Six soldiers of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) were killed in Taliban attack on Sunday, a statement of the alliance released here said. "Six International Security Assistance Force service members died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan today," the statement said. However, it did not identify the nationalities of the victims, saying it is ISAF policy to defer casualty identification procedures to the relevant national authorities.

Troops mostly from the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada have been stationed in the restive southern region to stabilize security there. This is the largest fatalities inflicted on NATO troops in a single day bringing the number of casualties to 22 since beginning December.

6 NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
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World no.1 powers being defeated by rag tag tribesmen! I think the soldiers have no moral and will power left to fight since there is no justified reason for this WoT in first place other than cheap media propaganda against middle east / islam / arabs / muslims. An average joe westerner can hardly tell a difference between Muslim and Arab. When asked who is a Muslim most will respond with.."a Muslim is an Arab". Remember how the west ridiculed the Asians during Vietnam wars despite being ending up as losers..part of psy-op tactics is to hit the confidence of your enemy through engaging mass media.
I'm guessing that picture is just some random picture, and not a real picture.

My question here is, how did the Taliban fighters kill 6 soldiers? How many Taliban were killed?
They just got what they deserved, what are they doing there have you ever asked yourself that question? If foreign soldiers invaded the U.S. would you not kill them? Please be real.
Doesn't mean you can't have respect for the soldiers who aren't the ones calling the shots. Hate the leaders, not the soldiers.
This is sad.
Young men and women paying the price of the greed of few politicians, because at this time these politicians could get away with them.

I think American foreign policy is responsible for the murder of these innocent soldiers, for these men died not defending their country but the sheer idiocy of their government.

My prayers are with the American families though.
Doesn't mean you can't have respect for the soldiers who aren't the ones calling the shots. Hate the leaders, not the soldiers.
Kill the soldiers, otherwise you can't win. They are invaders my friend, do you how many Afghan civilians these thugs are killing each day? They are also raping young girls and women, which you won't read in western media.
Kill the soldiers, otherwise you can't win. They are invaders my friend, do you how many Afghan civilians these thugs are killing each day? They are also raping young girls and women, which you won't read in western media.
Just because you have to kill them doesn't mean you have to disrespect them. One sign of a civilized nation is respecting your enemy.

As for those who commit war crimes, they are in the minority.
World no.1 powers being defeated by rag tag tribesmen! I think the soldiers have no moral and will power left to fight since there is no justified reason for this WoT in first place other than cheap media propaganda against middle east / islam / arabs / muslims. An average joe westerner can hardly tell a difference between Muslim and Arab. When asked who is a Muslim most will respond with.."a Muslim is an Arab". Remember how the west ridiculed the Asians during Vietnam wars despite being ending up as losers..part of psy-op tactics is to hit the confidence of your enemy through engaging mass media.

Oh really? Is Pak Army being defeated in Waziristan also?

Can an average joe Muslim tell who is a Jew and who is white?

@TOPIC They were NATO or AMERICAN? Title says american, article says nato

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