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Tajikistan agrees to give land to China

Can somebody post a map that which area became part of Chinese land?
God, the poster must be a wt hired by some anti-China power to make China look like an imperialism country robbing lands from neighbors.

Peaceful people must know that China only wants what originally belonged to it.
Tajikistan: Officials Say Swastika Part Of Their Aryan Heritage

The Tajik historian and ethnographer Usto Jahonov supports both the state’s desire to raise awareness of Tajikistan’s Aryan heritage and the use of the swastika. :hang2:

Dear Domain
why you make fun of this?
this is our history we were sharing an empire. if they like to come back to the old values and be less either chinese totally culturally inspired or russian but they need to keep their persian part of their culture
you cannot make fun of this
as explained it ha snothing to do with nazis !
just remember as persians we were the most helping the Jews against persecutions and i am proud of it ;)
Dear Domain
why you make fun of this?
this is our history we were sharing an empire. if they like to come back to the old values and be less either chinese totally culturally inspired or russian but they need to keep their persian part of their culture
you cannot make fun of this
as explained it ha snothing to do with nazis !
just remember as persians we were the most helping the Jews against persecutions and i am proud of it ;)

That was kind of you:cheers:

So even Iranians claim to be Aryans?

Swastika has nothing to do with Nazis.:hitwall:

Swastika is the Symbol of Hinduism.

We helped the Jews and also the Persians.;)

All were persecuted by Islam.:tdown:
26,000 square kilometers land, peace, friendship and investment, all the disputed land is 27,000 square kilometers, China is a big country, powerful, but requires so little, you think a lot? Do you see any other big country so tolerant towards small countries?

1, this is a controversial land

2, if China really sticks in the greed of territory, not only with so little land.

3, mutual understanding and tolerance, all is worth it
26,000 square kilometers land, peace, friendship and investment, all the disputed land is 27,000 square kilometers, China is a big country, powerful, but requires so little, you think a lot? Do you see any other big country so tolerant towards small countries?

1, this is a controversial land

2, if China really sticks in the greed of territory, not only with so little land.

3, mutual understanding and tolerance, all is worth it
India's approach to the neighbors, the Russian way, or the United States to Mexico? With an understanding to China, all understanding is mutual, if you are really good for the world.
If it was geo-politically beneficial for Tajikistan to do what they did , well and good for them ......

But woe be to those who even dream of laying their hands on Sacred Indian Soil , We ' ll give our blood and bullets before our land:angry::angry::devil: .

Territorial integrity is what matters to India the most and anyone who expects India - China disputes to be settled in accordance with China's unilateral claims ( like what happened with Pakistan , Tajikistan, other countries ) is in for a rude shock .
India's approach to the neighbors, the Russian way, or the United States to Mexico? With an understanding to China, all understanding is mutual, if you are really good for the world.

India's approach to its neighbours , is the Indian way.....

Peaceful co-existence , Acceptance of the Status quo , and concerning China if they understand well and good . Else its bickering and tense relations - Bad for the world .
That was kind of you:cheers:

So even Iranians claim to be Aryans?

Swastika has nothing to do with Nazis.:hitwall:

Swastika is the Symbol of Hinduism.

We helped the Jews and also the Persians.;)

All were persecuted by Islam.:tdown:
Yes Iran means Aryan ;) wiki is your friend
I was speaking about Aryan not Swastika

don't exagerate about persecured by Islam
Should i remind you that Jews in India were not persecuted by India but they were not persecuted by muslims but portuguese (Goa)

why is it fashion to blame Islam? Islam is not your ennemy
Yes Iran means Aryan ;) wiki is your friend
I was speaking about Aryan not Swastika

don't exagerate about persecured by Islam
Should i remind you that Jews in India were not persecuted by India but they were not persecuted by muslims but portuguese (Goa)

why is it fashion to blame Islam? Islam is not your ennemy
If persecution is deemed just as destruction of native culture and threat to life, then yes...Iran was persecuted by Islam. If you have any other understanding of persecution , plz enlighten me.
I shud also remind u that , the jews of india constantly had to keep running from one kingdom to the other as and when muslim rulers conquered these kingdoms from hindus.
Its rather a wise decision.. without any bordering issues with neighboring countries.. they are only to make friends and receive security plus growth. I used to think if India could do the same and India China relations get better, this world region would become one unit.. .just imagine Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and other small states all going Anti-America.. we could make our mutual defence like NATO did and have free-trade agreements, one currency, open borders and wealth half the world would make whole region a great place.

Right now USA is using India-China hatred for its own benefit and arming India to stand against China and China feeling insecurities from India. Russia and China are as peaceful as US-Canada are. Why could India/China not be the same? Also Kashmir would be the last burning point which if settled, we wouldn't need to eat money of the poor and spend on defences that much.

only if you tap this and make love long time
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