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Taj Mahal ranked third among top global landmarks

Thanks. Though I don't agree with many on the list, the first 3 are clearly monumental architectural marvels. I would love to visit Machu pichu, Angor Wat and Taj Mahal.
Hyder and tipu were both defeated by the marathas,but thats nothing to celebrate about as this internacine conflict only played into hands of british who succeeded in divide and conquer.

Haider Ali rose from the ranks and became ruler. He was very capable. I am not aware of Maratha's ever threatening Sarangapatum. Haider Ali might have lost a battle against Marathas, but he certainly inflicted more than one defeat upon them. He could not have maintained his position if he had lost a war. As a side note, his biggest mistake was to allow the British to remain in Madras after having humiliated them in war. That probably goes to support your point about calculations of relative strengths of adversaries and hoping to use one against another. There were four players: Sultans of Mysore, Nizam of Hyderabad, the British, and of course Marathas. He allowed the British to survive in Madras so that he could use them as a counter weight to Marathas.

Another thing I noticed about the map; does it show Madras as falling within their dominion? That of course would be wrong. It was a British strong-hold.
Now you try to rationalize away a bragging map. Nice try. This is the time that you should stop explaining away and admit that Indians create fake map to aggrandize a past that never existed.

Go check your map if Lahore is part of India. He mean Lahore in Punjab. Is there any other Lahore? As for claiming that the nation of India exists before British unification, nice try. People in here are educated enough to know that the Indian nation was a British creation. And its continuous existence is a testament of the sun never sets on the British empire.
wow genious!! flag to dikha apna!
lahore was part of india whn taj mahal was made....nd who know after partition where his family is? :azn:.as there are still more muslims in indian thn pakistan :azn:...btw now taj mahal is in india only so stop ur bs!...... india means hindustan...western people called it india nd arab calld it hindustan.......history..isnt evryones cup of tea:blah:
btw going acc to ur logic bruj khalifa should also be credited to american....as itss chief architect was american!! :rofl:!! rofl!
Man this Taj has cursed you and I guarantee that you will die.

So will I, & so will all those who read this or do not read this. All those who have seen Taj and not seen Taj. Where did that curse go? Damn!

That is just a legend. Ignore it. Some people propagate it via guide stories and such.

A bored guide once started to bother ma and my friends at Lahore Fort. He pointed to a structure within a building that was probably three hundred years old and said that this is three thousand year old temple. When I proved that he was wrong, he just said "I did not build it, why would I lie about it". Some people like to hear stories like that and have not the sense to question obvious fake stories.

Just go through this thread and you would find a number of those.

The architect's hands were cut off but that is just how people were back then. No need to judge them with the lens of the modern world.
I am not aware of Maratha's ever threatening Sarangapatum.

Haider Ali might have lost a battle against Marathas, but he certainly inflicted more than one defeat upon them. He could not have maintained his position if he had lost a war

Not really. A general of Hyder Ali did defeat the Marathas in 1776 but Hyder Ali was as brilliant a diplomat as he was a warrior. He made peace (temporary), even allied with the Marathas (along with the Nizam of Hyderabad) against the British.
wow genious!! flag to dikha apna!
lahore was part of india whn taj mahal was made....nd who know after partition where his family is? :azn:.as there are still more muslims in indian thn pakistan :azn:...btw now taj mahal is in india only so stop ur bs!
btw going acc to ur logic bruj khalifa should also be credited to american....as itss chief architect was american!! :rofl:!! rofl!

Chill out. I had never claimed that Taj Mahal is not an Indian architecture. its clearly Indian.
Chill out. I had never claimed that Taj Mahal is not an Indian architecture. its clearly Indian.

ok...sry:)ur intentions might not b wrong but...the person i quoted before i'm wel aware wht his intensions were!!
Chill out. I had never claimed that Taj Mahal is not an Indian architecture. its clearly Indian.

Not clearly Indian, that is an incorporation of many styles. Typical Mughal architecture. We have the ticketing rights, so we brag......:)
Just curious about that map. When did Maratha defeated and annexed the Mysore Kingdom? I thought it was the British who did so. Are Indians coming up with alternative historical maps that exists in a different dimensions we do not know about?

There are plenty of Maratha empire maps on the internet which clearly show that majority of India was under the Maratha empire after the Mughal decline . It was much more than just a regional kingdom as you claimed.

Your hatred for India can't change historical facts.

Anyway, Mughals or Marathas , both empires were native to India . Mughals after Babur also were native to India.
Yea it's true

From auntie wiki: "No evidence exists for claims that describe, often in horrific detail, the deaths, dismemberments and mutilations which Shah Jahan supposedly inflicted on various architects and craftsmen associated with the tomb."

If you have any credible reference, please furnish.
As that was the case, than neither Hyder and Tipu was ever conquered by Maratha. The map is verified as incorrect. Thanks for pointing that out.
yes sir u r ryt.....tipu was defeated by the britishers but he was simultaneously fighting a constant war with the marathas though there was not much of annexation done by marathas

"The Maratha Empire under its new Peshwa Madhavrao II regained most of Indian subcontinent, twice defeating Tipu's father, who was forced to accept Maratha Empire as the supreme power in 1764 and then in 1767. In 1767 Maratha Peshwa Madhavrao defeated both Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan and entered Srirangapatna, the capital of Mysore. Hyder Ali accepted the authority of Madhavrao who gave him the title of Nawab of Mysore.[23] However Tipu Sultan wanted to escape from the treaty of Marathas and therefore tried to take some Maratha forts in southern India. This brought Tipu in direct conflict with the Marathas, who sent an army towards Mysore under leadership of General Nana Phadnavis. The Marathas took many forts of Tipu Sultan in the Mysore region Badami, Kittur, and Gajendragad in June 1786. By the victory in this war, the border of the Maratha territory was extended to the Tungabhadra river. This forced Tipu to open negotiations with the Maratha leadership. He sent two of his agents to the Maratha capital at Pune. The deal that was finalized resulted in the Marathas recovering their territories which had been invaded by Mysore. Furthermore the Nizam of Hyderabad received Adoni and Mysore was obligated to pay 48 lacs rupees as a war cost to the Marathas, and an annual tribute of 12 lacs rupees, in return the Marathas recognized the rule of Tipu in the Mysore region."
we dont think mughals/nizam/tipu/any of the nawabs were indian.

them and their symbols should be removed from india.
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