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Taliban celebrates victory as last US troops leave Afghanistan

India is upset

Some are. Especially the hyper nationalists and Hindu fanatics. Most sane, rational Indians, however, saw the writing on the wall.

their investment gone to a waste.

their dream to do another 1971 is now wet dream.

hence their fustration.

There is always risks with any investment, of course. That’s okay. India can afford it. The question is: can Pakistan afford the risk that is Afghanistan? That is to be seen.

This is not the 1990s. india has learned from its mistakes. India should take a look and see approach with the Taliban.
Some are. Especially the hyper nationalists and Hindu fanatics. Most sane, rational Indians, however, saw the writing on the wall.

You mean the 98% of radicalized Indians versus the 2% rational ones???

Wow. She has her own channel. Beautiful brave lady. Thanks for sharing.
So she was insulted by some Afghan woman in the hotel in last few hours--blaming Pakistan and by extension her. Sad.
Involved?...So is Israel, US, India and EU.

Question is will China even put a single RMB till they feel their investment is secure. Russia can supply energy (Gas/Oil) and weapons but no investment. Iran will treat Afghanistan as transit route to China/Russia if things go normal but no investment so soon...and Pakistan....we will just pray things go our way (so that we can provide them access to port, export things to them and get some earnings)...but again Pakistan will do so if they see Afghanistan can pay in return.....so at present.....it wait and watch for everyone.....
our route to china is already planned and it won't pass Afghanistan.
also our investment would be as before , if situation for us don't change as before it will be in education and medical sector and probably transportation
LOL we will see Indian loser. Rant all day. It didn't make an iota of difference in the past 20 years. Neither will it now. Your time is up.

Now you are going to provide lecture China and Russia on what they are going to do LOL Keep patting yourself on the back. It serves us well.

Shouldn't you be mourning today? Isn't it a bit too early to get cocky?

Present you argument here Mr. Elite if you have something worth to say.... and not your frustration and hatred.
As per Dan Crenshaw Texas Republican Senator says US Afghan war is NOT OVER...US only leaves a strategic post in Afghanistan BUT US-Afghan WAR is you think is over ... we never end wars...

Well hold your horses...war between Islam (radical) vs. US is not over yet ... it is an endless war...

US might be preparing to come back to Afghanistan for another 20 years or more...ONLY waiting for a civil war...

Any thoughts...is planning for a FALSE FLAG attack "originating from Afghanistan" is underway....again....!!!!!

Note: Hello to ALL the lurking guests on this thread ...
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As per Dan Crenshaw Texas Republican Senator says US Afghan war is NOT OVER...US only leaves a strategic post in Afghanistan BUT US-Afghan WAR is you think is over ... we never end wars...

Well hold your horses...war between Islam (radical) vs. US is not over yet ... it is an endless war...

Any thoughts...

This guy is a moron. He’s lost more than his right eye.
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