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Taiwan developing 'carrier killer'

that is why the best choice is to make the US hesitate and hopefully, not make the strategic mistake of sending a carrier battle fleet to its death. the ball is in the US court. it can either stay out, and maybe negotiate for the lives of the corrupt politicians, or it can play it out, and we'll make a new reef in the east sea.

if the us hesitates it may be too late when they decide, if action is to be taken against PRC the US will have to move fast
3 days... i dont think so, Mainers have to land and takeout defenders hiding in the rubble(this part may take a little while) and establish defensible positions in case the US drops by, also 2 carriers doesn't mean so much(itll take longer just to sail there depending on the position of the ships), the us has to land and attack(assemble a landing force), not just air strikes and those will face the s-300/hq-9s/plaaf(other than raptors they will have to expect heavy losses) that'll be in the area anyways. and ROC's air-force will be useless very shortly in to the conflict due to missile strikes on all their airbases, air superiority can be taken by the plaaf over ROC airforce but itll cost as they do have patriot missiles and the like. alos the question of whether the US will even interveen is unanswered is it worth it to go to war against PRC(potential ww3 where everyone dies) for ROC?

so in short it'll take longer than 3 days to secure victory and itll also take longer than 3 days for the US to respond with a proper force(or at all).

No... ; The Taiwan combat simulation training right after the US arms sale was strictly 3 days. They are not even prepared to resist for 4.

No... ; It took 6 hours for the Independence to reach the Taiwan Strait from Western Pacific and 2 days for the Nimitz from the Persian Gulf. Given the US' propulsion upgrades, it'll be even faster this time.

No... ; China will get rapped by the carrier groups.
No... ; The Taiwan combat simulation training right after the US arms sale was strictly 3 days. They are not even prepared to resist for 4.

No... ; It took 6 hours for the Independence to reach the Taiwan Strait from Western Pacific and 2 days for the Nimitz from the Persian Gulf. Given the US' propulsion upgrades, it'll be even faster this time.

No... ; China will get rapped by the carrier groups.

You're kidding right? Do you know how far the Persian Gulf is from the Taiwan Strait?
Just looked it up, 3600 nm in FLIGHT distance. So in 48 hours, the Nimitz was able to cruise at 75 nauts...over the Himalayas. I can see why you have such confidence in U.S. carriers. However, do keep in mind that China has their own rappers these days, and they aren't afraid of American rappers :D
No... ; The Taiwan combat simulation training right after the US arms sale was strictly 3 days. They are not even prepared to resist for 4.

No... ; It took 6 hours for the Independence to reach the Taiwan Strait from Western Pacific and 2 days for the Nimitz from the Persian Gulf. Given the US' propulsion upgrades, it'll be even faster this time.

No... ; China will get rapped by the carrier groups.

1. give me a source

2. also source, west pacific? which part? average flight time from Taipei, Taiwan to Honolulu, HI is ~9 hours. so unless you're telling me that carriers can go faster than passenger jets (500-600 mph) even if we assume jet go in a curve path and carriers head straight for the strait that carrier is going at over 250 miles an hour.

3. i provide real life problems for those f-18 in the form of s-300 and hq-9s which when stealth is not in the equation(which the f-18 do not have) is considered some of the best anti air in the world and i admitted the raptor would probably rule but they are not carrier planes and all you can provide to the thread is "China will get rapped by the carrier groups" so u have to forgive me if i ask for proof and/or how you arrived at those conclusions.
On the topic....

Well done Taiwan..congratulations for developing the carrier killer..may all your plans come true..all the best.:tup:

lol taiwan doesn't give a s* about india at all.

its just like the stupid indians that fly the israeli flag when the jews look down at indians as ****** and *****.
Becareful whats you wish for, their "carrier killer" got a pretty good chance aiming at your carrier since they have claim more border disputes with India than PRC.:azn::partay:

but first they will overthrow ur ccp...so that will be good and reason to celebrate...after that we will see..:azn::partay:

so we still support them...:P
but first they will overthrow ur ccp...so that will be good and reason to celebrate...after that we will see..:azn::partay:

so we still support them...:P

I doubt you will support them in the long run. A re-established right-wing nationalist KMT wouldn't be nicer to India than the current PRC and would probably be more territorially aggressive.

This is the Great Chinese Territory that they trying to reclaim. It definitely includes South Tibet which is the state of Arunachal Pradesh for India.

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but first they will overthrow ur ccp...so that will be good and reason to celebrate...after that we will see..:azn::partay:

so we still support them...:P

Before you further show your poor knowledge regarding taiwan, let me tell you a true story about how taiwanese see Indians in their eyes, the local native consider Indians thats work in taiwan as "slaves", especially those illegal one, you wouldn't want to know whats Indian's working condition over there.

About a year ago, a so-called Indian investor, actually a construction contractor for supplying illegal cheap labour from India came to an agreement with a local mobster who own construction site, everything go well excecpt one day, a couple of weeks before finishing the project, the mobster brought his wife to visit the site, a few of those poor Indian workers, probably haven't been having a chance to look at a woman for a long time, were giving some sex hungry stares at the mobster's wife, after the mobster found out, three of them were burried alive in the cement, no body say anything, and life move on as usual, sad, but its hard cold facts.

PS, Illegal Indians in taiwan work 15/24hrs, 7days/wk. abuses and beating are common. Please continue your support base on the suffering of your people, kudos my friend.
nationalists have a zero percent chance of coming back. because the total population of taiwan is 1/4 the membership of CPC.

i seriously have no good impression of people from taiwan. their gangster culture and lack of business morals is infamous. i don't buy the whole "chinese don't kill chinese" thing. it's like getting rid of a cancer. when you do surgery, you kill your own cells too. but it has to be done. the nationalists sold out northeast to japan and never won a war alone, i seriously look down on them.

i would accept a nuclear attack on taiwan over nationalists coming back. 100% serious. if you have grandparents that lived under the nationalists, you will 100% agree with me.

this is from someone whose grandfather was imprisoned in the cultural revolution as well, you can imagine how bad the nationalists were if he still hates them more after that.
nationalists have a zero percent chance of coming back. because the total population of taiwan is 1/4 the membership of CPC.

i seriously have no good impression of people from taiwan. their gangster culture and lack of business morals is infamous. i don't buy the whole "chinese don't kill chinese" thing. it's like getting rid of a cancer. when you do surgery, you kill your own cells too. but it has to be done. the nationalists sold out northeast to japan and never won a war alone, i seriously look down on them.

i would accept a nuclear attack on taiwan over nationalists coming back. 100% serious. if you have grandparents that lived under the nationalists, you will 100% agree with me.

this is from someone whose grandfather was imprisoned in the cultural revolution as well, you can imagine how bad the nationalists were if he still hates them more after that.

I agree man, even my family background had connection to the nationalist in the past. My great-grandfather was also one of the close followers of Chiang Kai Shek (Jiang Jieshi). Today, many descendants of nationalists support PRC, not because they support communism, but support a strong China with prosperity. Those clowns from the pan-blue alliance forum are not the true nationalist, but just some western democrazy wh*res. They are truly a disgrace to our Motherland. They simply want to destroy and split our Motherland into a chaotic land. They don't really care about the fellow Chinese, but just care how to spread the idea of western democrazy.

Today's KMT has became a local political party in Taiwan, and it has little connection to the original KMT from China. The true natationalists understand that the existence of PRC is tied with the prosperity of "中华民族".
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But nuclear attack on Taiwan is not necessary at all. Today's PLA can easily overcome the Taiwanese army in conventional force. PS, Taiwaneses are also our brothers in blood, we cannot become some bloody kinslayers. Both nationalist and chi-communist have done so many wrong things. Now, the most important thing is to strenghten China and to fight the Western imperialist instead of killing your own brother.

The early nationalist KMT were also formed by some very patriotic people, but later they got corrupted with money and power. I think the old Chiang didn't want to become a sellout traitor, but ROC was extremely weak and backward back then. And Chiang was not a great military strategist like Mao. However, many KMT soldiers contribute a lot to defend to the Motherland against the Japanese invasion. It is true that the elite members of KMT were extremely corrupted. However the nationalist soldiers who sacrifice their life during the Anti-Japanese Campaign also deserve our respect.

Even Mao has committed a lot of mistakes during his late period, but we still consider that he has done more goods than bads which has made China united.
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