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Taj Mahal ranked third among top global landmarks

Except this unrepentant troll @bronxbull

Just look at what he has been saying. Some rabid anti-Pakistan moron posting from Australia on The Economist comments section comes to mind when I read crap like this from bronxbull.

sorry sir,thats my opinion and of most hindus.

Please dont let internet pseudos affect your perception.

We respect Pakistan,the country and its people but what happens inside India is our business.

It is not important who the original kings were. Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan called the shots and kept the royal family on pension.

You are right about 50 years not being much. By the same token, 100 years of existence of an ephemeral "empire" of raiders is not much either. Nothing like Mauriya empire, or Sultanate of Delhi, or Mughal Empire. Each of these were founded on organization, ability, and a functioning bureaucracy.

it is more than 100 years and its politics are still present.

Sultan Tipu was defeated by the british after deception... and the major reason were traitors like Mir Jaffar and Mir Saqqad.. bastards of the highest degree....

Also the battle tht sealed the fate of the region was the "Battle of Plassey" fought by the muslim ruler of bengal kingdom or state.. Nawab Siraj ud dawla.... against british General Clive (who later commited suicide after charges of corruption etc were levied against him).... again the sheer luck and traitor commander in chief of his army were the reason of his defeat.... had it not rained tht night ... and the gun power of Nawabs troops not gone wet or his bastard Chief (again coincidentally Mir Jafar.........who was later placed as the nawab of bengal) been loyal... he would have won... and the sub continent would have never been colonised..

we still celebrate that day and also the day of 1857 when bahadur shah zafar died.

it has given a different set of problems but we ll deal with that too.

Well they are long gone after making their contribution to South Asia, you missed your chance. Send over their dead bodies though. We will accept gladly.

Seriously you are a very very twisted individual - better speak for yourself and not others. Who is this collective 'we' you keep quoting? Some RSS / VHP zombie communal band that has been fed P. N. Oak BS?

Anyone who reads this post, I would urge you to read wiki entry for P. N. Oak. I guarantee that you would be well entertained for a couple of minutes.

yeah we ll give them to you at wagah border.

i speak for the educated,well researched and the righteous.
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So what proof is there? I would like to know. Is there any credible source of is it another one of P. N. Oak fantasy faux-history story?

You and people like you do have enough brains to type with your fingers. But not enough to understand simple, straight, and logical things. Y'all certainly have no heart.

So correct decisions are taken in presence of over-whelming force? Is that what you think is the criteria? Might is Right?

No wonder you carry such twisted views. I would like to have a bunch of you Hate-mongers try to dig up Taj. Y'all would be set straight by GOI in no time. Indeed then you would make a correct decision. Of repenting - temporarily.

We know nothing about the Taj and as i said before Delhi is a semi arid dry place,hindus wouldn't like to be there.

I am keen about Kashi/Mathura/Konkan region/Goa/Karnataka/Hyderabad.

These are the main concerns.

Other places are fine.
we still celebrate that day and also the day of 1857 when bahadur shah zafar died.

it has given a different set of problems but we ll deal with that too.

1857 is celebrated bcoz of the "sepoy mutiny" or first war of independence... as for celebrating bahadur shah zafars death... you are a sad bunch..
of course,otherwise we would have ended up like those naive east bengalis and west punjabis who got slaughtered in partition.
Also, Maratha defeated Tipu and Hyder. I'm not sure about Hyder, but Maratha never conquered Tipu. But the map shows that Tipu come under Maratha conquest. So the map exaggerate the size of Maratha. Are you a Marati, why get so hang up about Maratha.

Marathas in alliance with Nizam of hyderabad did defeated Tipu in Maratha-Mysore war ended it with treaty of Gajendragad forcing him to pay annual tributes and parts of land he captured to marathas after which marathas backed out against most of conflict with him but nizam of Hyderabad now in alliance with Britishers went on to completely end his reign in return for his loyalty nizams was granted permission to continue ruling Hyderabad which they did till 1947 when they were made to join newly formed Republic of India by Sardar Patel under whom operation polo was initiated against Nizam
What do you mean "even if we ignore the unsubstantiated claim of Tajmahal being converted temple"? Are you out of your mind? The first time I heard this ludicrous claim was in 94 on soc.culture.pakistan (The grand daddy of All Pakistan related forums). The guy who made this claim was bold and unapologetic Hindutva rascal who liked to troll that forum. His view was that Muslims never did anything positive and it was essential for him to discount any accomplishment that did not accrue to Hindus. How else can one create a basis for a narrative of hate and excuses for inhuman policies?

If someone can not see the Persian, Turkish influence in Taj Mahal, then really their bigotry makes them blind.

Yes there is significant Persian 'influence' in Taj Mahal's Indian architecture. That makes it unique (BTW Persian architecture predates Islam, and Turks were just uncivilized Barbaric nomads).

(PS. TajMahal is really very beautiful in reality, Pictures are not enough to capture its beauty)

After marrying local pricesses and making India their home for generations, how were Mughals outsiders? The stability provided by Mughals ensured that the country progressed and people prospered, barring a famine now and then (particularly in Gujrat). They were not perfect, but you are reading your biases into Mughal history. What a shame. You have a problem because of your bias.

I agree Mughals were Indian, especially from Akbar onwards(who was born and raised in India and in his later life made lot of effort to be accepted as an Indian even almost giving up Islam). But most of the Mughals were probably Opium addict Bacchabaz.
Yes there is Persian 'influence' in Taj Mahal's Indian architecture. (BTW Persian architecture predates Islam, and Turks were just uncivilized Barbaric nomads).

(PS. TajMahal is really very beautiful in reality, Pictures are not enough to capture its beauty)

Mosques are based on Zoroastrian fire temples.

Zoroastrian fire temple.

How Zoroastrian temples became Islamic mosques

iran+india-nadir shah invasion,murder,rape of thousand indian civilians= BFF
Shameless persians even show The Peacock Throne looted from india as a symbol of Persian imperial might.LOL
Do not worry,,,thousands of ppl are coming to India & are visiting Taj ,, I understand the concerns...Bad things happen everywhere,,Its just that due to our democracy nothing is hidden as such..
Enjoy not only Taj but other beautiful places too...tc

i make my plans depending on the safety, brother. India is very unsafe for women. Bad things happen to women out in public.
Mosques are based on Zoroastrian fire temples.

Zoroastrian fire temple.

How Zoroastrian temples became Islamic mosques

How Zoroastrian temples became Islamic mosques - YouTube

That beautiful blue colour is due to lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. Its use also predates Islam. e.g. Bamiyan Buddha's surroundings were decorated with it. ancient Persians used it. Pakistanis have this strange habit of using Persian architecture for fantasizing about their imaginary barbarian turkic-arab ancestors, and then bombing Shia mosques.
Symbol of Muslim oppression in India ranked 3rd in the world?? :chilli: :chilli: :coffee:
Nope... Just pointing out that on one side Indians hate Muslims and on other side love their "Musim oppression" monuments :chilli:

'Muslim oppression' means oppression of Muslims. You probably meant Hindu oppression. Right ??
This monument is neither of these. It is symbol of love.
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