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Taiwan Missile Can Reach Beijing: Report

I think you did not understand me. The question is, will they get to launch at all, or will the missiles be destroyed on the ground? If they launch, will it hit, given China's ABM system? If it hits, are the commanders ready to die by firing squad when they inevitably lose and are unable to escape because even the presidential plane taking off can be shot down by SAMs?

Lets be realistic any pre-emptive attack by the missiles you have pointed at taiwan will be detected by US satellites, and about the ABM system, late model S-300s or the HQ-9 copy won't stop a massive attack.
Lets be realistic any pre-emptive attack by the missiles you have pointed at taiwan will be detected by US satellites, and about the ABM system, late model S-300s or the HQ-9 copy won't stop a massive attack.

Some problems with your theory:

Detection is one thing, moving is another. Ballistic missiles across the strait take less than 10 minutes from launch to dropping on the ground. This is not nearly enough time for any realistic reaction to be made.

I also doubt the validity of their statement. If they tested a ballistic missile, our satellites will definitely have detected it. Taiwan has shown no evidence of mastering ballistic missile technology.

So it must be a cruise missile. They've shown evidence of that. Subsonic long range cruise missiles can be destroyed with AA guns alone, not even mentioning SAM, due to data transfer to future gun sites from the entire air defense network.
I simply don't see the point of this missile. Attacking military infrastructures around Beijing won't help Taiwan during a military conflict, and in this day and age using missile to terrorize civilian population is one of the quickest way one can loose international sympathy. Don't forget Beijing and Shanghai both have sizable expats population (Shanghai I think is projected to have around one million foreign residents by the end of this decade). Imagine a Taiwanese missile hitting a skyscraper and killing a thousand Western nationals.

Chen Shui-Bian certainly had this fascination with targeting civilians, before developing this missile he actually threatened Hong Kong with a short range missiles bombardment(!).
I simply don't see the point of this missile. Attacking military infrastructures around Beijing won't help Taiwan during a military conflict, and in this day and age using missile to terrorize civilian population is one of the quickest way one can loose international sympathy. Don't forget Beijing and Shanghai both have sizable expats population (Shanghai I think is projected to have around one million foreign residents by the end of this decade). Imagine a Taiwanese missile hitting a skyscraper and killing a thousand Western nationals.

Chen Shui-Bian certainly had this fascination with targeting civilians, before developing this missile he actually threatened Hong Kong with a short range missiles bombardment(!).

The point of the missile is to deter a decision of invasion from the PRC by threatening damage where it would hurt the PRC the most, its economy.

Key word here is 'deterrant', this wouldn't change the outcome of a war should China choose to reclaim Taiwan and the US doesn't act. It is made to prevent war, not win one, much like nukes are considered today.

Quite frankly in the face of a PLA invasion what would international sympathy give Taiwan? By the time this happens it seems doubtful China would back down, and global opinion has little effect on PRC policy, no one would intervene. (besides possibly the US). If the US does act I feel it would act regardless of these missiles due to geopolitical interest, much like China would act against an invasion into North Korea (though Taiwan can't be considered as politically abhorrent as NK).

In anycase if China invades, and the US doesn't act, then Taiwan has already lost, there is no reason to hold any conventional munitions back. Or it could be that Taiwan would surrender quietly, though the construction of these missiles seems to indicate otherwise. Key is are these missiles still being produced, or have they been frozen/cut?
What a useless waste of money.

If they launch first, they will 100% die.

If they launch 2nd, they won't launch at all because the missiles will be destroyed on the ground.

If they somehow successfully launch 2nd, guess what happens to their politicians? Don't forget, even their presidential plane taking off in Taipei is in range of our anti air missiles. They're not going anywhere.

They should go nuclear!
In war time, those missiles won't be reaching Beijing because they would be blasted to metal confetti by HQ-9 or HQ-19 missiles before they could reach the Chinese coast.
But what these missiles will do is cause massive damage to China infrastructure maybe even setting the economy back for years. Thus making them think twice before they attack.

Not when they are destroyed before they can take off or intercepted before they can reach the Chinese coast.
Does that mean Taiwan's missile can also reach India? Is Taiwan gonna drop some of those overhead India when mainland is having a war with India over South Tibet which is also claimed by ROC? If they are willing to do, is that a good idea for PRC to arm those missiles with some nuclear warheads?
Lets be realistic any pre-emptive attack by the missiles you have pointed at taiwan will be detected by US satellites, and about the ABM system, late model S-300s or the HQ-9 copy won't stop a massive attack.

Calling the HQ-9 a "copy" automatically reveals to me your level of knowledge on such issues, or lack thereof.
My mistake for not being clear.

MissileThreat :: Hongqi-9 (HQ-9)

It is 50% Russian tech , 40% US tech and maybe 10 % chinese tech LOL.:P

A "copy" of a S-300 that actually performs better than the S-300. Nice logic, expert.

"Incorporating" technology is different from "copying" technology. Incorporating is when you actually learn the concept behind the technology and expand your own influence on it. Think of it as learning a concept in a science subject and using it in real life. That's why the two words are different, in case you haven't noticed.

The S-300 "copy" (actually, it's an upgrade, if you had done your research) is named the HQ-10.

Better luck finding facts next time.
A "copy" of a S-300 that actually performs better than the S-300. Nice logic, expert.

"Incorporating" technology is different from "copying" technology. Incorporating is when you actually learn the concept behind the technology and expand your own influence on it. Think of it as learning a concept in a science subject and using it in real life. That's why the two words are different, in case you haven't noticed.

The S-300 "copy" (actually, it's an upgrade, if you had done your research) is named the HQ-10.

Better luck finding facts next time.

I think i was clear in my last post when i said " My mistake for not being clear" . By that I meant I had made a mistake by using the word "Copy".

Now lets get back to topic, now can you please tell me how the HQ-9 or HQ-10 is going to stop a cruse missiles flying just ten meters off the surface.
Taiwanese missiles can reach Beijing, but then the entire Chinese Armed Forces can reach Taiwan, what will happen then? US, Japan, South Korea, NATO, Australia and India will join Taiwan and 3rd world war will start?
I think i was clear in my last post when i said " My mistake for not being clear" . By that I meant I had made a mistake by using the word "Copy".

Now lets get back to topic, now can you please tell me how the HQ-9 or HQ-10 is going to stop a cruse missiles flying just ten meters off the surface.

HQ-9 and HQ-10 missiles have a slant range of over 200 km. Flight ceiling is at max 30 km. Cruise missiles are just like aircraft. They fly along at speeds comparable to that of aircraft and have similar configurations. However, unlike a fighter, a cruise missile rarely dodges and evades missiles, so intercepting one does not require such a maneuverable missile. In fact, MANPADS, PL-9 SAMs, and HQ-7s are enough to bring down cruise missiles. A cruise missile, if not stealthy, will appear as a slow moving aircraft.

If you can shoot down a P-51 Mustang with a SAM, you sure can shoot down a cruise missile.
For god's sake let them just at least fire a missile to Beijing.
The housing price here is far too high. A missile would be more effective than grandpa Wen's 'cooling' policy.
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