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Taiwan hails missile as 'aircraft carrier killer'

Better to do long range attacks with SSGNs, tomahawks, long range bombers, etc. That way its reassuring for the American people and politicians that they can send in the carriers. We ain't going to wait for the Chinese to succeed in conquering Taiwan, just make it harder.

Awful lot of time doing this kind of stuff. Shouldn't you be worried about if they are going to cut your food stamp or how you're going to find a job that pays above the min wage? Instead of gracing us with your presence here.
Better to do long range attacks with SSGNs, tomahawks, long range bombers, etc. That way its reassuring for the American people and politicians that they can send in the carriers. We ain't going to wait for the Chinese to succeed in conquering Taiwan, just make it harder.

Who's going to loan you (considering bad economic policies begging for more to survive) to prepare a War against China. And don't you think the same would be carried out by the Chinese Forces.

- Are you trying to convince majority of americans that it is good to go to war with China for a land that doesn't even belong to US, you think everyone in US is a dick after what Bush/Obama did to US economy and image of US?
- Are you going to collapse all economic ties with China for the sake of Taiwan and seal the deal of bankruptcy of US.
- Be sure China is not in debt of $1 Trillion China isn't in debt to anyone else to the extend that it has to set a dead line to face save from bankruptcy; I believe it is/was will remain US no?

Being delusional and hallucinating; I suggest you to re-watch Shutter Island. The one trying to be smart azz gets punk'd doh!
They have to make an advertisement for their missile. Nothing new. I learned that whatever US/Taiwan/North Korea says the capabilities of their weapons are, you have to divide it by 2 to get the real value. The IDF fighter is a typical example of a project.
The carrier isn't even intended for the Taiwan Strait scenario...
They have to make an advertisement for their missile. Nothing new. I learned that whatever US/Taiwan/North Korea says the capabilities of their weapons are, you have to divide it by 2 to get the real value. The IDF fighter is a typical example of a project.

I'm forced to think; taiwan for spending billion of dollars on carrier killers why did they not just chip-in the money into some potential fighter development program of their own to support their very weak Air Force that will only see two or Three days at the start of War, maybe satisfying themselves.
When China first aquired the SS-N-22 Sunburn from the purchase of destroyers from Russia, people at the time hailed it as "carrier killer". Looking back more than a decade later, most of us realize how naive we were.

It seems Taiwan is entering that "carrier killer" stage.
Funny that everyone is naming their missiles the "carrier killer":azn:
Ah,yes! from sea,land and air,these platforms will definetely have to go 1st.
you guys do know that in the last 3 missile exercise, even in the best exercise, 60% of the missile taiwan fired failed to hit their target, and 2 even fell straight into the water!

if taiwan is going to depend on a weapon system with 60% fail rate in the best possible pre-planned condition... GOOD LUCK!
Taiwan this time is going closer to the mainland, the warm relation will continue far further in the future. The reason Taiwan building up their military is for countering the Japanese and Vietnamese not their fellows Chinese.

Clowns who want to stir up conflicts between Taiwan and China are just doing a foolish jobs!!!
Actually, Taiwan want to make sure that if China would even consider using arm for unification, China already has lost. The only option is peaceful unification. And not necessarily with the CCP as the government. Even the type of Chinese gov can be negotiated.
Actually, Taiwan want to make sure that if China would even consider using arm for unification, China already has lost. The only option is peaceful unification. And not necessarily with the CCP as the government. Even the type of Chinese gov can be negotiated.

That's true.
Unification is a must. But we are really brothers in blood, nothing couldnot be negotiated.
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