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Tajik air base is ready, gives India its first footprint in strategic Central Asia

Just to clarify, Tajikistan is not an oil rich country. In central Asia, Turkmenistan has huge gas Reserves and Kazakhstan has huge oil resrves. Uzbekistan also has gas and Petroleum. Despite having a Caspian sea coast line, exportable quanitites of oil and gas have so far not been found in Tajikistan.

IMO, other countries would not allow Indian base, thus India chose Tajikstan. Strategic value can at best be symbolic. There doesnot seem to sufficient number of men or material at this base to be of a serious threat to either China or to Pakistan.

Hey niaz,

Even I feel the same, But why the MIG 29s, You could troops, Helicopter squadrons for being symbolic. MIG 29s are nothing symbolic, High End, High Maintance and the one of the most premier squadrons of India
But if that's the case then we were a power long before them since we have pak army in saudia patrolling beside the isreali border. And maybe cause we train airforce and navies of arabs :D

Thats because yoy are the only muslim country who knows to fight well, other know only ranting.
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I stand corrected,
But I was talking about Trenton style Invasion force, with some proper CAS aircrafts, Which we will be having in the next 5-6 years

Well, Ladies and Gents; We have a Tanker there...MIG 29's are making sense and they are 12 in number

Now this makes sence, 12 air superiourity fighters are'nt bad since they'll face very less resiestance by PAF becasue of the geographical place. When we faught USSR, we shot down all the introducers because we were'nt fighting the IAF from the east, and with US backing pakistan made sure that india won't attack them. But the next time war comes US might not be their to back us up. But then again, there are other ways of getting rid of a air base in wartime. Missiles are the most oboives one.

Thats because yoy are the only muslim country who knows to fight well, other know only ranting.
Turkey, malyisa etc etc.
Turkey, malyisa etc etc.[/QUOTE]

turkey i can understand, but can u please inform me when was the last time malaysia was in a large scale conflict with any country like turkey and pakistan
Hmm, Lets not go Off topic over here,


Pakistani Missiles, eg Babur cannot engage them as it is more than 1000 kilometers away. It cannot get into Ballistic Missiles stage, and it will cause undue escalation. It cannot use its fighters for pre-emptive strike, Since It will need Refueling inside the Tajikistan Broders, One cannot take an Asset like that inside Enemy territory. So the only option is to deploy SAM's at possible entry point of Indian Fighters from the Tajikistan Base.

Negative Points.

A2G is the worst for Indian MIG-29A Baaz. They dont have any good weapon load when it comes to A2G. Though A2A is very good, IF you cant do Strike Missions on Ground Targets, ie Nuclear Installations, Ordiance factory Defensive Positions and the likes, then I dont find Tajik Base a worthwhile option
Last Indian emperor who ruled Central Asia was Kanishka ( Circa 1st Century AD). Babur originated from modern Uzbekistan and descendents of Taimur ruled there until kicked out by the Uzbecks. Akbar and Shah Jehan had Kabul and Kandhar under their rule but nothing across the Amun river.Therefore this is first time in 2000 years that indigineous Indian military is present in the Central Asia proper.

Historical precedent aside; I am still not sure the real reason for this flag waving excercise. What are the motives ??? and what India stands to gain from this show of strenght?? Is there a new "Great Game' on the horizon. ???

Well, Ladies and Gents; We have a Tanker there...MIG 29's are making sense and they are 12 in number

the article does'nt mention any tanker being present just the MIG 29's plus its a very old article. here is a more recent one.


paragraph taken from site:

India has plans to put a squadron of Mi-17 V1 helicopters at Ayni with logistical support coming from Russia in the landlocked Tajikistan. While Russia is operating fighters from this base, New Delhi does not want to commit fixed-wing platforms for Ayni.

Sorry i put the wrong Link, It says abou the 12 MiG 29 not the tanker, I will dig it up again. Reading too many articles on this issue.
There is another article in which Tajikistan denied Russian Militay presence and agreed upon Indian; on insistance
Tajikistan denies plans for Indian military base

DUSHANBE, February 27 (RIA Novosti) - A senior Tajik military official Tuesday denied media reports that India is set to deploy an air base in the Central Asian country.

Some Internet sources earlier cited the Indian press as saying that India was planning to deploy a helicopter squadron at the Aini military airfield, 20 kilometers (12 miles) west of the country's capital, Dushanbe. It was alleged that Russia, whose jet fighters are based at the airfield, would provide maintenance.

"Information that the air base will house Indian helicopters is untrue, we only have an agreement, signed in 2002, on [India's] assistance in the reconstruction of the Aini military airfield, and there is no suggestion that the airfield is to be used by the Indian Armed Forces," said Major General Maruf Khasanov, head of the international cooperation department at Tajikistan's Defense Ministry.

Saimumin Yatimov, Tajikistan's first deputy foreign minister, in late January confirmed media reports that Aini was being renovated in cooperation with India, but said its status was not yet settled and would be determined some time in the future, "with Tajikistan's national and international interests in mind."

According to the media, Tajikistan is planning to use the facility jointly with India and Russia.

A narrow strip of Afghani land separates Tajikistan from Pakistan, with which India has been entangled in a protracted conflict over the disputed Kashmir region. But an airbase in Tajikistan could have implications far beyond Indo-Pakistani rivalry in South Asia.

Although both Tajik and Indian officials have denied the presence of Indian forces at Aini, an Indian base in the country might be useful in New Delhi's efforts to promote stability in Afghanistan and contain Islamic terrorism in South and Central Asia.

Central Asia is rich in energy resources, and India's presence in the region might also pose serious competition to its energy-hungry neighbor, China.
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