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Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops


Aug 29, 2009
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Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

The Taliban in Afghanistan claimed Friday that the militants had killed at least 15 US-led troops in Khost Province.

Militant spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the militants blew up a vehicle with hundreds of kilos of explosives targeting US-led troops in the area.

A Press TV correspondent in Kandahar said local sources had confirmed the report. According to the sources, the bomb exploded around noon killing many troops in the Lakno area, in the suburbs of Khost city.

The US-led force has not commented on the report.

A similar attack last night injured five American troops in the neighboring Paktia Province.

After more than eight years of US-led military involvement in Afghanistan, violence continues to spread in the war-torn country.
Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops
Is it just me or is the USA beginning to slip?

First a whole bunch of CIA agents, then IeD's take on Humvees, and now 15 killed?
This is extremely sad news. May the soldiers rest in peace for their contribution in the war-torn country.
First casualty of the war is truth, so I am told and than death comes to poor soldiers, never to those who control the war, sitting in big houses and trenches far behind.

Those were the day when the Leaders fought along side their soldiers, now that is what i call brave leaders. specially MUGHALS.
"good job talibs:smitten:"

Ah, I see that you're such a bright little boy.

Naturally you live in France where the taliban won't enslave your sister, mother, wife, lover. Naturally, you'd curse the taliban enslaving your aunts, grandmothers, and female cousins in Pakistan. However, when it comes to enslaving AFGHAN women and killing afghan citizens, you cheer them on.

But manage not to fight WITH THE TALIBAN.

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"And you sit in a Western country, living of Western benefits and yet cursing NATO forces? What do you say about your hypocrisy? "

Excuse me Sir, we can live wherever the hell we want. I pay my taxes and I serve my country as a loyal citizen. But I will not keep quiet when it is time to speak up.

Benefits? So being a muslim is deemed a condition to remain silent? Get ready, your going to hear a lot of screaming. Because that what we are suppose to do when we see wrong.
"May the mother of a dead French soldier spit in your face.

Nothing like a short-sighted armchair irhabist fool. May the Lord curse the day you were born and assure the remaining days of your life are unparalleled misery."

Asim : Is this the way to talk respectfully to another member - Why only the American dead have to honored.
Why can't we respect others pov. Is this what S-2 can get away with and we can't. These are double standards, hypocrisy, to put it euphemistically.
What do we say of the forces occupying Iraq and Afghanistan??
Questions, queastions questions - no answers.
One question. There are over forty nations in Afghanistan doing what they can to raise forth a stable society that can co-exist with all of its CAR, Iranian, and Pakistani neighbors.

What government(s) support the taliban?

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"Why only the American dead have to honored."

Excuse me? Where have I dishonored the memory of ANY uniformed soldier? You suffer from poor reading comprehension. Let's be clear-PWFI was DISHONORING my American brothers in arms.

I do take HUGE offense to such especially when those same men are allied to the Government of Pakistan's own efforts and when PWFI LIVES by the security provided by his own FRENCH soldiers now serving and dying in Afghanistan.

I've no tolerance for my enemies. PWFI is a clear enemy of my nation and is also a clear enemy of the Afghan people. He'd foist upon Afghans that which he won't accept for himself in Pakistan or France. If he DOES accept such in either of those countries, then he's the enemy of every good Pakistani here.

Mind your own damned business, fool, and learn to read.

One question. There are over forty nations in Afghanistan doing what they can to raise for a stable society that can co-exist with all of its CAR, Iranian, and Pakistani neighbors.

What government(s) support the taliban?


Lets see, Pakistan and Saudia Arabia were the first to declare their diplomatic ties after the fall of Hazara with the help of ISI. of course, Pakistan had good intention and so did SA.

Iran never supported the Taliban due to obvious reasons. Actually, no one explicitly supports the Taliban although everyone agrees that the occupation has caused much more harm even for Pakistan.
Heck, I think Pakistan is third in line for suffering after Iraq, Afghanistan.

Lol, you know whats weird? if you type taliban with a lowercase t, it gives you an error and corrects it to 'Taliban'. Even Google(Chrome) agrees with the Taliban! /joke
"good job talibs:smitten:"

Ah, I see that you're such a bright little boy.

Naturally you live in France where the taliban won't enslave your sister, mother, wife, lover. Naturally, you'd curse the taliban enslaving your aunts, grandmothers, and female cousins in Pakistan. However, when it comes to enslaving AFGHAN women and killing afghan citizens, you cheer them on.

But manage not to fight WITH THE TALIBAN.

May the mother of a dead French soldier spit in your face.:angry:

Nothing like a short-sighted armchair irhabist fool. May the Lord curse the day you were born and assure the remaining days of your life are unparalleled misery.


What is wrong to support freedom fighters .

S2, your idealogy is totally in clash with fundamentals of Islam .

Problem is you dont want to do research and read Islam.

Are you afraid to find truth?
"And you sit in a Western country, living of Western benefits and yet cursing NATO forces? What do you say about your hypocrisy? "

Excuse me Sir, we can live wherever the hell we want. I pay my taxes and I serve my country as a loyal citizen. But I will not keep quiet when it is time to speak up.

Benefits? So being a muslim is deemed a condition to remain silent? Get ready, your going to hear a lot of screaming. Because that what we are suppose to do when we see wrong.
Living in a country which gives you the cover of the liberal laws and then praising its enemies is nothing short of sick hypocrisy. the NATO isn't busy massacring some saints there; its the heartless Taliban that are targeted. I am aware that there are lot of civilian casualties but that is a sad truth of every war. There is always some sort of price the good side has to pay in any conflict.

But this doesn't entitle you to support the very terrorists that your adopted country is fighting to save the good future of some other country.

Again with the religion! Why are you lot so obsessed with religion? A terrorist caught in US blowing up a bank is also a Christian and the SWAT teams that catch and shoot him are also Christian. Does it mean that the terrorist should be spared? This is the same logic you are employing.

Kind sir, how would you feel if your mother and sister are caged in that accursed blue veil, not allowed to go out, not allowed to receive education, not allowed to be treated by any stranger and suffer illness to death; how would you feel if you aren't allowed to wear the fashionable and trendy clothes you so happily wear in France? How would you feel if you get beaten up and death threats if you want a clean shave? Think about it once and picture all these things. You will see what the NATO forces are doing.

This is the irony; most people here living in liberal countries with free laws are the ones who criticize their very country's armed forces. Hypocrisy to the highest level.
May the mother of a dead French soldier spit in your face.

Nothing like a short-sighted armchair irhabist fool. May the Lord curse the day you were born and assure the remaining days of your life are unparalleled misery.

So what about the mother of a Taliban soldier?Do you want them to spit on you?

What is wrong with him supporting the Taliban.Eversince the NATO forces came,they have deteriorated the country.Well if he choose to believe that whether the whole Afghan story was actually a conspiracy,let him say.Who are you to stop him?
So what about the mother of a Taliban soldier?Do you want them to spit on you?

What is wrong with him supporting the Taliban.Eversince the NATO forces came,they have deteriorated the country.Well if he choose to believe that whether the whole Afghan story was actually a conspiracy,let him say.Who are you to stop him?
Huh.. I would like to first see the face of a mother who lets her sons conduct such acts of horrors as Talibans. No true mother would ever want her son to be like a Taliban ever. How can you all support them after the kind of inhuman treatment they gave the Afghans? Didn't you see the condition of young women, men and children there? Why do all you see them with religious glasses on?

Friend, aren't there thieves, murderers etc in Pakistan? Do they go unpunished because they are also of your faith? Please think about this logically. This is a simple example to make you see what the Taliban is. You won't be able to live one day under Taliban, now that you are living in Singapore.

How can you compare the French soldier who is here fighting for someone else versus Taliban who despite being of same religion, same race etc, are brutalizing entire subcontinent including your homeland of Pakistan?
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