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Taiwan launches first-ever Submarine project to take on the Chinese Navy

i find it incredibly ridiculous that people think Taiwan can get a nuke. that will NEVER happen The world's "nuclear club" is not allowing any new members.
@Chinese-Dragon I understand what you are saying about China being able to defeat Taiwan. I dont see Taiwan being a hard military challenge for China tbh. BUT, to say you will rain shells on every inch of the island, well IMO thats a war crime and cant be legal during war. You cant lawfully wipe out the civilian population because you are at war.

Yes, Taiwan is sadly a ticking time bomb. They are in a real lose-lose.
i find it incredibly ridiculous that people think Taiwan can get a nuke. that will NEVER happen The world's "nuclear club" is not allowing any new members.
@Chinese-Dragon I understand what you are saying about China being able to defeat Taiwan. I dont see Taiwan being a hard military challenge for China tbh. BUT, to say you will rain shells on every inch of the island, well IMO thats a war crime and cant be legal during war. You cant lawfully wipe out the civilian population because you are at war.

Yes, Taiwan is sadly a ticking time bomb. They are in a real lose-lose.

Here's the thing. If this thing is going to escalate, Taiwan would play a significant role in it, because all that China wants is to maintain the current status quo and One China Policy. Now the only reason a country would consider starting a war is that it thinks it can win. Even if China would be defeated in the end, Taiwan would sure obliterated in the process. There is no gain for Taiwan to escalate this issue.
@Chinese-Dragon I understand what you are saying about China being able to defeat Taiwan. I dont see Taiwan being a hard military challenge for China tbh. BUT, to say you will rain shells on every inch of the island, well IMO thats a war crime and cant be legal during war. You cant lawfully wipe out the civilian population because you are at war.

Yes, Taiwan is sadly a ticking time bomb. They are in a real lose-lose.

I said we "could" do that, not that we would. The implication being that if we have the capability to blanket the entire island, then it would be much easier to take out all their military assets in the same fashion.

Of course, during an actual war, the military assets will be the primary targets.

As for what is lawful during war, the answer is that all questions of law and morality go out the window during wartime. As we have seen in every single war in human history.
I usually do not participate in threads like this one: "Taiwan launches first-ever Submarine project to take on the Chinese Navy."

Here are my reasons.

Firstly, Taiwan is roughly the world's 20th largest economy with a GDP of $500 billion. However, compared to China's $10 trillion GDP, Taiwan is insignificant. This means Taiwan simply does not have the resources to compete with China. Thus, I ignore Taiwan in the military sphere because its military capability and economy are a tiny speck compared to mainland China.

Secondly, Taiwan is very late in developing submarine technology. China has been building diesel-electric and nuclear submarines for decades. I think Taiwan is currently operating upgraded World War II submarines, which means Taiwan is decades behind in military technology.

Thirdly, Taiwan simply does not have the technological depth to build an advanced submarine anytime soon. Taiwan focuses on civilian technologies. Taiwan did not have the resources to research advanced steel for submarine hulls and submarine propulsion technologies.

Fourthly, Taiwan is too small geographically and economically to produce a meaningful number of submarines to make a difference.

Fifthly, Taiwan is tiny geographically and its submarine bases would likely be wiped out by missile or stealth fighter-bomber attacks.

I fail to see how Taiwan can make a dent in China's military machine. If Taiwan eventually develops its own submarines, Taiwan would be lucky if it can slow down China's PLA Navy by a few days. Strategically speaking, Taiwan lacks the capability to slow down the Chinese military juggernaut. Thus, discussing Taiwan's submarine capability seems like a waste of time.

In my opinion, the only navy currently worth discussing in comparison to the PLA Navy is the US Navy. In ten years' time, it may no longer make sense to discuss the US Navy either. With massive growth in the PLA Navy and submarine force, the US probably could no longer muster a credible deterrent in about ten years against the PLA Navy in Asia.
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