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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

KABUL (Tolo News): The closure of universities for women has faced continuous reactions within and outside the country.

Dozens of female students held a protest near the Kabul University in the west of Kabul, calling for women and girls’ access to education and work. The European Union in a statement called the decision another violation of international obligations and said it constitutes an institutionalized and systematic “discrimination against women and girls.”

“Every child should have access to both primary and secondary education without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s religion, sex, ethnic or social origin, disability, or any other status,” the statement reads. The statement said the Afghan women are essential for the prosperity and stability of the country. “The EU expects from the Taliban to abide by their obligations, revert their decision, and ensure universal access to quality education throughout the country,” the statement regards.

A joint statement from Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America and the High Representative of the European Union condemned the decision of the Islamic Emirate for suspension of higher education for the girls’ students.

So the problem of Afghan woman are the media . Not the fact that they cant study , not allowed to show their faces and unable to travel with out male companion ?

What nonsense are you trying to peddle here ?


The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is building trans-railway throughout Afghanistan. 👇

And this you find is relevant to the topic , because ?

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I remember when Kabul fell to the Taliban people were claiming this is Taliban 2.0, this is diet Taliban same great taste, new bottle etc etc.

A leopard can never change its spots.
I remember when Kabul fell to the Taliban people were claiming this is Taliban 2.0, this is diet Taliban same great taste, new bottle etc etc.

A leopard can never change its spots.

I think they’ll soon change their position when their existence is at stake. Pakistani Afghan Pashtun Punjabi is all irrelevant. Humans all share the same propensity for greed. Greed of what? Riches, power, sex. Out of all of these, the greed for survival is of utmost priority.

By denying women the right to an education, they are considered oppressors and will be punished by Allah swt in the form of a non functioning society which will end up decaying their already fragmented nation.

And whether it happens in 2 years or 50, the Taliban will concede their position because it is unjust and goes against Islam.

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