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Tajik air base is ready, gives India its first footprint in strategic Central Asia


Oct 23, 2006
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Tajik air base is ready, gives India its first footprint in strategic Central Asia

India's first ever air base in Central Asia at Ayni in Tajikistan is now ready and the Defence Ministry has sought a mandate from the Cabinet Committee on Security to begin operations. India refurbished the Ayni air base, 10 km north-east of Dushanbe, at the cost of over Rs 80 crore under a trilateral defence agreement with Tajikistan and Russia. With its runway extended, perimeter fencing secured and aircraft hangars built, the Ayni airbase is ready after a delay of nearly two years.
Lying dilapidated since 1985, this airbase was used by the former Soviet Union during its Afghan campaign. Official sources have told The Sunday Express that the Chiefs of Staff Committee has already put its stamp of approval on operating the base.

However, Defence Minister A K Antony has asked the CCS for a formal mandate on force levels before the Indian Air Force moves its platforms to Ayni. Under the trilateral agreement, India, Russia and Tajikistan will have command and control of the air base by rotation and a contingent of Defence Services personnel is already in Ayni after military contractors completed construction last December. Ayni's use is limited by the fact that India has no direct access to Tajikistan with part of Kashmir and Northern Areas being controlled by Pakistan.

Under the circumstances, the Indian team will have to work with the Russians, who already have a motorised division stationed in Tajikistan, for all logistical help and support. India has plans to put a squadron of Mi-17 V1 helicopters at Ayni with logistical support coming from Russia in the landlocked Tajikistan. While Russia is operating fighters from this base, New Delhi does not want to commit fixed-wing platforms for Ayni. The Indian Air Force has already given flying training to Tajikistan air force personnel under the agreement.

Conceived in 2002 under the NDA regime, the Ayni air base allows India rapid response to any emerging threat from the volatile Afghanistan-Pakistan arc including a terrorist hijacking like the IC-814. It also gives New Delhi a limited yet significant capability to inject special forces into a hostile theatre as and when the situation demands. The other aspect is India's role in the energy security calculus in the region with prospects of Central Asian natural gas reaching the subcontinent and negotiations with energy-rich countries like Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Energy security is now a major concern with the Strategic Policy Group under Cabinet Secretary discussing the issue with the service chiefs, Home, Defence and Foreign Secretaries on February 7.

Cheers, finally SOMETHING, though less than what we all wanted!

Looking at the MAP, the Base doesnt give us much with respect to Pakistan, since closer towards Uzebekistan. Maybe China. But none of their major divisions are placed in that area. I am trying to find out why is it so important to have the base

Base can operate for intelligence purpose only, its unlikely that Dushanbe will allow India to use their facilities against Pakistan in a war scneario.

Pakistan is seperated from Tadjikistan by a narrow strip called Wakhan which belongs to Afghanistan and forms a natural barrier (Karakoram, Hindukash) between Paklistan and Central Asia.
Right left at the rangefoot lies the Karakoram Highway, which India might want to block in times of crisis.
Again unlikely that Tadjikistan would allow any attack at Pakistan from her soil.

I'm not worried about this development.
I agree, Tajikistan would not let themselves be a target of a nuclear nation. But then again Pakistan is unlikely to hit Tajikistan with Nukes for having MiG stationed there..
Now here is my question, Then why have the Base at all, More importantly why have the base equipped with 6 MIG -29's, What is the purpose. I am sure it is not something lame.
We won't nuke Tadjikistan, we're well capable of destroying the infrastructure with our missiles. India would require an air corridor over Pakistan or China to reach the facility, its quite an easy task to isolate the base.

Indian military presence in CAR region is purely a political statement, windowdressing since you're keen to develop oil and gasfields.
I agree on the military capabilities of Pakistan, Nobody would keep 6 MiG 29's to make a political statement. At the same time, 6 MiG coming from the Rear Corridor is quite worrisome for Pakistan forces, not something they cant handle.

They would have kept a Gunships and Army if it was for a political statement, not some High End Warplanes
At the same time, 6 MiG coming from the Rear Corridor is quite worrisome for Pakistan forces, not something they cant handle.
Please elaborate!
We were practically at war with the Sovjets, their intruders violated our airspace frquently during 1979-1987 and many were dowend.

Its an insult for our pilots to assume that they can't handle 6 Mig-29's. :confused:
I agree on the military capabilities of Pakistan, Nobody would keep 6 MiG 29's to make a political statement. At the same time, 6 MiG coming from the Rear Corridor is quite worrisome for Pakistan forces, not something they cant handle.

They would have kept a Gunships and Army if it was for a political statement, not some High End Warplanes

This airbase may be useful for incidents like IC814 Indian airlines hijacking where in Indian commandos could not operate because they had to fly over pakistan.

I still do not know whats the logic in having base in Tajikistan rather than to keep PAF occupied in western front.
you didnt get it, In a war scenario, When you have IAF in your east, You are concentrating over there, you have 6 coming from this side. attacking your far off missile bases. MIG 29 are not political statements,
I got it thats why I said there is no logic to hae IAF airbase in Tajikistan other than keeping PAF occupied in western front, Mig 29's are not a joke. They are airsuperiority fighters.

India may have plans as not all news is released to Media.
This airbase may be useful for incidents like IC814 Indian airlines hijacking where in Indian commandos could not operate because they had to fly over pakistan.
Makes sence.

I still do not know whats the logic in having base in Tajikistan rather than to keep PAF occupied in western front.
Again, Dushanbe won't allow her base to be used against Pakistan, we have good relations with our muslim neighbors.

However, India could play a miltary role in Afghanistan using air access from Tadjikistan.
Pakistan would never allow India to open a military base in Afghanistan aslong as US is there and we're at good terms with Washington.
I got it thats why I said there is no logic to hae IAF airbase in Tajikistan other than keeping PAF occupied in western front, Mig 29's are not a joke. They are airsuperiority fighters.
F-16's are based in Sargodha, just south of Islamabad and can handle 6 incoming Mig-29's.
F-16's are based in Sargodha, just south of Islamabad and can handle 6 incoming Mig-29's.

Those F-16's will also have to look into other IAF aircrafts coming from East simulataneously in a war scenario, Having another Flank makes it difficult, not that they cant handle it. It changes variables a lot.I am sure MiG 29's is not there for IC814, situation. For that you might see the Helicopter or C 130's with special forces. They dont need MIG 29's to watch over the Pipline...
Dude, its a single base with 6 mig's. Once under attack, our reaction would be to eliminate the base by intensive missile attacks.
They are not a threat at all!
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