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Taliban cut hair and beards to flee army assault

You call this thing a man?

They are not men, they are animals in the form of humans.
They have their beliefs, I have mine and you have yours, I certainly do not agree with their's but I would shave my beard and get bald if my life was in danger; if I had a beard; I am sure every sensible man on the planet would do this to save his life. The Quran clearly states not to judge.
They have their beliefs, I have mine and you have yours, I certainly do not agree with their's but I would shave my beard and get bald if my life was in danger; if I had a beard; I am sure every sensible man on the planet would do this to save his life. The Quran clearly states not to judge.
When "their beliefs" constitute the massacres of innocent men, women and children as part of their 'tactics' to wage war against the State, when their beliefs constitute medieval, intolerant and hateful laws that treat all save those who buy into their hate and intolerance, then it is indeed safe to "judge" their beliefs.

You cannot use the excuse of "we should not judge someone's beliefs" when dealing with mass murderers, rapists, pedophiles and hate-mongering bigots - their 'beliefs' absoultely need to be 'judged' and they need to be severely punished for them.

How are they able to escape from Pak airports and make it through Gulf security??
Unless the individuals are "known criminals and/or terrorists", they will not set off "red flags" when applying for visas to work (or visit) in the gulf, given the existing large numbers of workers in the Gulf from the tribal areas.
Now this is downright hilarious!! These yahoos are trying to escape the onslaught of the PA in NW by disguising themselves are ordinary folk by cutting off their hair and beards!!

Epic!! In other words, they know they're fooked!! :omghaha::rofl:

BANNU: Hundreds of Taliban fighters rushed to disguise themselves with new haircuts in the weeks before a Pakistan Army assault, it has emerged, as refugees revealed details of life under the militants — and their taste for imported luxuries.

Azam Khan was one of the top barbers in Miranshah — the main town of North Waziristan Agency — until he, like nearly half a million others, fled the long-awaited offensive unleashed by the Pakistan military on the tribal area in June.

He told AFP his business boomed in the month leading up to the army assault as the militants sought to shed their distinctive long-haired, bearded look. “I have trimmed the hair and beards of more than 700 local and Uzbek militants ahead of the security forces’ operation,” he said while cutting hair in a shop in Bannu.

For years he cut Taliban commanders’ hair to match the flowing locks of former Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader Hakimullah Mehsud, killed by a US drone last November, but in May a change in style was called for. “The same leaders came asking for trimming their beards and hair very short, saying that they were going to the Gulf and wanted to avoid problems at Pakistani airports,” Azam Khan said.

More here...

Taliban cut hair, remove beards to escape operation - thenews.com.pk
This was happening either way because their sold out commanders have abandoned them & have fled to Afghanistan.
Pehale jaan bachao...jihad ka baad mein dekha jayenga.....:rofl:...good work PA:big_boss:
So much for being holy warriors

Hopefully few of them do realize now how they were being used, surrender, and help PA with intel etc.
When "their beliefs" constitute the massacres of innocent men, women and children as part of their 'tactics' to wage war against the State, when their beliefs constitute medieval, intolerant and hateful laws that treat all save those who buy into their hate and intolerance, then it is indeed safe to "judge" their beliefs.

You cannot use the excuse of "we should not judge someone's beliefs" when dealing with mass murderers, rapists, pedophiles and hate-mongering bigots - their 'beliefs' absoultely need to be 'judged' and they need to be severely punished for them.

Unless the individuals are "known criminals and/or terrorists", they will not set off "red flags" when applying for visas to work (or visit) in the gulf, given the existing large numbers of workers in the Gulf from the tribal areas.
This has nothing to do with shaving the beard and head to save his life...
and their taste for imported luxuries.
What form of Jihadi are these who indulge in worldly pleasures? :rofl:
For years people from North Waziristan remained tight-lipped about life in a Taliban fiefdom, scared of being kidnapped or even beheaded if they shared information about the militants.
And people accused these poor people of "willingly" wanting to provide for these barbarians?

While the militants bombed and maimed thousands in their fight to install an austere sharia regime in Pakistan and publicly professed contempt for the West, in North Waziristan they indulged themselves with fancy imported goods.

Hikmatullah Khan, a shopkeeper in Miramshah, said that at the same time as commanders were insisting he pay 300 rupees a month “tax”, their fighters were stocking up on grooming products.
“They were very keen to buy foreign-branded shampoos, soaps and perfumed sprays,” Khan told AFP.

“They had a lot of eagerness for French and Turkish perfumes, body sprays and soaps. “Muhammad Zarif, a wholesale merchant in Datta Khel, near Miramshah, said fighters would buy large quantities of British detergent and American cooking oil, much of it smuggled from Dubai.
What morons? Date par jaray hain ya jihad? seriously what's their idea of a jihad? esp when you stock up with imported luxuries? So they dont like "Muslim" products but indulge excessively?

But it remains to be seen what the long-term impact of the offensive will be. Local intelligence and militant sources told AFP that up to 80 per cent of fighters fled after rumours of an army assault emerged in early May, most over the porous border into Afghanistan.

“It is clear that militants were aware that the offensive was coming before it started. Lots of them fled,” a Western diplomat told AFP.
Hope no one leaked the news to them!

Hopefully few of them do realize now how they were being used, surrender, and help PA with intel etc.
That's what I am hoping..they have to be really stupid not to understand now....Then again to be brainwashed too they must have been stupid to start with!
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Sketches? Of all 700??
though I was being sarcastic - but perhaps if you really wana do it then let me tell you how ---
the guy is a local - and this is not the first time he has trimmed their hair and beard -- You don;t see Taliban walking in to just any other saloon ----
So we can extract information about the senior / middle level commanders- leave the recruits, they are going to die anyway from the bombings ---- we can atleast have another account to add to our Intelligence reports - or the Profiles of the Militants ---
And I heard someone say "they are the fierce fighters, who fight till their last breath"

What about that?
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