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Taliban attacks PA for the third day from Afghanistan. America asleep!

There are 100,000 U.S. troops fighting every damned day from Nimroz and Herat north to Kunduz and Mazur-I-Sharif, east to Kunar, Khost, Nangahar and Nuristan and south to Kandahar and Helmand. Afghanistan is not our land but we are there fighting and, sometimes, dying. In Pakistan your precious sovereignty has been conveniently violated by afghan taliban usurpers for ten years yet not a peep from the Pakistanis here.

Let me brust your bubble of how american forces are operating in kunar and nuristan to expose your fallacy and lies.

Taliban occupy abandoned US outpost in Kunar
April 12, 2011

The Taliban have occupied a combat outpost abandoned by US troops in the eastern province of Kunar, and claim they will set up a headquarters there.

In a video taken by Al Jazeera, a heavily armed group of Taliban fighters is seen marching up a road in the Pech River Valley. The fighters do not appear concerned about being targeted by Afghan or US ground or air forces.

The Taliban group is then filmed inside what appears to be a combat outpost; HESCO barriers, sandbags, and other artifacts from ISAF forces are seen in the background.

A commander identified as Mullah Muhibullah claimed the Taliban will establish "a permanent base" there, swore allegiance to Mullah Omar, and said his forces will continue to attack US troops until they "reach the gates of America."

"We will have a permanent base here and we will maintain control of it," Muhibullah told Al Jazeera. "As long as our commander, Mullah Omar, is alive and our guide, we will fight for him. The infidels failed to hold this outpost. Our jihad against American troops will continue, and one day we will reach the gates of America."

Another commander identified as Intiqam said the Taliban have imposed sharia, or Islamic law, in the area, and he twice denied any links to al Qaeda.

"The whole area is secure and sharia [Islamic] law is being applied here and all the people are very happy," Intiqam said. "We have no links with al Qaeda; we are Taliban fighters under the command of Mullah Omar. We are not associated with al Qaeda."

But al Qaeda is known to have a strong presence in Kunar province and its forces often fight alongside local and regional Taliban groups against US and Afghan forces. Al Qaeda also maintains bases and training camps in Kunar. And in December, the special operations forces captured Abu Ikhlas al Masri, al Qaeda's commander in Kunar.

The Taliban made similar propaganda videos in the past after US forces withdrew from combat outposts in Kamdesh (or Waygal) in Nuristan province in 2009, and the Korengal Valley in Kunar in 2010.

In one video, also filmed by Al Jazeera, the Taliban were seen occupying one of the abandoned combat outposts in Kamdesh in Nuristan. The Taliban displayed weapons, mines, and ammunition left behind by departing US and Afghan forces. In another video, released by the Taliban, Dost Mohammed, the shadow governor for Nuristan, was seen riding on an exercise bike left behind.

Within the past few years, US troops have abandoned several combat outposts in Kunar and Nuristan after major attacks on the remote bases. US Army commanders said that the outposts were closed or turned over to Afghan forces as part of a new counterinsurgency strategy to secure population centers. Some analysts claimed that the insurgencies in these areas were local and driven by the presence of US forces. Their prediction that the insurgency would die out after US forces left the region has since been discredited.

Taliban occupy abandoned US outpost in Kunar - The Long War Journal

When questioned how come Pakistani militants were operating from Afghanistan's territory and the Afghan government and Nato forces weren't taking action against them, Maulana Faqir said there were areas in Afghanistan's border provinces like Kunar and Nuristan where the regime in Kabul and the US-led foreign forces had no control. "The militants control these places

Maulana Faqir re-emerges, vows attacks on govt, military installations

Let me brust your bubble of how american forces are operating in kunar and nuristan to expose your fallacy and lies.

Good post ^^^. I think this, along with the fact that power is about to be transferred to the terrorists in northern Afghanistan that are a threat to Pakistan also adds to your argument. There is a difference between a few terrorists (10-20) infiltrating from Pakistan into Afghanistan, whereas hundreds of Afghan terrorists infiltrating into Pakistan without facing any resistance. A few weeks ago, about 200 Afghan terrorists infiltrated into Lower Dir, & now 200-400 Afghan terrorists (some sources are even saying 600 Afghan terrorists) have infiltrated into Upper Dir for 3 days, without facing any kind of resistance. Then there was an incident where about 470 Afghan terrorists were let out in Kandahar as well. So all these things go to show what is really going on inside Afghanistan.
Well that shows us the reality of- what will happen once Amrika flees from Afghanistan- No stooping them Talibans-

Is Pakistan so weak- it cannot defend or mount an offensive at a border even?-

Its time to start a drone campaign of our own- bomb that Amrikan base which talibans have captured or Amrika has abandoned intentionally-
"Let me brust your bubble of how american forces are operating in kunar and nuristan to expose your fallacy and lies..."

Allow me to remind you that combat is a two-way affair with both sides aiming to win. No victory is ever perfect nor any defeat complete. If an outpost is abandoned then it can be assumed to have little value.

What's important is that our troops have been and remain engaged fighting the enemies of the afghan people. We are not perfect nor have I ever professed otherwise but...we fight. And we fight all taliban wherever we might find them.

America doesn't ask that Pakistan CONTROL its borders. We KNOW that's an impossibility. After ten years experience in those mountains we appreciate the impossibility of achieving a hermetically-sealed frontier.

It won't happen.

However...the fact remains that your military has not conducted a single combat operation against the afghan taliban and Haqqani networks upon your land. This despite the wails and cries of violated sovereignty from members of this board. Moreover, not once on this board have I read any complaint of sovereign violation inside your FATAville communities by these afghan usurpers.

There can be only one reason for such after ten years of complete inactivity.

You wish it so.

Our men fight and sometimes die in Kunar. It's been that way since 2003. Were you more informed you'd know from open, easily-available sources the exact composition of those units stationed there.

Sadly, like so many other know-nothings you are hardly any repository of knowledge.

"Let me brust your bubble of how american forces are operating in kunar and nuristan to expose your fallacy and lies..."

Allow me to remind you that combat is a two-way affair with both sides aiming to win. No victory is ever perfect nor any defeat complete. If an outpost is abandoned then it can be assumed to have little value.

What's important is that our troops have been and remain engaged fighting the enemies of the afghan people. We are not perfect nor have I ever professed otherwise but...we fight. And we fight all taliban wherever we might find them.

America doesn't ask that Pakistan CONTROL its borders. We KNOW that's an impossibility. After ten years experience in those mountains we appreciate the impossibility of achieving a hermetically-sealed frontier.

It won't happen.

However...the fact remains that your military has not conducted a single combat operation against the afghan taliban and Haqqani networks upon your land. This despite the wails and cries of violated sovereignty from members of this board. Moreover, not once on this board have I read any complaint of sovereign violation inside your FATAville communities by these afghan usurpers.

There can be only one reason for such after ten years of complete inactivity.

You wish it so.

Our men fight and sometimes die in Kunar. It's been that way since 2003. Were you more informed you'd know from open, easily-available sources the exact composition of those units stationed there.

Sadly, like so many other know-nothings you are hardly any repository of knowledge.


Mr.S-2, you are a professional guy, You havent heard complaining that afghan vioaliting our soverignity, did you know the movement mechanism in Pak-Afghan areas, they are allowed for free movement, since tribes living in Pakistani area, must a have it's branches in afghanistan. So due to this free movement pact for both sides.

The second thing, Pak army is fully engaged with by TTP. Don't you get that, you can't engage two enemies at once or they will merge and become more powerful? You want us to attack Haqqani network, so They shake hands with local insurgents and start fighting Pakistan army, and in this way, they will forget American soldiers and will fully concentrate on Pak Army.

In short, you want Pakistan army sacrificing soldiers for America, right?

From the day one, we are insisting, let us first clear our mess of TTP then we will attack Haqqani, and other Afghan Elements. But alas, America want to use Pakistan as scapegoat.
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