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Taiwan voters have final opinion on China ties, say experts

Don't let old Cold war ideological rivalry derail the process. Cold war is over, it is in the past.

The reunification of China has always been the aspiration of the Chinese people. It is what matters most.

Channel News Asia - China respects Taiwan system, Xi tells Taipei ex-VP Lien
China's President Xi Jinping has told a former vice president of Taiwan that Beijing respects the island's social system and lifestyle.

BEIJING: China's President Xi Jinping on Tuesday told a former vice president of Taiwan that Beijing respects the island's social system and lifestyle, state media reported, in a sign of the steadily improving relations between the two sides.

The meeting in Beijing between Xi and Lien Chan, also an honorary chairman of Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang (KMT) party, was the latest high-level encounter between the two sides, which split in 1949 after a civil war.

Mainland China has since been ruled by the Communist Party while capitalist Taiwan has adopted democracy.

Xi "said the Chinese mainland respects the social system and lifestyle that Taiwan compatriots have chosen," Xinhua news agency reported.

He noted that the Taiwanese have their own mentality due to the island's history, and said "we completely understand how Taiwan compatriots feel".

"Family affection will help heal past wounds and sincerity will help resolve existing problems," Xi said.

"It has never changed, and will never change that we belong to one nation," he said, according to Xinhua.

The four-day visit by Lien, who arrived Monday, follows the first government-to-government talks between Taiwan and China since they split 65 years ago after a civil war won by Mao Zedong's communists.

In an apparent nod to the political sensitivities of China-Taiwan encounters, Xinhua described Xi by his party title of "general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee" rather than as state president.

Similarly Lien was described as "Kuomintang honorary chairman" and not as a former vice president of Taiwan, which Beijing still claims as part of its territory awaiting reunification.

Xi told Lien that both sides should work to remove obstacles to the peaceful development of relations.

"Regarding the long-existing political differences across the Taiwan Strait, we are willing to hold consultations with the Taiwan side on an equal basis under the One-China principle and make reasonable arrangements," Xi said.

"I believe that people on both sides have enough wisdom to figure out a solution," he said.

According to Taiwan's Central News Agency, Lien told reporters in Taipei on Monday that he was not representing any organisation or political party, nor would he convey any message to Xi from Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou.

Exactly a week ago, Wang Yu-chi, Taiwan's top official overseeing China policy, met his Chinese counterpart Zhang Zhijun in Nanjing, in a symbolic yet historic move between the former bitter rivals.

Lien became the first leader of the KMT, or Nationalist, party to visit China in 56 years when he met president Hu Jintao in 2005 to formally end hostilities with the Communists. Last year, Lien met Xi in Beijing.

Ties with China have improved markedly since Ma of the KMT -- which opposes Taiwanese independence -- became the island's president in 2008. He was re-elected in 2012 for a final four-year term.
Add some words to those who still support only one party rule China.

Without democratic supervision between multi-parties/groups, there'r more political vampires like Zhou will appear in China senior government, oneday own the power China will become 2nd USSR.

Before $ -MONEY-$, the CCP also changed their mind. The dream of one guy to save whole bad China, really childish idea !

lol, you keep believing those nonsenses from the western propaganda.

USSR didn't die from the one party system, since they got a guy like Gorbachev (pro-West & pro-Democrazy), how it cannot be destroyed?

This change is going to help China!!!

Don't let old Cold war ideological rivalry derail the process. Cold war is over, it is in the past.

The reunification of China has always been the aspiration of the Chinese people. It is what matters most.

Channel News Asia - China respects Taiwan system, Xi tells Taipei ex-VP Lien

It's OK if CCP want to respect Taiwan system and gave freedom to keep it.

But I disagree if Taiwan should do the same thing with the mainland. Mainland should officially abandon communist name and restore Confucianism.
Without democratic supervision between multi-parties/groups, there'r more political vampires like Zhou will appear in China senior government,

The corporate elites and the Wall Street bankers are the biggest vampires ever, while an individual corrupt official like Zhou is nothing compared to them.

Do you want China to get enslaved by those people above?

The western propaganda has exaggerated the corruption danger of China, a parasite like Zhou can be removed, but those powerful western corporate elites and bankers would enslave your country for eternity!!!

CPC will not leave the one-party status as long as China has not saved the humanity from these fat bankers and corporate elites.
Why are you asking such dumb question? Would the US allows Hawaii or any US's state gain independent? Why do you think there is a civil war in the US?
I only ask the question so I can learn (few people here could take that advice), keep the rude remarks to yourself.
The civil war was not just about territory.

Acquiring Territory is a government interest, hardly really the citizen's interest. SO why do you, as a citizen, care so much about owning territory that you might not get a chance to live in?
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I wouldn't call it years later. The Hainan campaign ended in April 1950, which marks the end of the liberation war. (Well, we were going to liberate Taiwan as well, but Korean war broke out.)

That's not true. The KMT left my hometown in Zhejiang in May 1950。 They also took lots of young kids with them to Taiwan.
I only ask the question so I can learn (few people here could take that advice), keep the rude remarks to yourself.
The civil war was not just about territory.

Acquiring Territory is a government interest, hardly really the citizen's interest. SO why do you, as a citizen, care so much about owning territory that you might not get a chance to live in?

Because it's about taxes. More land means more people. More people means more taxes. More taxes means stronger national industries like space exploration and bio pills. Stronger national industries improve the lives of the country's citizens.

Why doesn't Taiwan have a space program like China does? Because too little land and too little population.
That's not true. The KMT left my hometown in Zhejiang in May 1950。 They also took lots of young kids with them to Taiwan.

Erm, which city in Zhejiang are you talking about? Because Hangzhou was liberate on May 3, 1949 and Shanghai was liberated the same month. The third and second field armies managed to take the rest of Zhejiang province and the outlaying islands and were heading to Fujian by July.
Erm, which city in Zhejiang are you talking about? Because Hangzhou was liberate on May 3, 1949 and Shanghai was liberated the same month. The third and second field armies managed to take the rest of Zhejiang province and the outlaying islands and were heading to Fujian by July.

Please don't use the word "liberated." I sure don't feel like being liberated if a new civil war breaks out now between the CCP and some new party no matter how corrupted or incompetent the CCP is right now.

I am from Zhoushan Islands. The kids that were dragged to Taiwan came back to build our hometown starting in the late 1980s. I even received scholarship during my junior and senior high schools.

Honestly, I totally understand the sentiment of Taiwan people. Take myself for example, I din't go to the Mainland, i.e. Shanghai, till I was 16 years old and then at 18 I wen to Beijing for university. The Mainland was totally foreign to me. We don't even speak Mandarin in school, even in Chinese class. I still remember at my first junior high, a new history teacher that graduated from Hangzhou University, now part of Zhejiang University, tried to speak mandarin to us, and we all laughed at her. How were the kids back then supposed to feel that they and the people from, say, Tibet, Mongolia, or even Northeast, belong to the same people, except from text books?

Only more human contact and communications across the straight can bind the people together. Now due to internet and better transportation, people are feeling closer and closer and that's a good start.
Please don't use the word "liberated." I sure don't feel like being liberated if a new civil war breaks out now between the CCP and some new party no matter how corrupted or incompetent the CCP is right now.

I am from Zhoushan Islands. The kids that were dragged to Taiwan came back to build our hometown starting in the late 1980s. I even received scholarship during my junior and senior high schools.

Honestly, I totally understand the sentiment of Taiwan people. Take myself for example, I din't go to the Mainland, i.e. Shanghai, till I was 16 years old and then at 18 I wen to Beijing for university. The Mainland was totally foreign to me. We don't even speak Mandarin in school, even in Chinese class. I still remember at my first junior high, a new history teacher that graduated from Hangzhou University, now part of Zhejiang University, tried to speak mandarin to us, and we all laughed at her. How were the kids back then supposed to feel that they and the people from, say, Tibet, Mongolia, or even Northeast, belong to the same people, except from text books?

Only more human contact and communications across the straight can bind the people together. Now due to internet and better transportation, people are feeling closer and closer and that's a good start.

Hmm, one of the outlaying islands, then it is possible. Even after the Hainan campaign, armed conflict between Taiwan and Mainland would go on to last decades. Technically the war is still going on today since no cease fire has been signed.

Question, why would you laugh at someone who speak Mandarin to you? If you don't understand Mandarin, then you can correct her and ask her to speak Cantonese to you. You look the same as people who speak Mandarin, you behave the same as people who speak Mandarin, you eat, sleep and living in the city where people speaks Mandarin, I would think it is a reasonable first assumption to use Mandarin for communication.

As for Tibet, Mongolia and Northeast, they are part of Chinese culture. Zhang, Meng, Man people have different ethnicity than Han, but they are still part of the Chinese culture. China is never a mono-ethnic nation. Now we get the technicalities of whether people belong out of the way, let's talk real world situations. Frankly, for ordinary people, they don't give a crap about what history book or international medias says. They care about real and tangible living qualities for them. Take Tibet for example, prior to its integration into PRC, it has less than 100 doctor/medical personnels for health care and they primarily cater to the ruling religious caste. The GDP of Tibet area is 1/112 of what it was today. 95% of its people has no industry, education and mass transportation system to speak of and frankly, the old Tibetan law is every bit of the medieval theocracy it is. Take the 16 law from old Tibet for example:
Gee, I wonder what would the Tibet people feel about, being able to live in a modern nation or go back to live under a medieval theocracy?
The term "liberating" is used for people/government who are able to truly improve the living conditions of the people and in this sense, PRC's campaign deserve every sense of the term.
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Hmm, one of the outlaying islands, then it is possible. Even after the Hainan campaign, armed conflict between Taiwan and Mainland would go on to last decades. Technically the war is still going on today since cease fire has been signed.

Question, why would you laugh at someone who speak Mandarin to you? If you don't understand Mandarin, then you can correct her and ask her to speak Cantonese to you. You look the same as people who speak Mandarin, you behave the same as people who speak Mandarin, you eat, sleep and living in the city where people speaks Mandarin, I would think it is a reasonable first assumption to use Mandarin for communication.

As for Tibet, Mongolia and Northeast, they are part of Chinese culture. Zhang, Meng, Man people have different ethnicity than Han, but they are still part of the Chinese culture. China is never a mono-ethnic nation. Now we get the technicalities of whether people belong out of the way, let's talk real world situations. Frankly, for ordinary people, they don't give a crap about what history book or international medias says. They care about real and tangible living qualities for them. Take Tibet for example, prior to its integration into PRC, it has less than 100 doctor/medical personnels for health care and they primarily cater to the ruling religious caste. The GDP of Tibet area is 1/112 of what it was today. 95% of its people has no industry, education and mass transportation system to speak of and frankly, the old Tibetan law is every bit of the medieval theocracy it is. Take the 16 law from old Tibet for example:
Gee, I wonder what would the Tibet people feel about, being able to live in a modern nation or go back to live under a medieval theocracy?
The term "liberating" is used for people/government who are able to truly improve the living conditions of the people and in this sense, PRC's campaign deserve every sense of the term.


Liberated. 大跃进死人三千万。
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