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Taiwan Protest Draws More Than 100,000 Against China Pact

The island of Taiwan is an unsinkable air craft carrier which stands at the doorstep of east China and the littoral areas
Grap a map, wear your reading glasses to see where Taiwan is located
I have been to Taiwan. Have you ? Probably not.

The phrase 'unsinkable carrier' as called Taiwan by Douglas MacArthur was meant to be a projection of US military might into the faces of Asia's communist powers, the USSR and China. If China take over a destroyed Taiwan, what can China do with it ? Project China's military power to where ? One hundred miles off the coast ? If China decimated Taiwan in order to take it over, why not the US military can decimate it, or severely disable the PLA military installations on it, if necessary, in order to get at mainland China ?

Your shortsightedness, driven by your ego, is evident. A mostly intact Taiwan is much more valuable to China, as both an economic and military asset, than an island decimated by a war of conquest.
I have been to Taiwan. Have you ? Probably not.

I have Taiwanese friends
You dont need to go there or anywhere to know about the place and people due the the advent of frequent people to people inter-actions via business, education cultural or social communities on the net

You are so outdated still living in the 50s?

The phrase 'unsinkable carrier' as called Taiwan by Douglas MacArthur was meant to be a projection of US military might into the faces of Asia's communist powers, the USSR and China. If China take over a destroyed Taiwan, what can China do with it ? Project China's military power to where ? One hundred miles off the coast ? If China decimated Taiwan in order to take it over, why not the US military can decimate it, or severely disable the PLA military installations on it, if necessary, in order to get at mainland China ?

Unsinkable carrier has a lot of meaning military wise
It is too complicated for you simpleton to know about anything outside of cut and paste
We are not going to attack Taiwan militarily but we do not rule out the action upon these events:
1. Taiwanese declare their independence
2. outside forces have a military presence in or post a threat to Taiwan

Get it?

Your shortsightedness, driven by your ego, is evident. A mostly intact Taiwan is much more valuable to China, as both an economic and military asset, than an island decimated by a war of conquest.

I have told you how important critical thinking is and it is obvious by a long shot, you are not grapping anything of it

Get it?
China wants Taiwan land only or including the people of Taiwan?

An Invasion is foolishness if Taiwan people against it.
The number of protestors will barely fill a quarter of the Bird's Nest stadium.

100,000 my a$$ :lol:

More like less than 10,000 liberal goons protesting something they know nothing about.

We can shut down the Taiwanese economy in an instance if the CPC decided to play hardball.

You are much better getting Taiwan intact
We are not talking about some third world country
Using Taiwanese technological know how you can lessen the technological gap btw west & china very fast
I have Taiwanese friends
You dont need to go there or anywhere to know about the place and people due the the advent of frequent people to people inter-actions via business, education cultural or social communities on the net

You are so outdated still living in the 50s?

Unsinkable carrier has a lot of meaning military wise
It is too complicated for you simpleton to know about anything outside of cut and paste
We are not going to attack Taiwan militarily but we do not rule out the action upon these events:
1. Taiwanese declare their independence
2. outside forces have a military presence in or post a threat to Taiwan

Get it?

I have told you how important critical thinking is and it is obvious by a long shot, you are not grapping anything of it

Get it?
Riiiight...From a man who have never served in the military. That is like saying you should be made general because you know a lot of generals' names.
Your shortsightedness, driven by your ego, is evident. A mostly intact Taiwan is much more valuable to China, as both an economic and military asset, than an island decimated by a war of conquest.

You will have to explain to us how Taiwan's military assets will be valuable to China if it's not under PRC rule. If Taiwan is not willingly choosing for a peaceful unification there goes your so called farsightedness.
Riiiight...From a man who have never served in the military. That is like saying you should be made general because you know a lot of generals' names.

One doesnt need to personally participates in everything to acquire the skill and knowledge - like I can quote something which was not spoken by me by but your brass. I know Taiwan more than you do though I've never set foot in there, soon I will.
you may have participated in the military but are still living in thick layers of fog because you cant think and see things through

I know you have acquired the cut and paste skill - which is kindergarten.
Get it?
One doesnt need to personally participates in everything to acquire the skill and knowledge - like I can quote something which was not spoken by me by but your brass. I know Taiwan more than you do though I've never set foot in there, soon I will.
you may have participated in the military but are still living in thick layers of fog because you cant think and see things through

I know you have acquired the cut and paste skill - which is kindergarten.
Get it?
I hope the PLAAF hire you as training director. All PLAAF pilots would be certified by books. And probably open book tests. :lol:
Indians think!!

Chinese copy .... hehe ....
Hehe, I know you want to skip just one step to Western level, good dream, cruel reality.

China is fast becoming a golden Goose to the west and other countries around it...... there is a whole lot of analysis regarding this, which I will post when I have time.
Chinese are becoming rich and at the same time becoming old because of one child policy and China will become a big market at the end of this decade (Golden Goose).
All the chinese CCP policies are aimed at making China a big market to anyone who can take advantage.
As I said earlier we have better policies than what China have implemented in the past and also what china is about to implement in the near future.
All I can hope is people of India give absolute majority to any Govt. that is going to form after General elections.
Naive indian opinion, hehe!
You are much better getting Taiwan intact
We are not talking about some third world country
Using Taiwanese technological know how you can lessen the technological gap btw west & china very fast

Within 10 years Taiwan will have no technology that the Mainland does not have.

That's fast enough.
Invasion of an Island is not a problem considering the military strength of China, But again there is the US, Japan which are against Chinese moves and are determined to thwart any moves by CCP.

First of all, are you seriously talking about military actions? But the truth is, CCP just don't have to. Economic actions would be enough. Taiwan is now too tightly connected to mainland China in economy.
Within 10 years Taiwan will have no technology that the Mainland does not have.

That's fast enough.

They have tech we don't have? That pill they are taking for delusion is not that great, we don't need it they can keep that.

For a nation that can't even make its own anything in military, lol, they got no tech. I mean we are going into the new generation of single soldier equipments, starting with the Marines, and they can't even do current generation warfare right.
I hope the PLAAF hire you as training director. All PLAAF pilots would be certified by books. And probably open book tests. :lol:

I have no experience of firing a gun
Want to have a test that I can do it? Give me a loaded firearm and stand in front of the barrel wont you?

No, our soldiers are in much better hands for military training I think!
Some tasks are simple while some more complicated.
You dont need to have any military experience to stage a sound argument against what you have initiated above.

Get it?
I have no experience of firing a gun
Want to have a test that I can do it? Give me a loaded firearm and stand in front of the barrel wont you?

No, our soldiers are in much better hands for military training I think!
Some tasks are simple while some more complicated.
You dont need to have any military experience to stage a sound argument against what you have initiated above.

Get it?
Shooting a gun does not make one a soldier, which require the person to be able carry heavy load under adverse conditions over long distances on foot. Not only that, there is personal discipline, respect for and trust of authority and comrades, and basic infantry training and knowledge. None of those comes with firearms.

So much for that 'high Chinese IQ'.
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