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"Taliban desperate for direct flights to India; We want Kandahar-Delhi services"

Nope .

Afghanistan have always called out India on its atrocities in Kashmir .
Person to person contact I’ve noticed is also one of warmth and love from afghans to Kashmiris in the U.K. .
Afghans don't care about Kashmiris, their personal political desires mean more.

They love Indians more than Kashmiris.
Afghans don't care about Kashmiris, their personal political desires mean more.

They love Indians more than Kashmiris.

they’ve always supported Kashmir
This is from couple months back .

Nope .

Afghanistan have always called out India on its atrocities in Kashmir .
Person to person contact I’ve noticed is also one of warmth and love from afghans to Kashmiris in the U.K. .

In spite of some differences, Afghans are not our enemies.

Our enemy is India.
But fortunately for India, Pakistan can turn around its misfortunes pretty quickly. Unfortunately for Pakistan, Afghanistan cannot turn around its misfortune.

At this point Afghanistan has more of a competent government than Pakistan. At the rate we are going now I won’t be surprised if Afghanistan has more development than Pakistan.

Our Ishaq Dars are plunging us into chaos.
Whatever it takes to educate Afghans and bring stability and prosperity there. As I have been saying again and again here: A stable, prosperous, educated country's leadership doesn't typically launch assaults on neighbors. In the end, the political leadership is like in any other country in the world: To stay in power to reap the 'rewards' of power. Wars and destabilizing the neighborhood would not be the priority for such leadership.
PS. There is a lesson for India/Indians: A destabilized Pakistan woudn't be good for India-on the contrary. But fortunately for India, Pakistan can turn around its misfortunes pretty quickly. Unfortunately for Pakistan, Afghanistan cannot turn around its misfortune.
An Afghanistan with no Pashtuns is the only realistic status quo that would truly stabilise things security wise.

A pragmatic, educated and stable Afghanistan would still seek to exploit Pakistan where it seems possible. Which is far too easy because Pakistan finds itself in an unstable predicament far too often. Even pragmatic Afghan leaders won't miss out on chances to ignite civil wars because sometimes the opportunity seems too good to miss.

They can get TTP to give up arms and declare durand line as a hard border without any border incidents for a year. Then consider it.
That is like asking a blind man what color your hat is, he just won't be able to answer definitively.
: It has historically true that what is now Afghanistan have had good relations with India; until the forceful Ismalisation.
There was nothing called india before britsh invasion of1600s.. islamization of today's Afghanistan and Pakistan happened between 600 ad and 1100 AD... in those times they were loosely connected kingdoms.not some one entity..each with their own distinctive culture and language ..nothing you can relate to
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If India could have built an equivalent of the Great Wall of China (what a great blessing that would have been) to keep the barbarians out, at the right time (c. 7th century), somewhere north of Kabul would have been the right place. The racial theories here can't be right—the people have been there for a long time, timelessly as one might say, living amicably, it is the ideology the came down with violence some time in history.
I think you are talking about us.. we would never want a socalled wall between us and afghans.
What you consider barbarians (arabs and turkics) were saviors who brought Islam.. this perspective will never change no matter how hard you try to push..

It's got nothing to do with race. This region was never a socalled one state until brits occupied it and that's exactly why you and your theories are laughable..
I think you are talking about us.. we would never want a socalled wall between us and afghans.
What you consider barbarians were saviors who brought Islam.. this perspective will never change no matter how hard you try to push..
Cuckold inferiority complex mindset

This nigga is calling his enemy who wants to genocide him, rape his women, kill his people, and break his country as saviors 🤣

You're literally the opposite spectrum of a Pajeet both of you are pathetic
What cuckold.. rashideen abbasid umayad ghaznavid empires and sufis following them brought islam to the people here....this is considered a great service. Whether you like it or not.
Never mind I interpreted your comment wrong, I thought you were saying Afghans were your saviours 💀

Any day, we will always take the Afghans over Indians.

Milions of Afghan brothers live in Pakistan.

Hindus are fascists.

A good Hindu is a dead Hindu.
An open enemy is better than a hidden enemy.

Hindu > Afghan.

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