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Tale Of A Kashmiri Girl From Srinagar Who Lost Her Parents, Escaped The Indian Army.......

Burhan Wani

Dec 27, 2013
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Tale Of A Kashmiri Girl From Srinagar Who Lost Her Parents, Escaped The Indian Army And Found Her Way To Geneva To Tell Her Story.

GENEVA, Switzerland—Meet Aneesa Nabi Khan, a bright 17-year-old studying at a school in the part of Kashmir liberated from India. Her mild demeanor, big eyes and a warm smile set her apart from other students in her school. But very few of them know her real story. Someday soon she will graduate and do something to impact the lives of her people. Her parents will never know how their little girl, the eldest of three kids, has grown up to be a precocious young lady.

Today she is in Geneva to tell her story to politicians, activists and the media from all over the world. She came here to speak. She wants the world to know her story because she made it to this place. Others like her can’t. And she wants to represent them.

She has a story. It is a compelling tale of fear, courage, tragedy, and a people’s quest for freedom from the tyranny of one of the biggest armies in the world.

Where Does Aneesa Come From?

She comes from Kashmir, a paradise nestled in the grand Himalayas to the north of Pakistan, bordering China and India. One of the world’s most scenic lands is also home to the world’s biggest concentration of armed soldiers—more than half a million regular army from the world’s largest democracy: India. Aneesa’s people want freedom from occupation. India does not want to grant it or heed United Nations resolutions calling for a settlement.

But for 63 years, Kashmiris did not take foreign occupation lying down. Aneesa’s father was one of them. That’s how her tragedy begins.

Where Is Aneesa’s Father?

Ghulam Nabi Khan was in his mid-thirties in 1996 when he was last seen by Dilshad, his wife, and daughter and her toddler brother Raees.

Ghulam left his house in the morning. He was what his people call a freedom fighter, oppose to the forced Indian occupation of his homeland. The Indian military saw him as a ‘militant’.

The Indians laid a trap for him. One of his friends was recruited by Indian intelligence. Ghulam was lured into a meeting at his friend’s house. They swooped on him as soon as he entered the house.

By evening the news reached his wife. So many Kashmiri men have ‘disappeared’ in similar circumstances. Dilshad’s brother took her to the local police station, manned by Indian police. They refused to register a case of forced ‘disappearance’. Days and months passed without any record of what happened to Ghulam. Fearing a similar fate, Dilshad took her children to her village to live with her parents. Somehow they managed to contact the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Indian capital. Red Cross is the only international organization that is allowed limited access to a few jails in Indian-occupied Kashmir. Most of the jails and detention centers remain closed to the world. When a Red Cross delegation visits Kashmir, the Indian government and army only allows Indian citizens working for Red Cross to enter the occupied territory. The Red Cross searched for Aneesa’s father but to no avail. This is because Indian military is authorized by law to arrest and detain Kashmiris for long periods without charges or trial.

Indian army is desperate to eliminate Kashmiri men and women who actively participate in the independence movement. Once any Kashmiri, man or woman, is dubbed a ‘militant’ by the Indians, he or she is never seen again.

How Was Dilshad, Aneesa’s Mother, Executed?

After her husband’s ‘disappearance’, Dilshad moved with her three children to the village, where her own parents and her in-laws lived. She joined a group formed by Kashmiris called the Association of the Parents of Disappeared Persons [APDP]. The group is one of the largest civil society organizations formed by Kashmiris to peacefully resist Indian occupation. It organizes peaceful protests in Srinagar against excesses by Indian occupation forces and keeps the cause of the ‘disappeared’ persons alive. The exact number of the missing is not known.

Dilshad became an active member of the APDP, frequently seen in television news footage from Srinagar organizing peaceful protests in front of Indian and international media. These protests caught the attention of some foreign diplomats based in New Delhi, local and international media, and rights organizations. They turned into an embarrassment for the Indian military. Indian occupation officials were remanded by the Indian government in New Delhi for failing to stop the activities of Kashmiri women like Dilshad.

One day in 2003, Indian soldiers entered the house of Aneesa’s mother. Some of them were in uniform and others were in plainclothes. The Indian soldiers asked everyone in the house to line up in the center of the front room. Dilshad, her brother, an unmarried younger sister, and her parents and some visiting relatives did what the soldiers told them to do. There was some shouting. Aneesa was nine. She too stood in the line. The soldiers were asking Dilshad about her activities with APDP when tempers flared and one of the Indian soldiers began firing indiscriminately. He took it out on Dilshad, which gave everyone else enough time to run toward the rooms behind them to hide. Nine-year-old Aneesa slipped under a bed. She could see an Indian soldier emptying his weapon into her mother.

The soldiers ran out of the house soon after.

Aneesa rushed to her mother. She remembers vividly how her mother was breathing her last. She says her mother wanted to say something but couldn’t. Blood started coming out of her mouth and she died in her nine-year-old daughter’s arms. Amazingly, Dilshad was still carrying Aaqib, who then was a toddler. Bullets hit his left thigh and tore the flesh apart. He was unconscious and his uncle rushed him to hospital. He survived the injury.

Aneesa’s Journey To Pakistan?

With her mother killed and father kidnapped by the Indians, the male members of Aneesa’s family worried about her safety and her future. By 2008, five years after her mother was killed, Aneesa’s two younger brothers had adapted to a life without parents. Raees was 13 and was looked after by his maternal grandmother. But Aaqib was even younger. So her mother’s unmarried sister took his custody. That left Aneesa. She was the only one among them to have a passport, an Indian passport. Apparently, her mother was planning to get her out of India anyway, most probably to travel to Dubai and then take a flight from there to Pakistan, where most of Kashmiris have taken refuge, escaping the harsh Indian occupation of their homes and fields. India is more than happy to issue Indian passports to Kashmiris because it sees that as Kashmiris accepting Indian citizenship. But over the years, most Kashmiris have preferred to reach Pakistan without passports—trekking the tough route through the mountains to Pakistan.

How Is Her New Life Like In Pakistan?

Aneesa is living with her mother’s cousin and her husband and three children. They all come from the same extended family so she feels at home and her family is very close to each other. She was in class 7 in Indian-occupied Kashmir. In Pakistan she was admitted to class 8. But she was weak in two subjects: Urdu, the Pakistani official language, and Islamic studies. The schools in occupied Kashmir have no choice but to follow the Indian educational system where the two subjects are not taught. But Urdu and Islamic studies were not alien to Aneesa and she quickly mastered them. She stays in touch with her brothers back in Indian-occupied Kashmir through telephone. She doesn’t remember her father at all. She was two when the Indians kidnapped him. She was nine when they killed her mother. She hardly experienced their love. She says her family now gives her love and affection and the sense of security that her tormentors denied her.

Still Looking For My Father:

Aneesa and her new family continue to stay in touch with the International Committee of the Red Cross in the hope that someday they might find him in one of the Indian jails. Her relatives back in Indian-occupied Kashmir keep their ears to the ground, collecting any information or rumors about anyone sighting Aneesa’s father in Indian detention centers. They pass on the information to her so she could forward it to Red Cross.

Why Is She In Geneva This Year?

Her answer is simple: “I hope it helps me find my father.” She wants the international community not to abandon people like her. She wants the powerful democracies to heed her call. And she intends to make her voice heard. She couldn’t do anything for her mother. She couldn’t save her mother. But in case her father is alive, she wants the satisfaction of knowing she did all she could to save his life. Her activism brought her message to the world, and now Aneesa wants to take the world to occupied Kashmir.

Her mother and father would have been proud of the work done by their daughter today.

@Horus @Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Akheilos @waz @WAJsal @Imran Khan @Shamain @fakhre mirpur @Kashir @Indus Falcon @Muhammad Omar @Abu Namr @haviZsultan @Max Pain
Have a look.
Tale Of A Kashmiri Girl From Srinagar Who Lost Her Parents, Escaped The Indian Army And Found Her Way To Geneva To Tell Her Story - Pristine Kashmir
Its important to highlight stories of Kashmiri girls. As the terrorists fight without uniforms and hide among the people, they pose a serious threat to civilians. In order to minimize civilian casualties, Indian security forces have been given the difficult task of not using artillery or airpower or to simply emptying cities and villages to fight terrorists. Instead indian soldiers and Kashmiri police risk their lives and fight the terrorists in targeted battles and make us proud. Scores of Soldiers and police who have crossed their powers and harmed civilians have been disciplined - something rare in an insurgency environment.

Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47 - Telegraph

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
10:02PM BST 29 Sep 2009
Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.
Their house in Shahdra Sharief, Rajouri district, is about 20 miles from the ceasefire line between Indian and Pakistani forces.
It is close to dense forests known as hiding places for fighters from the Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which carried out the Mumbai terrorist attack last November.
Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.
When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.
His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead.
She also shot and wounded another militant as he made his escape.
Police have hailed the woman’s bravery.
They said she would be nominated for the president’s gallantry award.
She may also receive a £4,000 reward if, as police believe, the dead terrorist is confirmed as Uzafa Shah, a wanted Pakistani LeT commander who had been active in the area for the past four years.
Supt Shafqat Watali said Miss Kausar’s reaction was “a rude shock” for the militants. “Normally they get king-like treatment but this was totally unexpected,” he said.
Miss Kausar said she had never fired an assault rifle before but had seen it in films and could not stand by while her father was being hurt. “I couldn’t bear my father’s humiliation. If I’d failed to kill him, they would have killed us,” she said.


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Atrocities in Kashmir

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Smt. Katija, wife of Habib-ullah-Sheikh, and Mahjabeena, daughter of Bashir Ahmed Wani.
Terrorists hurled a grenade followed by firing upon a security picket at Kani Kadal. The grenade killed 70 year old Khatija and young Mahjabeena on October 27, 1992, at Syed Pora, Srinagar.
Case No.: 1
Date: 4.3.90
Place: Baramulla

Two Muslim girls were kidnapped, raped and killed.
Case No.: 2
Date: 17.3.90
Place: Takoora, Srinagar
Mrs. M. N. Paul, wife of a BSF Inspector, was abducted. She was tortured and gang raped for many days and then her dead body with broken limbs was abandoned on the road.
Case No.: 3
Date: 19.4.90
Place: Hazratbal, Srinagar
A Hindu girl, Sarla Bhat R/O Anantnag and working as a nurse in the Medical Institute at Soura, Srinagar, was abducted from the Medical Institute. She was gang raped for many days and her body was later abandoned on the road side.
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Miss Sarla Bhatt, a Stuff Nurse in Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar was kidnapped from the Hostel of the Institute on April 14, 1990, by a group of JKLF militants. Her dead body with bullet wounds was later found on April 19, in the downtown area of Srinagar. The post mortem report concluded that she was raped before she was killed.
Case No.: 4
Date: 22.4.90
Place: Srinagar
Sushma Pandit was abducted from the roadside by the terrorists. She was released the next day with bullet wounds on her legs.
Case No.: 5
Date: 7.5.90
Place: Karannagar, Srinagar
A Muslim girl, Dolly Mohi-ud-din was kidnapped, tortured and her body was abandoned at Karannagar chowk.
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Dolly Mohi-ud-Din, kidnapped by terrorists on May 5, 1990, was tortured for two days, gang raped and shot dead by Farooq Ahmed Dar of the JKLF.
Case No.: 6
Date: 4.6.90
Place: Sopore, Baramulla
Prana Ganjoo was abducted along with her husband Prof. K. L. Ganjoo. She was gang raped for a number of days and then her body was thrown in the river bed. Her husband too was killed.
Case No.: 7
Date: 4.6.90
Place: Trehgam, Kupwara
Girja Tikoo working as a Laboratory Assistant at Government Girls High School, Trehgam, was abducted, gang raped for many days and shred into pieces on a bar and saw mill.
Case No.: 8
Date: 17.6.90
Place: Miskeenbagh, Srinagar
A muslim girl by name of Marooqa Gudi was abducted, raped, tortured and killed.
Case No.: 9
Date: 26.6.90
Place: Bhan Mohallah, Srinagar
Mrs. J. L. Ganjoo, her sister-in-law and their husbands were killed in their homes.
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Mrs. Fareeda d/o Gh. Mohd. Dainposh r/o Ganzkhud, Srinagar
Killed on 13-1-93

Dead body of Mrs. Fareeda was recovered. Her hands had been tied and she was later hanged to death.
Case No.: 10
Date: 28.6.90
Place: Darsu, Pulwama
Mrs. Rupawati Bhan was tortured to death in her house and her body was flung into a field from the third storey onto the road.
Case No.: 11
Date: 18.7.90
Place:Darsu, Pulwama
Babli Bhan, daughter-in-law of D. N. Bhan, was tortured and killed. Her body was flung from the third storey onto the road.
Case No.: 12
Date: 13.8.90
Place: Sopore, Baramullah
Babli Raina, a teacher in the Education Department, was gang raped in her house in the presence of her family and then killed.
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Nighat Rasool d/o Gh. Rasool Lone r/o Nadihal, Bandipora (Baramulla)
Killed on 14-2-93

Dead body of Nighat Rasool was recovered from Howal, Srinagar. Her hair had been shaven by the terrorists.
Case No.: 13
Date: 13.8.90
Place: Karannagar, Srinagar
A Hindu lady Dr. Sahni was locked in her house and the house set ablaze. She was burnt to death inside the house.
Case No.: 14
Date: 14.10.90
Place: Ahkadal, Srinagar
Mrs. Usha and Mrs. Rajender Kaul and their husbands were shot dead in their house.
Case No.: 15
Date: 15.1.91
Place: Srinagar
A group of terrorists intruded into the house of one Tamruda Begum in broad daylight and opened fire. Tamruda Begum was killed on the spot and her teenage daughter wounded critically.
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Mrs. Aisha w/o Late Gh. Mohd r/o Dooniwari Nishat, Srinagar
Killed on 25-4-93

Mrs. Aisha was killed by the terrorists at her home.
Case No.: 16
Date: 18.1.91
Place: Hakbara, Baramulla
Terrorists intimidated the parents of a Muslim girl Zarifa d/o Mohd Sultan to give her in marriage to a militant and on refusal, the terrorists abducted the girl and her brother Bashir Ahmed. Bashir was tortured and killed while the girl was taken away and married forcibly.
Case No.: 17
Date: 21.3.91
Place: Malik Sahab, Srinagar

A Muslim woman Mughli was abducted, raped and tortured to death.
Case No.: 18
Date: 6.5.91
Place: Bohripora, Kupwara
Terrorists intruded into the house of a Muslim and resorted to indiscriminate firing, killing his wife and 2-year old child.
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Shamima (TV Artist) r/o Waganpora, Idgah, Srinagar
Killed on 17-6-93

Terrorists abducted Shamima from her home on 16.6.93. Later her dead body was recovered from Watalkadal, after she had been killed by the terrorists.
Case No.: 19
Date: 28.5.91
Place: Pattan, Baramulla
Muslim woman Sakeena was abducted from her house. She was raped and tortured. Her body was later recovered from a stream.
Case No.: 20
Date: 29.6.91
Place: Safakadal, Srinagar

A 55-year old Muslim woman was killed and thrown into river Jhelum.
Case No.: 21
Date: 19.7.91
Place: Baramulla
A Sikh lady who had come to attend the marriage of her relative was shot dead by masked terrorists during the ceremony.
Case No.: 22
Date: 31.7.91
Place: Sonwar, Srinagar
A Hindu lady was shot dead when she raised an alarm on the abduction attempt of her husband Shadilal, an employee of NHPC.
Case No.: 23
Date: 6.8.91
Place: Naibasti, Jammu

Terrorists shot dead a Hindu lady, Pushpa Devi.
Case No.: 24
Date: 8.8.91
Place: Karfoli Mohala, Srinagar
A Hindu lady Asha Kaul was abducted from Achabal, Anantnag, her native village. She was gang raped and tortured in a deserted Hindu house and the dead body was abandoned there. The decomposed body was later recovered.
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Hafiza w/o Wazir Khan r/o Lawaypora, Bandipora (Baramulla)
Killed on 1-4-93

Hafiza was shot dead by the Islamic terrorists.
Case No.: 25
Date: 25.8.91
Place: Qamarwari, Srinagar
A Muslim woman Shamima w/o Abdul Rashid, was shot dead while she was in the house of a relative along with her children.
Case No.: 26
Date: 27.8.91
Place: Kerni, Chadoora, Badgam
Terrorists had a clash among themselves and fired indiscriminately in the village killing a young Muslim girl.
Case No.: 27
Date: 10.9.91
Place: Batmaloo, Srinagar
A Muslim woman Sharifa was shot dead by terrorists inside her home in broad day light.
Case No.: 28
Date: 23.9.91
Place: Iqbal Park, Srinagar
A Muslim girl Halima, r/o Bandipur, Baramulla, was abducted. She was gang raped for many days and her body was later abandoned in a park at Srinagar.
Case No.: 29
Date: 1.10.91
Place: Ahjan Road, Srinagar
The body of a young Muslim woman who had been raped and tortured was recovered from a street.
Case No.: 30
Date: 17.10.91
Place: Qamarwari, Srinagar

A Muslim woman Haja w/o Ghulam Mohd Butt, was shot dead during a marriage party.
Case No.: 31
Date: 17.11.91
Place: Choontwari, Kupwara
Terrorists intruded into the house of a Muslim Mohd. Sidiq and attempted

to kidnap his wife. On resistance, she was fired at and got hospitalised.
Case No.: 32
Date: 17.12.91
Place: Kokarhamam, Baramulla
A school going girl Miss Sajda Hussain was kidnapped from Government Girls Higher Secondary School. She was raped and her body was recovered from the river Jhelum at Baramulla.
Case No.: 33
Date: 19.12.91
Place: Anantnag
Terrorists kidnapped a 17-year old Muslim girl Shami Mukhta from Ramban, Doda district. She was held captive for several days at Anantnag where she was criminally assaulted. She was later rescued by Security Forces from the terrorists at Anantnag.
Case No.: 34
Date: 5.1.92
Place: Nowshera, Srinagar

Terrorists kidnapped and tortured a Muslim woman. Her body was recovered from a field.
Case No.: 35
Date: 23.1.92
Place: Delina, Baramulla
Terrorists intruded into the house of one Ghulam Mohd Rather and fired upon his son who later died in hospital.
Case No.: 36
Date: 19.2.92
Place: Yal Athmuqam, Anantnag
Terrorists attempted to abduct one Gani Butt from his house. They shot dead his
son when the young boy raised a cry and resisted the abduction of his father.
Case No.: 37
Date: 12.3.92
Place: Sheeri, Baramulla
Terrorists attempted the abduction of a lady Shakeela Jan w/o Bashir Ahmed Khan. When she resisted, they shot her dead.
Case No.: 38
Date: 17.3.92
Place: Shopian, Pulwama
Terrorists kidnapped a Muslim lady Hasina d/o Bashir Ahmed. Her tortured body with bullet marks was recovered from the village.
Case No.: 39
Date: 28.3.92
Place: Tawjeedganj, Baramulla
A muslim lady was shot dead in her home by terrorists.
Case No.: 40
Date: 30.3.92
Place: Sultanpora, Badgam
Terrorists abducted another rival militant and shot dead his sister and young brother. His mother was seriously injured and hospitalised.
Case No.: 41
Date: 30.3.92
Place: Naisarak, Srinagar
Terrorists intruded into the house of one Sohan Lal Braroo and shot him dead during the night. They gang raped his wife Bimla and young daughter Archana. Archana succumbed during the gang rape itself and Bimla who was shot after being raped, died in hospital.
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Miss Archana Braroo & Mrs Bimla Braroo
Kashmiri terrorists entered the house of Sohan Lal Braroo, a Kashmiri Pandit at Kralkhud, Srinagar on the night of March 30-31, 1992. The militants gang raped the wife and daughter of Sohan Lal Braroo and killed both mother and daughter as well as Sohan Lal Braroo.
Case No.: 42
Date: 8.4.92
Place: Qamarwari, Srinagar
The body of a Muslim woman Mrs. Fazi was recovered from the road side. She had been earlier kidnapped.
Case No.: 43
Date: 12.4.92
Place: Kunoo, Anantnag
Terrorists forcibly entered the house of a Muslim and fired indiscriminately in which his wife Mrs. Misra was seriously injured and later died in hospital.
Case No.: 44
Date: 15.4.92
Place: Kalamdanpora, Srinagar
Terrorists kidnapped one Muslim lady Ashia Amin, District Education Officer, Srinagar. She was released the next day.
Case No.: 45
Date: 2.5.92
Place: Batmaloo, Srinagar
A Muslim woman and her young son were killed when terrorists hurled a grenade which exploded near a shop.
Case No.: 46
Date: 3.5.92
Place: Magam, Baramulla
Terrorists abducted and later killed a local Muslim Aliqa Begum w/o Bashir Ahmed.
Case No.: 47
Date: 4.5.92
Place: Tekipora, Kupwara
Terrorists shot dead a woman Mst. Mukhti r/o Lassi Ganai and her husband Lassa at their residence, alleging them to be 'informers' .
Case No.: 48
Date: 8.5.92
Place: Anantnag
Ten young children were injured when terrorists hurled a grenade which exploded on the road.
Case No.: 49
Date: 12.5.92
Place: Chakla, Baramulla
Terrorists abducted a married woman and later killed 3 villagers and injured 15 others when they demonstrated against the terrorists.
Case No.: 50
Date: 14.5.92
Place: Daribal, Khanyar, Srinagar
A muslim woman Mst. Sajda w/o Abdul Qayum Khan was killed in an intergang clash.
Case No.: 51
Date: 17.5.92
Place: Eshalipora, Baramulla
Terrorists shot dead a Muslim Woman Rashida Begum w/o Mohd Shafl, accusing her of being an 'informer'.
Case No.: 52
Date: 17.5.92
Place: Ghanipora, Pulwama
Terrorists abducted a Muslim girl and held her captive for 2 days till rescued by security force. They later abducted the father and brother of the girl and killed them.
Case No.: 53
Date: 18.5.92
Place: Safakadal, Srinagar
Terrorists of AUM abducted Habla Begum and her minor daughter from their house, accusing them of being instrumental in the arrest of their Chief, Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar Latrum. They ransacked the house and later burnt it.
Case No.: 54
Date: 20.5.92
Place: Pirbagh, Srinagar
Following a clash between JKLF and HuM terrorists, in which a militant was killed and 2 women seriously injured, about 250 women demonstrated and raised anti-militant slogans. HuM terrorists again fired upon the women injuring some of them.
Case No.: 55
Date: 27.5.92
Place: Meghama, Kupwara
Three members of a Muslim family - the house owner, his wife and daughter were abducted by terrorists. The women were raped and the house owner tortured. Dead bodies of all these three individuals were later recovered from a paddy field.
Case No.: 56
Date: 13.6.92
Place: Baramulla, Lalad Sopore
A 17-year old Muslim girl Rafiqa Bano d/o Assadullah Waza r/o Kalashpora, Srinagar, was abducted by terrorists. She was raped and held captive for many days. Later, her dead body was recovered from the river at Baramulla town.
Case No.: 57
Date: 16.6.92
Place: Qamarwari Srinagar
A young Muslim woman Hassina Siddique w/o Nazir Ahmed Siddique was shot dead by terrorists in her bed room alongwith her husband during the night.
Case No.: 58
Date: 29.6.92
Place: Lalad, Sopore, Baramulla
Two women were seriously injured when terrorists of rival groups resorted to firing.
Case No.: 59
Date: 1.7.92
Place: Nowpora, Anantnag
A 7-year old boy was killed when rival terrorists resorted to heavy firing in the village.
Case No.: 60
Date: 10.7.92
Place: Baharabad, Baramulla
Two women and a child were seriously injured when two rival groups of terrorists resorted to an armed clash.
Case No.: 61
Date: 19.7.92
Place: Behrampora, Baramulla
One woman was killed and four others including 2 children were injured when rival factions of terrorists resorted to an armed clash.
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Mrs. Waheeda w/o Mohd. Ashraf Bhat r/o Batamaloo (Srinagar)
Killed on 13-1-93

Dead body of Mrs. Waheeda was recovered. Her hands had been tied and she was later hanged to death.
Case No.: 62
Date: 23.7.92
Place: Kaloosa, Baramulla
A Muslim woman was shot dead by terrorists in her house.
Case No.: 63
Date: 9.8.92
Place: Wahidpora, Ganderbal, Srinagar
The body of a Muslim Woman Mrs. Taja w/o Mohd Sadiq Lone was recovered from the river Sindh. She had earlier been abducted and tortured to death.
Case No.: 64
Date: 19.9.92
Place: Trehgam, Kupwara
A young Muslim woman was shot dead in her house along with her husband and father-in-law Khaliq Sofi a retired Subedar of the Indian Army.
Case No.: 65
Date: 25.9.92
Place: Magam, Badgam
A Muslim girl, Miss Shahida was abducted by terrorists and was being taken in a taxi when she was rescued by SF.
Case No.: 66
Date: 3.10.92
Place: Khor, Baramulla
The body of a Muslim woman Mrs. Hamida w/o Gulzar Ahmed abducted earlier by terrorists, was recovered from a field.
Case No.: 67
Date: 3.10.92
Place: Khor, Baramulla
A young Hindu girl, Deepa was kidnapped from Batala (Punjab) by terrorists and sold to an old man after converting her to Islam. She was rescued by SF.
Case No.: 68
Date: 4.10.92
Place: Duslipora, Badgam
A group of terrorists kidnapped a minor girl from the village. She was later recovered by SF.
Case No.: 69
Date: 22.10.92
Place: Zainakoot Srinagar
A 12-year old Hindu girl Shaloo Basanti was kidnapped by terrorists from HMT Colony along with her father Vijay Chand.
Case No.: 70
Date: 12.11.92
Place: Khanpora, Baramulla
Terrorists fired at and injured Mst. Zareena d/o Gh. Rasool.
Case No.: 71
Date: 24.11.92
Place: Narayanbagh, Baramulla
A 13 year old muslim girl was shot dead in her house following resistance by inmates to the attempted abduction of her father Abdul Ahad Guroo.
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Waheeda, recovered from Bhagat-Barzulla. The deceased had been strangulated. Discovery of this dead body caused deep resentment among the peaceful citizens of the area.
Case No.: 72
Date: 2.12.92
Place: Kharwani, New Colony, Srinagar
A woman Mst. Fazi was kidnapped from her house alongwith her young son.
Case No.: 73
Date: 4.12.92
Place: Khanwari, Srinagar
A young muslim girl was killed and four other women seriously injured when two rival militant groups of JKLF and HUM resorted to indiscriminate firing in the village following a clash between them. A total of two persons were killed and 9 persons injured.
Case No.: 74
Date: 8.12.92
Place: Kupwara town
Two persons including a young muslim girl were killed when terrorists fired indiscrimantely in town to force closure of shops.
Case No.: 75
Date: 23.12.92
Place: Kanikadal, Srinagar
Two muslim ladies were seriously injured when a grenade targetted on a SF picket exploded in their house.
Case No.: 76
Date: 13.1.93
Place: Barzulla, Srinagar
Two women Mrs. Wahida and Mrs. Farida were tortured and later hanged to death alongwith a lone male Mohd Ashraf Bhat present in the house.
Case No.: 77
Date: 25.1.93
Place: Marhama, Kupwara
Terrorists shot dead two Muslim women, mother and daughter alongwith the head of the family Mohd Akbar.
Case No.: 78
Date: 29.1.93
Place: Kupwara
Three women Mrs. Bakhta, her young daughter Fatima and another woman Mrs. Sarwar were shot dead alongwith the head of the family Mohd Zaman Payer and the young son Parvez.
Case No.: 79
Date: 14.2.93
Place: Bandipora, Baramulla
The dead body of Nighat Rasool daughter of Gh. Rasool Lone was recovered from Hawal Chowk, in Srinagar. The hair of her head had been shaven off by the terrorists.
Case No.: 80
Date: 15.2.93
Place: Jawahir Nagar, Srinagar
Terrorists hurled a grenade towards a security force vehicle in Budshah Chowk, Srinagar, which missed the intended target and exploded on the road, causing injuries to seven persons (civilians) including five women. Later, one of the injured women succumbed to her injuries. One security personnel also received injuries.
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Mrs. Kamlesh Kumari d/o Bhagwan Dass r/o Doda
Killed on 20-10-93

Terrorists lobbed a grenade on a BSF vehicle at Doda Bus Stand, which missed the target but killed three students and ten others.
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Its important to highlight stories of Kashmiri girls. As the terrorists fight without uniforms and hide among the people, they pose a serious threat to civilians. In order to minimize civilian casualties, Indian security forces have been given the difficult task of not using artillery or airpower or to simply emptying cities and villages to fight terrorists. Instead indian soldiers and Kashmiri police risk their lives and fight the terrorists in targeted battles and make us proud. Scores of Soldiers and police who have crossed their powers and harmed civilians have been disciplined - something rare in an insurgency environment.

Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47 - Telegraph

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
10:02PM BST 29 Sep 2009
Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.
Their house in Shahdra Sharief, Rajouri district, is about 20 miles from the ceasefire line between Indian and Pakistani forces.
It is close to dense forests known as hiding places for fighters from the Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which carried out the Mumbai terrorist attack last November.
Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.
When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.
His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead.
She also shot and wounded another militant as he made his escape.
Police have hailed the woman’s bravery.
They said she would be nominated for the president’s gallantry award.
She may also receive a £4,000 reward if, as police believe, the dead terrorist is confirmed as Uzafa Shah, a wanted Pakistani LeT commander who had been active in the area for the past four years.
Supt Shafqat Watali said Miss Kausar’s reaction was “a rude shock” for the militants. “Normally they get king-like treatment but this was totally unexpected,” he said.
Miss Kausar said she had never fired an assault rifle before but had seen it in films and could not stand by while her father was being hurt. “I couldn’t bear my father’s humiliation. If I’d failed to kill him, they would have killed us,” she said.


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Atrocities in Kashmir

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Smt. Katija, wife of Habib-ullah-Sheikh, and Mahjabeena, daughter of Bashir Ahmed Wani.
Terrorists hurled a grenade followed by firing upon a security picket at Kani Kadal. The grenade killed 70 year old Khatija and young Mahjabeena on October 27, 1992, at Syed Pora, Srinagar.
Case No.: 1
Date: 4.3.90
Place: Baramulla

Two Muslim girls were kidnapped, raped and killed.
Case No.: 2
Date: 17.3.90
Place: Takoora, Srinagar
Mrs. M. N. Paul, wife of a BSF Inspector, was abducted. She was tortured and gang raped for many days and then her dead body with broken limbs was abandoned on the road.
Case No.: 3
Date: 19.4.90
Place: Hazratbal, Srinagar
A Hindu girl, Sarla Bhat R/O Anantnag and working as a nurse in the Medical Institute at Soura, Srinagar, was abducted from the Medical Institute. She was gang raped for many days and her body was later abandoned on the road side.
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Miss Sarla Bhatt, a Stuff Nurse in Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar was kidnapped from the Hostel of the Institute on April 14, 1990, by a group of JKLF militants. Her dead body with bullet wounds was later found on April 19, in the downtown area of Srinagar. The post mortem report concluded that she was raped before she was killed.
Case No.: 4
Date: 22.4.90
Place: Srinagar
Sushma Pandit was abducted from the roadside by the terrorists. She was released the next day with bullet wounds on her legs.
Case No.: 5
Date: 7.5.90
Place: Karannagar, Srinagar
A Muslim girl, Dolly Mohi-ud-din was kidnapped, tortured and her body was abandoned at Karannagar chowk.
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Dolly Mohi-ud-Din, kidnapped by terrorists on May 5, 1990, was tortured for two days, gang raped and shot dead by Farooq Ahmed Dar of the JKLF.
Case No.: 6
Date: 4.6.90
Place: Sopore, Baramulla
Prana Ganjoo was abducted along with her husband Prof. K. L. Ganjoo. She was gang raped for a number of days and then her body was thrown in the river bed. Her husband too was killed.
Case No.: 7
Date: 4.6.90
Place: Trehgam, Kupwara
Girja Tikoo working as a Laboratory Assistant at Government Girls High School, Trehgam, was abducted, gang raped for many days and shred into pieces on a bar and saw mill.
Case No.: 8
Date: 17.6.90
Place: Miskeenbagh, Srinagar
A muslim girl by name of Marooqa Gudi was abducted, raped, tortured and killed.
Case No.: 9
Date: 26.6.90
Place: Bhan Mohallah, Srinagar
Mrs. J. L. Ganjoo, her sister-in-law and their husbands were killed in their homes.
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Mrs. Fareeda d/o Gh. Mohd. Dainposh r/o Ganzkhud, Srinagar
Killed on 13-1-93

Dead body of Mrs. Fareeda was recovered. Her hands had been tied and she was later hanged to death.
Case No.: 10
Date: 28.6.90
Place: Darsu, Pulwama
Mrs. Rupawati Bhan was tortured to death in her house and her body was flung into a field from the third storey onto the road.
Case No.: 11
Date: 18.7.90
Place:Darsu, Pulwama
Babli Bhan, daughter-in-law of D. N. Bhan, was tortured and killed. Her body was flung from the third storey onto the road.
Case No.: 12
Date: 13.8.90
Place: Sopore, Baramullah
Babli Raina, a teacher in the Education Department, was gang raped in her house in the presence of her family and then killed.
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Nighat Rasool d/o Gh. Rasool Lone r/o Nadihal, Bandipora (Baramulla)
Killed on 14-2-93

Dead body of Nighat Rasool was recovered from Howal, Srinagar. Her hair had been shaven by the terrorists.
Case No.: 13
Date: 13.8.90
Place: Karannagar, Srinagar
A Hindu lady Dr. Sahni was locked in her house and the house set ablaze. She was burnt to death inside the house.
Case No.: 14
Date: 14.10.90
Place: Ahkadal, Srinagar
Mrs. Usha and Mrs. Rajender Kaul and their husbands were shot dead in their house.
Case No.: 15
Date: 15.1.91
Place: Srinagar
A group of terrorists intruded into the house of one Tamruda Begum in broad daylight and opened fire. Tamruda Begum was killed on the spot and her teenage daughter wounded critically.
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Mrs. Aisha w/o Late Gh. Mohd r/o Dooniwari Nishat, Srinagar
Killed on 25-4-93

Mrs. Aisha was killed by the terrorists at her home.
Case No.: 16
Date: 18.1.91
Place: Hakbara, Baramulla
Terrorists intimidated the parents of a Muslim girl Zarifa d/o Mohd Sultan to give her in marriage to a militant and on refusal, the terrorists abducted the girl and her brother Bashir Ahmed. Bashir was tortured and killed while the girl was taken away and married forcibly.
Case No.: 17
Date: 21.3.91
Place: Malik Sahab, Srinagar

A Muslim woman Mughli was abducted, raped and tortured to death.
Case No.: 18
Date: 6.5.91
Place: Bohripora, Kupwara
Terrorists intruded into the house of a Muslim and resorted to indiscriminate firing, killing his wife and 2-year old child.
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Shamima (TV Artist) r/o Waganpora, Idgah, Srinagar
Killed on 17-6-93

Terrorists abducted Shamima from her home on 16.6.93. Later her dead body was recovered from Watalkadal, after she had been killed by the terrorists.
Case No.: 19
Date: 28.5.91
Place: Pattan, Baramulla
Muslim woman Sakeena was abducted from her house. She was raped and tortured. Her body was later recovered from a stream.
Case No.: 20
Date: 29.6.91
Place: Safakadal, Srinagar

A 55-year old Muslim woman was killed and thrown into river Jhelum.
Case No.: 21
Date: 19.7.91
Place: Baramulla
A Sikh lady who had come to attend the marriage of her relative was shot dead by masked terrorists during the ceremony.
Case No.: 22
Date: 31.7.91
Place: Sonwar, Srinagar
A Hindu lady was shot dead when she raised an alarm on the abduction attempt of her husband Shadilal, an employee of NHPC.
Case No.: 23
Date: 6.8.91
Place: Naibasti, Jammu

Terrorists shot dead a Hindu lady, Pushpa Devi.
Case No.: 24
Date: 8.8.91
Place: Karfoli Mohala, Srinagar
A Hindu lady Asha Kaul was abducted from Achabal, Anantnag, her native village. She was gang raped and tortured in a deserted Hindu house and the dead body was abandoned there. The decomposed body was later recovered.
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Hafiza w/o Wazir Khan r/o Lawaypora, Bandipora (Baramulla)
Killed on 1-4-93

Hafiza was shot dead by the Islamic terrorists.
Case No.: 25
Date: 25.8.91
Place: Qamarwari, Srinagar
A Muslim woman Shamima w/o Abdul Rashid, was shot dead while she was in the house of a relative along with her children.
Case No.: 26
Date: 27.8.91
Place: Kerni, Chadoora, Badgam
Terrorists had a clash among themselves and fired indiscriminately in the village killing a young Muslim girl.
Case No.: 27
Date: 10.9.91
Place: Batmaloo, Srinagar
A Muslim woman Sharifa was shot dead by terrorists inside her home in broad day light.
Case No.: 28
Date: 23.9.91
Place: Iqbal Park, Srinagar
A Muslim girl Halima, r/o Bandipur, Baramulla, was abducted. She was gang raped for many days and her body was later abandoned in a park at Srinagar.
Case No.: 29
Date: 1.10.91
Place: Ahjan Road, Srinagar
The body of a young Muslim woman who had been raped and tortured was recovered from a street.
Case No.: 30
Date: 17.10.91
Place: Qamarwari, Srinagar

A Muslim woman Haja w/o Ghulam Mohd Butt, was shot dead during a marriage party.
Case No.: 31
Date: 17.11.91
Place: Choontwari, Kupwara
Terrorists intruded into the house of a Muslim Mohd. Sidiq and attempted

to kidnap his wife. On resistance, she was fired at and got hospitalised.
Case No.: 32
Date: 17.12.91
Place: Kokarhamam, Baramulla
A school going girl Miss Sajda Hussain was kidnapped from Government Girls Higher Secondary School. She was raped and her body was recovered from the river Jhelum at Baramulla.
Case No.: 33
Date: 19.12.91
Place: Anantnag
Terrorists kidnapped a 17-year old Muslim girl Shami Mukhta from Ramban, Doda district. She was held captive for several days at Anantnag where she was criminally assaulted. She was later rescued by Security Forces from the terrorists at Anantnag.
Case No.: 34
Date: 5.1.92
Place: Nowshera, Srinagar

Terrorists kidnapped and tortured a Muslim woman. Her body was recovered from a field.
Case No.: 35
Date: 23.1.92
Place: Delina, Baramulla
Terrorists intruded into the house of one Ghulam Mohd Rather and fired upon his son who later died in hospital.
Case No.: 36
Date: 19.2.92
Place: Yal Athmuqam, Anantnag
Terrorists attempted to abduct one Gani Butt from his house. They shot dead his
son when the young boy raised a cry and resisted the abduction of his father.
Case No.: 37
Date: 12.3.92
Place: Sheeri, Baramulla
Terrorists attempted the abduction of a lady Shakeela Jan w/o Bashir Ahmed Khan. When she resisted, they shot her dead.
Case No.: 38
Date: 17.3.92
Place: Shopian, Pulwama
Terrorists kidnapped a Muslim lady Hasina d/o Bashir Ahmed. Her tortured body with bullet marks was recovered from the village.
Case No.: 39
Date: 28.3.92
Place: Tawjeedganj, Baramulla
A muslim lady was shot dead in her home by terrorists.
Case No.: 40
Date: 30.3.92
Place: Sultanpora, Badgam
Terrorists abducted another rival militant and shot dead his sister and young brother. His mother was seriously injured and hospitalised.
Case No.: 41
Date: 30.3.92
Place: Naisarak, Srinagar
Terrorists intruded into the house of one Sohan Lal Braroo and shot him dead during the night. They gang raped his wife Bimla and young daughter Archana. Archana succumbed during the gang rape itself and Bimla who was shot after being raped, died in hospital.
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Miss Archana Braroo & Mrs Bimla Braroo
Kashmiri terrorists entered the house of Sohan Lal Braroo, a Kashmiri Pandit at Kralkhud, Srinagar on the night of March 30-31, 1992. The militants gang raped the wife and daughter of Sohan Lal Braroo and killed both mother and daughter as well as Sohan Lal Braroo.
Case No.: 42
Date: 8.4.92
Place: Qamarwari, Srinagar
The body of a Muslim woman Mrs. Fazi was recovered from the road side. She had been earlier kidnapped.
Case No.: 43
Date: 12.4.92
Place: Kunoo, Anantnag
Terrorists forcibly entered the house of a Muslim and fired indiscriminately in which his wife Mrs. Misra was seriously injured and later died in hospital.
Case No.: 44
Date: 15.4.92
Place: Kalamdanpora, Srinagar
Terrorists kidnapped one Muslim lady Ashia Amin, District Education Officer, Srinagar. She was released the next day.
Case No.: 45
Date: 2.5.92
Place: Batmaloo, Srinagar
A Muslim woman and her young son were killed when terrorists hurled a grenade which exploded near a shop.
Case No.: 46
Date: 3.5.92
Place: Magam, Baramulla
Terrorists abducted and later killed a local Muslim Aliqa Begum w/o Bashir Ahmed.
Case No.: 47
Date: 4.5.92
Place: Tekipora, Kupwara
Terrorists shot dead a woman Mst. Mukhti r/o Lassi Ganai and her husband Lassa at their residence, alleging them to be 'informers' .
Case No.: 48
Date: 8.5.92
Place: Anantnag
Ten young children were injured when terrorists hurled a grenade which exploded on the road.
Case No.: 49
Date: 12.5.92
Place: Chakla, Baramulla
Terrorists abducted a married woman and later killed 3 villagers and injured 15 others when they demonstrated against the terrorists.
Case No.: 50
Date: 14.5.92
Place: Daribal, Khanyar, Srinagar
A muslim woman Mst. Sajda w/o Abdul Qayum Khan was killed in an intergang clash.
Case No.: 51
Date: 17.5.92
Place: Eshalipora, Baramulla
Terrorists shot dead a Muslim Woman Rashida Begum w/o Mohd Shafl, accusing her of being an 'informer'.
Case No.: 52
Date: 17.5.92
Place: Ghanipora, Pulwama
Terrorists abducted a Muslim girl and held her captive for 2 days till rescued by security force. They later abducted the father and brother of the girl and killed them.
Case No.: 53
Date: 18.5.92
Place: Safakadal, Srinagar
Terrorists of AUM abducted Habla Begum and her minor daughter from their house, accusing them of being instrumental in the arrest of their Chief, Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar Latrum. They ransacked the house and later burnt it.
Case No.: 54
Date: 20.5.92
Place: Pirbagh, Srinagar
Following a clash between JKLF and HuM terrorists, in which a militant was killed and 2 women seriously injured, about 250 women demonstrated and raised anti-militant slogans. HuM terrorists again fired upon the women injuring some of them.
Case No.: 55
Date: 27.5.92
Place: Meghama, Kupwara
Three members of a Muslim family - the house owner, his wife and daughter were abducted by terrorists. The women were raped and the house owner tortured. Dead bodies of all these three individuals were later recovered from a paddy field.
Case No.: 56
Date: 13.6.92
Place: Baramulla, Lalad Sopore
A 17-year old Muslim girl Rafiqa Bano d/o Assadullah Waza r/o Kalashpora, Srinagar, was abducted by terrorists. She was raped and held captive for many days. Later, her dead body was recovered from the river at Baramulla town.
Case No.: 57
Date: 16.6.92
Place: Qamarwari Srinagar
A young Muslim woman Hassina Siddique w/o Nazir Ahmed Siddique was shot dead by terrorists in her bed room alongwith her husband during the night.
Case No.: 58
Date: 29.6.92
Place: Lalad, Sopore, Baramulla
Two women were seriously injured when terrorists of rival groups resorted to firing.
Case No.: 59
Date: 1.7.92
Place: Nowpora, Anantnag
A 7-year old boy was killed when rival terrorists resorted to heavy firing in the village.
Case No.: 60
Date: 10.7.92
Place: Baharabad, Baramulla
Two women and a child were seriously injured when two rival groups of terrorists resorted to an armed clash.
Case No.: 61
Date: 19.7.92
Place: Behrampora, Baramulla
One woman was killed and four others including 2 children were injured when rival factions of terrorists resorted to an armed clash.
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Mrs. Waheeda w/o Mohd. Ashraf Bhat r/o Batamaloo (Srinagar)
Killed on 13-1-93

Dead body of Mrs. Waheeda was recovered. Her hands had been tied and she was later hanged to death.
Case No.: 62
Date: 23.7.92
Place: Kaloosa, Baramulla
A Muslim woman was shot dead by terrorists in her house.
Case No.: 63
Date: 9.8.92
Place: Wahidpora, Ganderbal, Srinagar
The body of a Muslim Woman Mrs. Taja w/o Mohd Sadiq Lone was recovered from the river Sindh. She had earlier been abducted and tortured to death.
Case No.: 64
Date: 19.9.92
Place: Trehgam, Kupwara
A young Muslim woman was shot dead in her house along with her husband and father-in-law Khaliq Sofi a retired Subedar of the Indian Army.
Case No.: 65
Date: 25.9.92
Place: Magam, Badgam
A Muslim girl, Miss Shahida was abducted by terrorists and was being taken in a taxi when she was rescued by SF.
Case No.: 66
Date: 3.10.92
Place: Khor, Baramulla
The body of a Muslim woman Mrs. Hamida w/o Gulzar Ahmed abducted earlier by terrorists, was recovered from a field.
Case No.: 67
Date: 3.10.92
Place: Khor, Baramulla
A young Hindu girl, Deepa was kidnapped from Batala (Punjab) by terrorists and sold to an old man after converting her to Islam. She was rescued by SF.
Case No.: 68
Date: 4.10.92
Place: Duslipora, Badgam
A group of terrorists kidnapped a minor girl from the village. She was later recovered by SF.
Case No.: 69
Date: 22.10.92
Place: Zainakoot Srinagar
A 12-year old Hindu girl Shaloo Basanti was kidnapped by terrorists from HMT Colony along with her father Vijay Chand.
Case No.: 70
Date: 12.11.92
Place: Khanpora, Baramulla
Terrorists fired at and injured Mst. Zareena d/o Gh. Rasool.
Case No.: 71
Date: 24.11.92
Place: Narayanbagh, Baramulla
A 13 year old muslim girl was shot dead in her house following resistance by inmates to the attempted abduction of her father Abdul Ahad Guroo.
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Waheeda, recovered from Bhagat-Barzulla. The deceased had been strangulated. Discovery of this dead body caused deep resentment among the peaceful citizens of the area.
Case No.: 72
Date: 2.12.92
Place: Kharwani, New Colony, Srinagar
A woman Mst. Fazi was kidnapped from her house alongwith her young son.
Case No.: 73
Date: 4.12.92
Place: Khanwari, Srinagar
A young muslim girl was killed and four other women seriously injured when two rival militant groups of JKLF and HUM resorted to indiscriminate firing in the village following a clash between them. A total of two persons were killed and 9 persons injured.
Case No.: 74
Date: 8.12.92
Place: Kupwara town
Two persons including a young muslim girl were killed when terrorists fired indiscrimantely in town to force closure of shops.
Case No.: 75
Date: 23.12.92
Place: Kanikadal, Srinagar
Two muslim ladies were seriously injured when a grenade targetted on a SF picket exploded in their house.
Case No.: 76
Date: 13.1.93
Place: Barzulla, Srinagar
Two women Mrs. Wahida and Mrs. Farida were tortured and later hanged to death alongwith a lone male Mohd Ashraf Bhat present in the house.
Case No.: 77
Date: 25.1.93
Place: Marhama, Kupwara
Terrorists shot dead two Muslim women, mother and daughter alongwith the head of the family Mohd Akbar.
Case No.: 78
Date: 29.1.93
Place: Kupwara
Three women Mrs. Bakhta, her young daughter Fatima and another woman Mrs. Sarwar were shot dead alongwith the head of the family Mohd Zaman Payer and the young son Parvez.
Case No.: 79
Date: 14.2.93
Place: Bandipora, Baramulla
The dead body of Nighat Rasool daughter of Gh. Rasool Lone was recovered from Hawal Chowk, in Srinagar. The hair of her head had been shaven off by the terrorists.
Case No.: 80
Date: 15.2.93
Place: Jawahir Nagar, Srinagar
Terrorists hurled a grenade towards a security force vehicle in Budshah Chowk, Srinagar, which missed the intended target and exploded on the road, causing injuries to seven persons (civilians) including five women. Later, one of the injured women succumbed to her injuries. One security personnel also received injuries.
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Mrs. Kamlesh Kumari d/o Bhagwan Dass r/o Doda
Killed on 20-10-93

Terrorists lobbed a grenade on a BSF vehicle at Doda Bus Stand, which missed the target but killed three students and ten others.
You have somehow managed to miss what the OP talked about unless you are calling/ equating indian army taking people randomly as terrorists killing people.... :enjoy:
You have somehow managed to miss what the OP talked about unless you are calling/ equating indian army taking people randomly as terrorists killing people.... :enjoy:

In short there is no equation - in a conflict situation collateral damage will be there is a given. IA uses restraint - specially in these days of increased connectivity, media coverage and govt oversight which results in increased scrutiny - terrorists don't - their goal is to cause maximum casualties irrespective of who the casualties may be.

collateral damage
1tly, you claimed THAT part of Kashmir and claim the disappearance and killings of innocent people as collateral damage? Damn did you guys not sign any international agreements
IA uses restraint -
Let me tell you something, when india really catches someone they make sure it goes on every media.....Since this lady's dad has been missing forever and media has been silent it makes one belief it is a case of neglect or your collateral damage cover up!
their goal
No one is bothered about theirs...the thread is about IA!
You have somehow managed to miss what the OP talked about unless you are calling/ equating indian army taking people randomly as terrorists killing people.... :enjoy:

How does it matter who hurts Kashmiri civilians? The only difference is that state forces are accountable and can be prosecuted, despite the obvious difficulties. The terrorists are fully unaccountable to anyone.
1tly, you claimed THAT part of Kashmir and claim the disappearance and killings of innocent people as collateral damage? Damn did you guys not sign any international agreements

How can you be sure these people were not terrorist sympathizers? when the father disappeared - girl was 4 years old - hardly aware of what goes on. While my sympathies lie with here - it is foolish to consider the word of 4 year old regarding innocence of her parents.

Reality is IA is fighting terrorists who use every dirty trick and they have no shortage of misguided sympathizers. It is naive to think there will be no innocent or otherwise casualties.

Incidents /Civilians/ Security Force Personnel/ Terrorists/ Total
/390 /29 /1 /1 /31
1989 2154 79 13 0 92
1990 3905 862 132 183 1177
1991 3122 594 185 614 1393
1992 4971 859 177 873 1909
1993 4457 1023 216 1328 2567
1994 4484 1012 236 1651 2899
1995 4479 1161 297 1338 2796
1996 4224 1333 376 1194 2903
1997 3004 840 355 1177 2372
1998 2993 877 339 1045 2261
1999 2938 799 555 1184 2538
2000 2835 842 638 1808 3288
2001 3278 1067 590 2850 4507
2002 NA 839 469 1714 3022
2003 NA 658 338 1546 2542
2004 NA 534 325 951 1810
2005 NA 521 218 1000 1739
2006 NA 349 168 599 1116
2007 NA 164 121 492 777
2008 NA 69 90 382 541
2009 NA 55 78 242 375
2010 NA 36 69 270 375
2011 NA 34 30 119 183
2012 NA 16 17 84 117
2013 NA 20 61 100 181
2014 NA 32 51 110 193
2015 NA 19 30 82 131
Total* 47234 14723 6175 22937 43835

Annual Fatalities in violence by terrorist

People needs to ask themselves are they friends of Kashmiris ? yet we want them to suffer no matter who that maybe.

Security forces are accountable of their crimes , Military Justice takes care of that but whose accountable of these terrorists and their actions ?
How does it matter who hurts Kashmiri civilians? The only difference is that state forces are accountable and can be prosecuted, despite the obvious difficulties. The terrorists are fully unaccountable to anyone.
Obviously it matters....Armed forces hurting civilian goes against basic ethics...Those who protect vs those who terrorize...however, if they are the same then say it as simple as that!

Accountability comes in when there is acknowledgement...You people dont even acknowledge what your armed forces are doing in Kashmir so what bloody accountability are you playing at?

How can you be sure these people were not terrorist sympathizers? when the father disappeared - girl was 4 years old - hardly aware of what goes on. While my sympathies lie with here - it is foolish to consider the word of 4 year old regarding innocence of her parents.
because had IA found any solid proof they would have shown it to her to shut her story by now!

Reality is IA is fighting terrorists who use every dirty trick and they have no shortage of misguided sympathizers. It is naive to think there will be no innocent or otherwise casualties.
It is however, naive to think IA is crystal clear and not covering up their tracks! The very fact there are too many civilians points the naive finger at you
because had IA found any solid proof they would have shown it to her to shut her story by now!

Details provided in the story are unsubstantial - Not possible to verify it from IA - perhaps there is nothing to it but propaganda perhaps not. Would help if the FIR acknowledgement was quoted.

It is however, naive to think IA is crystal clear and not covering up their tracks! The very fact there are too many civilians points the naive finger at you

No one is saying IA is a saint, in any large body of soldiers there will deviants, psychopaths and murderers without conscience - there is no avoiding it - not in IA nor in PA.

The point is if these things are institutionally promoted or not.

Obviously it matters....Armed forces hurting civilian goes against basic ethics...Those who protect vs those who terrorize...however, if they are the same then say it as simple as that!

Accountability comes in when there is acknowledgement...You people dont even acknowledge what your armed forces are doing in Kashmir so what bloody accountability are you playing at?

We fully acknowledge what our armed forces are doing in Kashmir. Fighting terrorists who hide amongst civilians as its a win win for them. If civilians die they win too as it causes more discontent.

We also acknowledge that our some of our security people, as has happened in EVERY SINGLE INSURGENCY ANYWHERE ON EARTH have been guilty of excessive force and even crimes. That's how we have disciplines and even incarcerates many of them. It goes against our interest to hurt civilians as it means more discontent.

Do you understand bloody accountability? Tell me how many were punished for 1971 genocide? Nobody? Then the problems of acknowledging lies with you, not with us.
Nowhere in world Army makes so much effort to kill a "Plain Simple Civilian" or simply take him away and feed him for free..Unless some henious crime done,nobody gets captured.some person does whisked away,but most of these "People without trace",they either crossed LOC to join terrorists,or got killed by Terrorists.Yes,Terrorists does wear similar kind of clothes like army to confuse civilians.

I want to highlight one thing,that girl crossed LOC to reach Azad Kashmir.Show me one kid of her age who has enough contact to smuggle themselves across LOC.which means either she is lying or had someone or some groups of people who knows ways in and out of India,information about Army patrol on border and such.I want you to guess who they might be??
Nowhere in world Army makes so much effort to kill a "Plain Simple Civilian" or simply take him away and feed him for free..Unless some henious crime done,nobody gets captured.some person does whisked away,but most of these "People without trace",they either crossed LOC to join terrorists,or got killed by Terrorists.Yes,Terrorists does wear similar kind of clothes like army to confuse civilians.

I want to highlight one thing,that girl crossed LOC to reach Azad Kashmir.Show me one kid of her age who has enough contact to smuggle themselves across LOC.which means either she is lying or had someone or some groups of people who knows ways in and out of India,information about Army patrol on border and such.I want you to guess who they might be??

These are useful victims. If these Pakistanis truly cared for the young, they would not have sent thousands of their young ones to die at the hands of a dominant adversary in Kashmir. Those are useful victims too BTW, they get paraded as 'unnamed graves'' these days. Pakistan's real rulers always win, you see, as long as the rest remain mute and dumb cannon fodder.
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