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Taiwan's missile test fizzles

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Taiwan's missile test fizzles

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou has presided over the unusually public test firing of 17 surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles. But several missed their targets, earning Ma's dismay, and raising new questions about Taiwan's readiness to defend itself against Chinese attack.

Tuesday's exercise followed last week's successful test flight of China's J-20 stealth aircraft, a system expected to further widen its edge over Taiwan's own equipment-starved air force.

Ma's presence at the base in southern Taiwan where the missile test was conducted was meant to underscore his commitment to the maintenance of an effective Taiwanese deterrent. But he told reporters he was "not satisfied with the results."

Taiwan's missile test fizzles - Hindustan Times
If the Taiwanese were all that effective, the american wouldn't sell them weapons..America never sells weapons to a potent country which can rival its interests in future..in this case..China-USA economic interests are very significat. Taiwan is turning into a bad joke about democracy in China and i am sure all the Chinese are having a laugh at KMT and thumbs down to Hillary clinton for her democracy trolling.
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