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Taking over Pakistan controlled Kashmir is war with China and Pakistan

One thing that I'm noticing recent years is how India have successfully put the focus on Azad Kashmir and put Pakistanis on the back foot. For me they have already captured Pakistani mindset.

Things are going to be far worse, if we have a few more army chiefs like Mir Bajwa, and this Mir Hafiz.
GB is beyond Indian reach. The status quo will remain the de facto for many years to come.

Why would china fight for Pakistan against a nuclear state?

Just for few dollars investment and loan? Foolish thought..

China will fight even if there wasn't an investment. Pakistan and China are allies. Your media and leaders are always referring to a two war front. Ask your leaders what they mean by that.
Never ignore an opportunity to post memes. My resolution for 2023 is to be PDFs official Memelord 😂
Good luck, sir. You are going to need it. Tough competition these days

GB is beyond Indian reach. The status quo will remain the de facto for many years to come.
Not if you count their proxies, which we are currently facing once again.

China will fight even if there wasn't an investment. Pakistan and China are allies. Your media and leaders are always referring to a two war front. Ask your leaders what they mean by that.
It's almost become cliche at this point but there are no permanent allies, only interests.

Indian media and leadership refer to 2 front war to drum up hysteria. Nothing more.
please move off your wooden high horse. you are too old for that joke.
China at best has only fought using clubs and stones with India.

nuclear weapons are not fire crackers you pull out on every confrontation, and Chinese are not going to fight for Pakistan,

only Pakistan military is preventing India from a mass AJK invasion.

I hardly ever argue with a fellow poster or Mod. So, you can have you POV and I will keep mine.
LOL. When did China boast conquering South Tibet? Arunachal Pradesh is useless for China.
So you're saying that china claims Arunachal Pradesh but dosen't actually want it ? Yeah. Makes perfect sense :crazy:
Sikkim? China never wanted sikkim, the disputed territory is very small.
Mao's 5 fingers policy also includes sikkim. Not to mention you tried to open the gateway to sikkim in 1967
ladakh is flat, both China and India need to cross the mountain.
Ladakh is flat in certain areas, scope of mechanized warfare is limited to certain areas like chushul, depsang and gogra. And there too the flat gaps aren't too wide except in depsang. Just adjacent to the LAC is the Ladakh Range which has to be crossed to even penetrate deep into ladakh.
What Ignorance ...Try removing PA from AJK and see what happens in next few weeks.. Nuclear standoff can never happen over incursions and enemy taking back territory it lost in 71 or 65..this contradicts the nuclear doctrine as its a disputed region and open for fight and ttake away...one example was kargil conflict. salami slicing and low intensity conflict can never perpetuate a full spectrum kinetic warfare in kashmir . that's exactly why our loc are much more and heavily manned concentration wise than IB .. despite having strategic weapons nothing can replace the importance of manpower
That’s why, Pakistan needs the means to acquire and deploy the latest conventional equipment to Keep pace with India, as it demonstrated with Swift Retort, and as Ukraine is demonstrating how against the Russians.

We can keep pace and excel in the quality of men, we just need to keep pace economically and acquire the means for a qualitative edge in materiel, and use our defensive position to shape the terrain to repulse any potential attack.
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How many kashmiri civilians are armed and trained.

India might loose a part of occupied Kashmir just as it lost aksai Chin earlier. To Pakistan as well.
GB is beyond Indian reach. The status quo will remain the de facto for many years to come.
Seeing the situation in Pakistan lowkey kinda scary if you're from AJK - first time in decades there is panic that due to internal dismay Indians could potentially capture it creating another IOK...
India might loose a part of occupied Kashmir just as it lost aksai Chin earlier.

A major part of Aksai Chin was not captured by China through war; but was merely occupied or filled by them, peacefully, from 1950 to 1960, because it was vacant, uninhabited, uncontrolled land, without any administrative or security presence of India. India's claim in Aksai Chin is highly dubious and has no sound foundation.
GB is beyond Indian reach. The status quo will remain the de facto for many years to come.

China will fight even if there wasn't an investment. Pakistan and China are allies. Your media and leaders are always referring to a two war front. Ask your leaders what they mean by that.
Just like 1971???

Yes, we should ready for two front war.. Nothing wrong.

But it is also fact that china will never fight for Pakistan.. You need to ask to yourself, why would any country will fight a war for any other country and risk own people lifes and that also, if you are going to fight a nuclear state and their missiles can reach you cities.
You are right, but the point to ponder is that why all this is happening? What changes have occured in our mindsets? And, who is responsible for this change?
Everyone has been exposed. Our economic weakness and corruption is the cause of all this.
Indian media and leadership refer to 2 front war to drum up hysteria.

They will stop talking about 2 front war, because nobody will believe them, provided it is ensured that all future army chiefs of Pakistan would be sellouts like Mir Bajwa. 😂😂
It's almost become cliche at this point but there are no permanent allies, only interests.

My take is different.

Let us assume a scenario, whereby Indian army has the necessary conventional power to defeat PA decisively and capture AJK and/or GB. Why would China allow it? Why wouldn't they jump in and claim these areas themselves; if Pakistan fails to defend them? If they can have Xinjiang; why not GB, as well, instead of it falling in Indian hands? They would never allow it, for their own geopolitical reasons. We fail to realize this aspect of severe China-India competition in geopolitical game.

.... and India also knows this. This is the biggest restraining factor.
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