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Taiwanese protest against Japan's rising militarism

The Right wingers in my country are in support of Japanese take over of Taiwan and other territories. But I am in the position that sees that kind of hostile take over as 'destabilizing' of the entire East Asia.Fortunately these right wingers are not representative of Japanese people. There are more moderate minded Japanese Nationalists such as myself.

Japan had relinquished its control of Taiwan and Korea honorably, as a requirement of the Surrender Terms in 1945. Even if Taiwan and Korea are now independent, it should be understood of the historical links Japan will have with these two entities. And in my posts prior, I tried to explain why there is such strong opinion in favor of Japan --- within the Taiwanese national body. Which is rather interesting because there is a dichotomy between PRC and Taiwan's opinion of Japan. Where the former holds mostly negative views of Japan, the latter (Taiwan) has exceedingly positive views of Japan and Japanese Government.
Thats good, the moderate minded Japanese should take control of Japan to avoid the same mistake in WW2.

anyway: TW was part of Japan in 50 years after . China can not deny it.
Taiwanese protest against Japan's rising militarism

Hundreds of Taiwanese gathered on Friday in Taipei to commemorate the 69th anniversary of Japanese surrender in the World War II, urging the Japanese government to give up its militaristic ambitions.

The one-hour rally which was staged by Taiwan's pro-unification groups, and activists defending the Diaoyu Islands, kicked off at 10 a.m. in front of the Taipei Office of Japan's Interchange Association, which represents the Japan's interests on the island.

Protesters chanted slogans urging Japan to apologize for its atrocities in the war. They also paid silent tribute, with white head bands, and bouquets of white lily and chrysanthemum, to the civilians killed during Japan's aggression.

Wu Jung-yuan, organizer of the rally and organizer of the "Cross-Strait Peace and Development Forum," said the rise of militarism in Japan has gained momentum this year as Shinzo Abe's administration attempted to abandon Japan's war-renouncing constitution and provoke territorial disputes with neighboring countries.

"On this day, 69 years ago, Emperor Hirohito announced Japan's unconditional surrender, which also marked the end of the misery the war inflicted on his own people," said Wu. "So we gather on this day also to remind the Japanese people to learn from the history, and ward off the militarist tendencies."

On Thursday, women's groups in Taiwan also demanded apologies and compensation from Japan for forcing many Taiwanese women -- known as "comfort women" -- into providing sexual services for Japanese military personnel during the war.

O cut the crap no country should give up its Military power for some bunch off ..... living in another country every country should have both good economy and military because other you can see what has happened to Gaza and Ukraine and many more such examples are there
The Right wingers in my country are in support of Japanese take over of Taiwan and other territories. But I am in the position that sees that kind of hostile take over as 'destabilizing' of the entire East Asia.Fortunately these right wingers are not representative of Japanese people. There are more moderate minded Japanese Nationalists such as myself.

Japan had relinquished its control of Taiwan and Korea honorably, as a requirement of the Surrender Terms in 1945. Even if Taiwan and Korea are now independent, it should be understood of the historical links Japan will have with these two entities. And in my posts prior, I tried to explain why there is such strong opinion in favor of Japan --- within the Taiwanese national body. Which is rather interesting because there is a dichotomy between PRC and Taiwan's opinion of Japan. Where the former holds mostly negative views of Japan, the latter (Taiwan) has exceedingly positive views of Japan and Japanese Government.
hope the Japanese right-wing grow up, So as to be more thorough, direct, solving problem , Without further delay, Waste your and our energy:azn:
Vietnam belonged to China for one thousand years,
As a vassal of China, also has one thousand years,
Give me a video to prove that, I dont trust in ur history book. And seem like stupid like u dont read ur fake book properly when it only say 'some part of North VN (not all VN)was under China control for 100 years'
The French colonial Vietnam for 90 years,
China, France, should be returned to Vietnam?
stupid monkey
Under French colony, VN territory even got bigger
hope the Japanese right-wing grow up, So as to be more thorough, direct, solving problem , Without further delay, Waste your and our energy:azn:
Most Japanese Nationalists are actually moderate minded and holistic in their analyses of the region.
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Give me a video to prove that, I dont trust in ur history book. And seem like stupid like u dont read ur fake book properly when it only say 'some part of North VN (not all VN)was under China control for 100 years'

Under French colony, VN territory even got bigger
Give me a video to prove that Vietnam was not part of China's video.
Haha, do not feel inferior to deny history.
Your name is the best proof, Annan 安南/vietnam越南,
Don't forget who gave you the name

That is not the Vietnam territory, it is Cambodia, Laos,kid
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Give me a video to prove that Vietnam was not part of China's video.
Haha, do not feel inferior to deny history.

That is not the Vietnam territory, it is Cambodia, Laos,kid
Yeah, we r not part of China now, VN is an independence nation.

Whatever, during French colony, Laos-Camb-VN was united and took some parts of Thailand, thats territories was much better than even today.
French colonial rule[edit]
The seat of the Governor-General for the whole of French Indochina was based in Saigon until the capital moved to Hanoi in 1902. Cambodia, being a constituent protectorate of French Indochina, was governed by the Résident Supérieur (Resident-General) for Cambodia, who was directly appointed by the Ministry of Marine and Colonies in Paris. The Resident-General was in turn assisted by Residents, or local governors, who were posted in all the provincial centers, such as, Battambang,Pursat, Odong, and Siem Reap. Phnom Penh, the capital, was under the direct administration of the Resident-General.
French Protectorate of Cambodia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Yeah, we r not part of China now, VN is an independence nation, idiot

Whatever, during French colony, Laos-Camb-VN was united and took some parts of Thailand, thats territories was much better than even today.
Sucker, according to the above you treat colonial attitude, why are you independent? Sucker,why do youlet the French colonial? Why the war with France

Fool, again, a French colony,itis not your vn land, it is Laos, Cambodia, Thailand territory. how manyFrenchman is Vietnamese? The French territory into you, you head there a problem?
Sucker, according to the above you treat colonial attitude, why are you independent? Sucker,why do youlet the French colonial? Why the war with France

Fool, again, a French colony,itis not your vn land, it is Laos, Cambodia, Thailand territory. how manyFrenchman is Vietnamese? The French territory into you, you head there a problem?
French just came to VN in 18th century and we kicked them out in 1954, we r independent nation now.

it is Laos, Cambodia, Thailand territory ??? I gave an idiot like u a link abt French colony time, why dont u read it first instead ??
The seat of the Governor-General for the whole of French Indochina was based in Saigon until the capital moved to Hanoi in 1902.

Source: Taiwanese protest against Japan's rising militarism | Page 3
I think Japan will be an very important force, along with the US, will defend Taiwan before an attack of communist china.
Do not forget that there are thousands of missiles from communist china that are focusing toward to Taiwan now.
I guess, just a few days back, Taiwan's executive officer, Mr. Ma, has given the answer how Taiwan feels about Japan's aggression in the past and its illegal control over the Diaoyutai today.

Taiwanese people adore the Japanese culture (although, these days, not more than they adore Korean culture), but, they are very very sensitive about the colonial past. As the generation who faced the Japanese colonization first hand dies off, Japan's position in Taiwanese mind becomes lesser -- I mean, no more special than Korea.
Taiwanese have Japanese blood?!:woot:

Then why do genetic studies show that Taiwanese Han are almost identical to Fujianese Han?

In my whole life I only met one Taiwanese Han who had a Japanese grandmother,really this is another Japanese fabrication.

You also fail to mention the militias that died defending against Japanese aggression as well as first hand accounts of Taiwanese Han that cried after their queues were cut.
Taiwanese have Japanese blood?!:woot:

Then why do genetic studies show that Taiwanese Han are almost identical to Fujianese Han?

In my whole life I only met one Taiwanese Han who had a Japanese grandmother,really this is another Japanese fabrication.

You also fail to mention the militias that died defending against Japanese aggression as well as first hand accounts of Taiwanese Han that cried after their queues were cut.

I have personally visited many fortifications around Taipei set up by the guerrilla fighting against the Japanese colonizers. Most of these structures are refurbished/remade to look exactly like how they were built some 100 years back.

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